I wondered why he didn't get up and leave, as I said he had a whole 30 agonizing minutes of class left. I thought he could've been a freshman and didn't realize most college classes just let you go whenever, but he didn't raise his hand to ask the professor either. Instead he fought through the whole class, the whole routine I described. In the last few minutes I heard his pencil lead snap three times in a row, he was absolutely on edge.
Of course I pack my things as he does and trail behind him, I can't help myself. But strangely enough... he didn't go to a restroom! I decided to head for my next class, trailing the guy as long as he was taking the same path as me. He still looked pretty desperate, hunched over every so slightly and legs close together. We finally hit a crossroads, no idea where he went from there.
My best guess would be bathroom anxiety, the way he didn't bother going to a restroom would almost have me believe he wasn't even desperate- but how else would you explain all that! He was clearly bursting yet never took any chance to relieve himself, despite all the school buildings with restrooms on every floor. Another theory is he had another class he didn't want to be late for- if you have classes back to back here you only have ten minutes to haul yourself across campus. Either way, I think all of that totally fried my brain, I'm still recovering (those shorts did something to me).