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Nurses, bladder scanning machines, and holding

Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 07:12
by BottleBlaze
I just encountered this Reddit post. Nurses talking about how they sometimes use the bladder volume scanning machine to see how high of a score they can get! Volume measured in mL

As a game, during downtime used
to drink a bunch of soda, courtesy of the hospital, then see how high could get my bladder scan number. A little while ago I realized they only measure up to 999, so guess the game is over.

Misc. example comments below


Grab a hat (or a urinal- i don't know your flavor) and measure actual output to up your game.


This is what we did one night. Turned in to who could have the highest single output. Then it was who could have the highest output over the shift. Man, things used to be fun


Oh god! I did this one night and got to a little bit over 1500. That was un-fucking-comfortable.


That must've been so much relief to pee.


At first I couldn’t tell if I was peeing or cumming.


My buddy and I used to do this on nightshifts. That was a lifetime ago. I miss that fun.


Re: Nurses, bladder scanning machines, and holding

Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 10:31
by Fred
A few years ago there was a post from a male nurse - he and another male nurse would routinely scan their bladders at the end of a shift and always hit the >999 mL mark.