In the News

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Re: In the News

Post by Fred »

Google translation:

Military police officer urinates on his uniform
Military police officer urinates on his uniform (Photo: Reproduction)

A military police officer identified only as Theodoro urinated on his uniform while patrolling the Penha viaduct, in the North Zone of Rio.

According to information from the police officer himself, the command of the unit responsible for policing in the region did not authorize him to leave the place without the surrender arriving.

“I'm here on the way down the Penha viaduct, all urinated. It's not your colleagues' fault. It's because they don't want to release, only with surrender. I’m all pissed,” he said.

In a statement, the Military Police reported that a team was sent to take the officer to the bathroom, but that the officer was unable to hold out until his colleagues arrived. An internal procedure was launched to investigate the case.
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Re: In the News

Post by Fred »

From other reports, I guess it's not unusual in the military for a guard to be unable to hold his pee until his "relief man" arrives.
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Re: In the News

Post by Lee »

I’d love to see the content of the internal investigation!!
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Re: In the News

Post by zsrh2002 »

In time for the Olympics:

Team USA swimmers reveal one ‘foul’ habit they all do in the pool: ‘That’s just how it goes’ ... 385e&ei=11
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Re: In the News

Post by googlism2008 »

zsrh2002 wrote: 27 Jul 2024, 04:21 In time for the Olympics:

Team USA swimmers reveal one ‘foul’ habit they all do in the pool: ‘That’s just how it goes’ ... 385e&ei=11
As expected, there's isn't a lot of details, but the following statement is intriguing.
Zach Harting, who competed for the US at the Tokyo Olympics, told the Wall Street Journal that it was the tightness of his polyester bottoms that first made him turn to the aqua loo.
The WSJ article is paywalled, but I don't think there will be much more details.

In some photos of competitive swimmers, it looks like the waistband is positioned low - directly above the bladder. And they wear their swimming trunks very tight. Surely this exerts a lot of pressure. Together with their hydration needs, they will need to pee often.

Some years back, many Olympic swimmers wore full body one-piece suits, until such gear was banned. When wearing this kind of swimwear, I'm pretty sure these people will just pee in the pool until the end of their training.
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Re: In the News

Post by bradelzs »

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Re: In the News

Post by Brian »

Great account of an airline passenger not allowed to use the plane's toilet. If I understand it right he had drunk "two really big beers" (his words) before boarding and was allowed to pee in the toilet with the plane still on the ground and actually delayed takeoff by doing so. Then, with full knowledge that the toilet was actually inoperable, he had another drink after takeoff and then couldn't last out for the one hour flight. It doesn't sound like he had much understanding of the consequences of continuing to have drinks when you cannot go to the toilet in the coming time.
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Re: In the News

Post by Fred »

Hopefully, everyone who frequently drinks more than one beer knows how his urinary system handles it. If he had not had another after takeoff, he probably could have held it until they landed. Either he assumed he could still use the plane's toilet or he was overconfident about his ability to hold his bladder. Maybe he was preparing for a good story to publish! ;-)
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