A Real-Life Danny!

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A Real-Life Danny!

Post by Lee »

Considering the number of stories that I have written about the fictional scaffolder Danny, I saw something today that was eerily similar. We have had some scaffolding up outside our office at work for several months whilst repairs have been carried out to the roof. Today, the scaffolding firm arrived to remove half of the equipment.

It was no surprise that they were very loud and noisy (why are all scaffolders so loud? lol), but one of them was based right next to the window where I work. He was standing on the platform and collecting the poles from above him before passing them down to the ground floor where his mates were waiting to collect them and load them on the lorry.

The lad outside the window was in his twenties, and it was one of the most remarkable things I think I have seen, because he simply couldn’t stand still!

He was constantly jigging from one foot to the other, crossing his legs, and occasionally drawing one foot up behind his other leg. Every so often, he very blatantly tugged at the material at the crotch of his trousers, tugging and pulling as if he was trying to free himself or reposition his underwear.

Of course, that’s all he may have been doing, but he did it so often that if it was the case, he must have been extremely ‘caught up’ down there. He had no qualms about doing it so blatantly, especially when he must have realised that he was in full view of the office staff, as well as the general public passing in the street. But combined with his constant fidgeting around and his scissoring leg movements, I felt sure that he needed to go to the toilet.

I so wanted to record a clip of him, but of course, it wasn’t possible in front of my work colleagues, as well as the fact that the lad himself would have seen. But I have rarely enjoyed around an hour of watching something like that. He did what he was doing for the entire time, without barely stopping for even a few seconds, and I suspect that he must have gripped himself several dozen times.

When they’d eventually finished, we had a team meeting, and as we were sitting around the table, I saw one of the scaffolders walk past in the corridor. With no other obvious reason to be inside the building, I can only assume that he’d come inside to use the toilet?

He was the only one I saw, but I did wonder if maybe the frantic, fidgety lad had dashed in earlier without me noticing!

How I wished I’d been the one who he might have asked if he could use the toilet? I’ve been replaying in my head ever since what he might have said, or what phrase he might have used?!!

What was amusing was that he was wearing a yellow hi-viz sleeveless jacket over his own top, and he had a pair of beige tracksuit bottoms on! Not exactly a good colour to hide any splashback or even a little leak or two!!

You do wonder what these lads doing this type of work do for toilet breaks when the urgent need arises on site?
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Re: A Real-Life Danny!

Post by Fred »

Lee, the people you write about are do exist in real life, which is why your stories are enjoyed!
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Re: A Real-Life Danny!

Post by Brian »

Lee wrote: 04 Feb 2023, 00:00 [...]
You do wonder what these lads doing this type of work do for toilet breaks when the urgent need arises on site?
I guess there's not a lot they can do while they're still up on a platform working in a team. Coming down for a wee would halt the whole operation. From your description it's clear that this real-life Danny had to hold on for much longer than he would have liked. No doubt that he did what your Danny so often does: he failed to plan ahead before they started work!

I love light coloured trackie bottoms on any guy. That view through your window for that hour (that's an awful long time for a desperate guy to have to wait!) must have been amazing.

I fully agree with Fred!
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Re: A Real-Life Danny!

Post by Lee »

I do wonder whether being desperate for a wee is a normal part of life for lads doing this type of work (and other jobs, of course). With long hours being spent outside, in very public and busy areas, and often without access to a toilet, it may well be a regular occurrence. The incident yesterday, saw real-life Danny as a cog in the wheel of a human conveyor, constantly receiving equipment from above and passing it down to his colleagues below, and Brian’s comments about the whole operation grinding to a halt if he’d left his post is absolutely accurate.

So maybe they just accept that when they need to ‘go’, they just have to hold on for a long, long time until the operation is finished.

And then, one day… one of them just can’t last out…!! 😉
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Re: A Real-Life Danny!

Post by Fred »

What I have gleaned from past friends who have worked in the construction field (mostly without revealing my fetish) is that although (in the US) laws require toilets or portapotties at every site, they are not always present or are placed inconveniently, and there are occasions, especially with those with a coffee habit, where workers are holding a full bladder before they can find relief. Sometimes they are pressured to complete a task before they can take a break. Good bladder control makes a good worker.

Working at or in a private home, workers are often instructed to never ask to use a client's toilet and never to pee on the premises. I've had several instances over the years where I was either asked to use my bathroom or a worker peed furtively in the bushes. While some can proudly hold it until lunch break, moving to a different client or until quitting time, I've seen "the dance" when a workers is trying to hold it in. Sometimes rather arousing!
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Re: A Real-Life Danny!

Post by briefs »

I've often wondered how scaffolders and builders manage their toilet needs.
I'd bet that they spend a good proportion of their working lives in need of a toilet!
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Re: A Real-Life Danny!

Post by Fred »

briefs wrote: 04 Feb 2023, 13:52 I've often wondered how scaffolders and builders manage their toilet needs.
I'd bet that they spend a good proportion of their working lives in need of a toilet!
Generally, most of them don't work much more than four hours without a break, and assuming that there is a toilet available then, four hours is not much of a challenge to the average bladder. Of course, if there's no toilet and/or they've been swilling coffee, that's a challenge!
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Re: A Real-Life Danny!

Post by briefs »

That certainly would be a challenge!
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Re: A Real-Life Danny!

Post by Fred »

briefs wrote: 04 Feb 2023, 19:08 That certainly would be a challenge!
About 15 years ago, a local builder constructed several houses in my immediate rural neighborhood (three of them on lots I sold him), and he didn't bother with portapotties. His crew were all male, so the men simply peed in the surrounding woods. On Friday afternoons they customarily broke out the beer, and I customarily joined them. They peed anywhere that was out of sight from the road. When I built my new house, my landscaper had one close call, which I have described on this site, when he was so desperate that he peed on the newly-seeded lawn - and had to return the next day to repair the damage.

In an urban setting, peeing in the bushes isn't usually an option, and there are fewer public rest rooms nowadays, and it seems to be common for contractors to have pee bottles in their vans/trucks.
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Re: A Real-Life Danny!

Post by Wombat48 »

What an amazing sighting! I'm very jealous lol
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