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Walking like a div!!

Posted: 13 Nov 2017, 20:53
by Sean
Heard a great line the other day - I randomly pitched up from work one day at a mainline station in London that I walk home from, and realised that there had been a big rugby match, and that the dregs of the fans were turning up home after a 20-40 minute train journey from the grounds/pubs - nice!

If you’re not from UK, a div, or divvy, is a fairly general term of abuse, meaning someone who is not very intelligent. From Google dictionary “a stupid or foolish person”.

A couple of blokes cane out of the station, one of them obviously in dire straits, he had his hands down the front of his jeans, obviously clasping his dick shut, and obviously couldn’t let go (without flooding his jeans 😜).

They were both in their early thirties, typical rugby build, dressed in smart casual wear.

The one I was particularly interested in (I think you know which one!)was in blue jeans, trainers, shirt and hoodie.

He wanted to go straight to a railway tunnel next to the station for a piss, but his pal had seen the sign for the toilets, and wanted to go there instead. Bursting guy said, “no, I can’t make it”, but his friend was insistent. Bursting guy said “I can’t, look at me, I’m walking like a div!!”. He was really cross, and shouted this line out so violently.

For some reason though, he followed his pal to the toilets - which I knew were shut at this time. Obviously, I followed them too!!

On finding the bogs shut, and one bloke already pissing in the doorway, our hero said “I’m pissing where he is”, and shoved himself in with the already pissing bloke to let loose a much needed stream - only to be chased away by a rail employee, who sent them to the (still open) urinal. His relief on getting their was amazing - unfortunately I couldn’t see if/how much he’d wet his jeans, just enjoyed standing next to a bloke who had several pints to let go, and couldn’t contain his sighs and groans at the relief of it all!!

So, a good random sighting for me!!

I loved how cross he was when he shouted “I’m walking like a div!!”.

Re: Walking like a div!!

Posted: 13 Nov 2017, 22:28
by Fred
A 20 - 40 minute train trip is plenty of time for a beer drinker's bladder to reach the overfull stage, and you were in the right place at the right time! A great sighting!

Re: Walking like a div!!

Posted: 13 Nov 2017, 23:42
by Brian
Mind blowing!

I haven't heard the expression before, but from now I will always think of a "div" as a guy who has got so desperate for a leak that he can't release his grip down his jeans without flooding them.

His anger with his friend is interesting, as is the fact that he finally obeyed him and went to the (closed) toilets. I wonder what had gone on between them in the train beforehand with desperate guy having to hold on until they arrived, too.

Re: Walking like a div!!

Posted: 14 Nov 2017, 02:50
by burstingguys
Incredible sighting!

Re: Walking like a div!!

Posted: 14 Nov 2017, 06:52
by Wombat48
Waterloo station by any chance?