Desperation on Public Transport

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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by cutsleeve »

pretty small tea then not like the liter or more cups of iced tea you get at fast food places. cool you had to go badly but guessing you were not as desperate as your friend was to go. did you go as long as he did then or were you pretty close? how did you like feeling it in your bladder?
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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by Fred »

cutsleeve wrote: 15 Nov 2021, 23:42 pretty small tea then not like the liter or more cups of iced tea you get at fast food places. cool you had to go badly but guessing you were not as desperate as your friend was to go. did you go as long as he did then or were you pretty close? how did you like feeling it in your bladder?
In the US, sometimes more is considered better. Fast food places and movie theaters often offer huge drinks, much more than a typical bladder can hold, and I wonder if the management has a secret reason. ;-) Energy drinks, which stimulate more than just the brain :!: , started off in small (like 6-ounce) cans, but I've seen them in a 24-ounce size. Some restaurants will refill your coffee cup an unlimited number of times for free.
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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by cutsleeve »

yes, think the movie theater people want the young men busting for a piss bad as they are watching the show. many will hold it just fine as they have gotten used to holding in many situations. they want to impress their friends holding, or impress a date with their holding so they don't leave their date alone. or they don't want to miss any of the movies. the theaters charge insane prices and the pop costs them very little so they give you a huge pop so you don't feel you are getting ripped off so bad. coffee costs very little to make so the restaurants make you like going thereby offering you the freebie of free refills of coffee.
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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by Brian »

I've just got in from my late evening shift on the buses and have the following minor incident to relate.

My final trip was a journey which takes about 50 minutes and runs from one major city to another (I won't go into specifics because I can be identified!). It was quite busy with lots of young people going home after a night out. About twenty minutes into the journey I pulled into a bus station where lots of people were waiting to get in but no-one in the quite crowded bus had pressed the stop button indicating that they wanted to get out. I had my hands full with people getting in but noticed in my interior mirror that a young man had stood up at the back and was coming forward. This happens sometimes - people don't bother to press the stop button - so I opened the back doors. But the lad walked past the doors and carried on to the front fighting his way through the stream of people who had just boarded and were walking back.

He called out over the people: (I translate) "Can I go and piss?"

I ignored it and carried on dealing with the boarding passengers. He came further up to me and repeated "Can I just go and piss?"

He was around 20-25, attractive looking, wearing a grey sweatshirt and khaki camouflage patterned trousers.

I muttered back "you'll have to take the next bus" while continuing to process everyone getting in.

He either didn't hear or couldn't accept my answer, because he said "I can go and piss, then?"

I don't really know what he was intending to do. There were no public toilets there. I suppose he was going to run round out of sight somewhere and let it go there. But there was no way I was waiting. It's always a struggle to run on time with these late evening buses. I couldn't wait there with a bus full of people all wanting to get home as quickly as possible. "Then you'll be taking the next bus because I'm leaving now," I said. The next bus on that line would run a full half hour later.

He looked discomfited, said "Oh", and walked back to the very back of the bus to return to his group of friends. I shut the doors and set off.

He had to wait thirty more minutes. I could see him clearly in the interior mirror because he was in the middle of the long seat right at the back. First of all he sort of had his knees up on the seat to one side, and later he had his hands in between his legs. All the time I could see a pained expression on his face. I was a bit worried that if he couldn't wait any longer he might just whip it out and piss in the bus, especially because a long stretch of the journey was motorway with no stopping. But he held on all the way to the end point. What he did then I don't know: the last stop where he got out had no toilets around either. And it was right in the city centre with plenty of police around. Anyway, I guess he learned from this experience that you really do need to empty your bladder before getting on a late night bus!
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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by Fred »

That fellow would have been exciting to watch! Too bad you had to drive the bus and not keep looking his way. This does demonstrate, however, that a young man can usually hold his bladder longer than he thinks he can.
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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by ryan1990 »

Great story - and as Fred pints out shows that young guys who appear desperate will almost always be able to hold on despite what some people on this site would like to believe!
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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by FranticK »

ryan1990 wrote: 24 Oct 2022, 22:24 Great story - and as Fred pints out shows that young guys who appear desperate will almost always be able to hold on despite what some people on this site would like to believe!
I agree Ryan, but I also believe that the key word in your sentence is “almost”, which is what gets so many young guys into trouble.

Many young guys have never had a true accident as an adult and that can lead to a feeling of invincibility, which leads to bad decisions like getting on public transportation with a full bladder and a few recently consumed beers that are about to make it even fuller.

I’ve heard so many people say things like “I don’t think I’m even capable of truly losing control”, which I generally believe is another way of saying “I’ve never experienced such severe desperation that I lost control”. It doesn’t matter who you are or how tough/strong you are, you will have an accident if you need to pee badly enough. It doesn’t matter if you clench every muscle, stomp your feet, or physically squeeze yourself shut, you will eventually wet your pants regardless of who is around to see it.

It can be hard for a young guy to admit any weakness, but the feeling of invincibility disappears immediately when the pressure in your bladder becomes so severe that you leak for the first time. Once that happens, there’s no denying the reality that you are experiencing the early stages of a public pee accident, and you WILL pee your pants if you can’t find a suitable place to go in the next 5-10 minutes. You are going to go to the bathroom very soon, it’s just a question of whether or not you will be doing it while clothed.
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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by Jamester81 »

The perks of being a bus driver! I love seeing lads in this situation.

A young man got off my bus last week, I saw him in the mirror adjusting his stance from one foot to the other, muttering "I'm gonna piss myself"
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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by Fred »

The penalties for DWI can be severe, so for thousands of lads out drinking, public transport is the way to get home. Our bus driving members have related a number of times when they've had passengers obviously bursting for a piss, but odds are there have been many more who have been able to conceal their urgent need. I wish I had x-ray glasses that would allow me to see how full these bladders are!
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Re: Desperation on Public Transport

Post by Brian »

@Jamester81 That's quite an incident! Do you know any other details? For example, do you think he may have had to get off the bus too soon? Also, any idea how long he'd been in the bus for?

@Fred Yes, I bet there are plenty more we don't see as drivers. That's borne out by the fact that I have seen about the same number of obviously desperate guys in buses when I've been a passenger as when I've been driving, even though I only occasionally use public transport as a customer.
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