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Decision Making

Posted: 02 Feb 2021, 18:40
by Fred
A post here made me think about one characteristic of young men, their occasional poor decisions. In real life I've seen situations where someone had ready access to a toilet and should have used it, but either by conscious choice or thoughtlessness, didn't pee and became desperate afterwards.

A quick example that I've previously posted: My neighbor made the 3-minute drive to my house to borrow something. We were standing in the driveway and he was here no more than five minutes when he suddenly said, "Gotta pee," and went over to pee at the edge of the lawn. (This is a common practice around here.) It was a substantial pee, over 30 seconds. Instead of peeing before he left his house he chose to hold it, and I wonder why.

Surely you have observed fellows who elected not to pee when there were easy opportunities to do so.

Re: Decision Making

Posted: 02 Feb 2021, 19:22
by Brian
Yes, I've noticed it so many times, and indeed always with younger men.

An incident, one of many, which I can remember is at the start of the 1990s when I lived in England I was part of a group of young people (we were an amateur acting group) and we had been on an outing in Blackpool and were in the middle of our return journey by coach back to Birmingham. As the coach pulled away from the service area where we'd had a short break in the journey, one of the young guys announced loudly, and not at all in a joking tone, "Oh... I should have peed!" Someone else said "It's too late now" and there was a general chorus of "too late now, too late now..." among the others. And of course I thought, but didn't say, "why on Earth didn't you pee?" Could it have been simply not thinking, was he too busy talking to other people? I don't know.

As far as I know he held it alright until the next opportunity, by the way.

Re: Decision Making

Posted: 02 Feb 2021, 19:35
by Wombat48
I think it is something that typifies younger males- however as a desperation lover, who has a great appreciation of the younger male- Iā€™m not complaining!!! šŸ˜ƒ