More Tips for Holding It

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More Tips for Holding It

Post by Fred » ... 262674.cms

How to hold your pee (Bladder basics)

You are in a very important meeting, the AC is killing, it's your presentation next and your bladder's demanding a release .
Or. You may be you are on a street, grocery shopping! Having to hold in pee may be difficult or unpleasant. But if you are without acceptable facilities, privacy, time, or opportunity, here's how to cope.

Close your urethra: Most people do this automatically when a slight urge to pee is first felt. As the urge to pee grows, tensing unnecessary muscles can waste effort and may make the problem worse. Focus instead on isolating and squeezing muscles surrounding the urethra while allowing other muscles to relax on their own.

Reposition your body: The way you position your body can help you tighten the muscles around your bladder, and make you feel like holding it is more possible. Don't press the lower part of your stomach, at all. It will put more pressure on your bladder.

Cross your legs when standing: Don't cross your legs when sitting. Doing this can result in pain or possible loss of bladder control.

Opening your legs as wide as you can will help you hold it longer. You may feel like you are about to lose control, but if you let that feeling pass (which usually takes about 20 seconds), you will be able to hold it much longer.

Sit upright but relaxed: Don't "slouch". Raise your upper-body and allow your back to arch, taking pressure off your bladder, but do not "stretch" your abdomen as this will add pressure. Relax your abdomen. Do not lean forward, pull the front of your pelvis up, or squeeze your abdomen inward.

Stay warm. If you can, then make yourself as warm as you can by covering up with blankets, turning up the heater, or curling your body closer together. Here's the logic: Your body has to spend energy to keep the urine in your bladder at body temperature. If you're in a cold area, your body will want to conserve the heat it can generate and not spend it on a bladder full of waste.

Avoid jarring or shaking your body: Avoid changing positions too suddenly, and tense, abrupt, or sudden movement. Remain smooth and natural.

Minimize drinking anything while you need to pee. But drink enough to maintain normal hydration, avoid anything unnecessary. Drink when you are actually thirsty, don't drink a beverage 'just because it's there.'

Think of a distraction: Avoid any thoughts about letting out pee. Do not think of anything that may make you want to pee more.

Know that you cannot actually 'burst' your bladder. Your body's reflexes will prevent serious injury. So long as you are still able to 'hold-back,' your bladder is not in serious danger. Feeling like you're going to 'explode,' or in some other way hurt yourself, is an illusion.

Don't think that 'letting a little bit out' will help. It won't. 'Letting a little bit out' is impossible - your bladder won't stop.
Don't laugh or think about anything funny. Laughing might cause you to contract muscles (such as your diaphragm) that'll put more pressure on your bladder.
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