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Posted: 25 Aug 2022, 18:09
by briefs
Hi all, just thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm a 49 year old gay man, travel all around the UK, based in S Wales.

I know I'm probably older than many people would appreciate, but I'm wondering if there would be anybody who'd be willing to chat, and hopefully meet, in order to put me in desperate situations?

This could involve handcuffs, a car journey after a trip to the pub, or anything else your evil mind might think of::::)

Something I've never been brave enough to do is to go on the London Underground after a few beers, but if anyone here would want to see that, I'd try it!

Anyway, thanks for reading, get in touch if interested, or if you have any ideas for any situations I could try!

Re: Introduction/help

Posted: 25 Aug 2022, 21:48
by ebijoe
My mind is racing with ideas…

Tight jeans. Belt that can’t easily be undone. A few pints. A long journey on the tube. A delay due to someone on the tracks…

Re: Introduction/help

Posted: 26 Aug 2022, 07:29
by briefs
Well, if you'd like to help put me in a situation like that....obviously you can't organise trespassers on the tracks haha