Interesting Sighting

An area to discuss sightings and other observations. No sexual references please, there is the Stronger Interests section for that.
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Interesting Sighting

Post by Wombat48 »

Was driving to Devon on Monday- had to stop at a Service station was stood outside having a cigarette- car pulled up 2 very handsome lads in suits got out smoked chatted for ages very relaxed etc- then one headed towards the main building- I needed to pee so followed him into the Gents- was able to stand near to him and noticed he pissed a fairly gushing stream for what must have been about 2 minutes!!!!! He seemed very relaxed during the whomtvle time that I saw him- I know my bladder is big but if I had pissed that amount I would have been absolutely frantically desperate! How big must his bladder have been???? :)
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Re: Interesting Sighting

Post by Brian »

Yes, some guys do seem to have huge capacity, don't they?

Still, do you think possibly his relaxed chat with the other guy outside might have been "forced" nonchalence? Maybe he was actually very desperate - as witnessed by how much you saw him pee afterwards, but he did not want to appear to be in any hurry with his colleague (?) present too?

Nice sighting anyway. :D
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Re: Interesting Sighting

Post by Wombat48 »

Yeah maybe!!! Glad I got to see it anyway!!! ;-)
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Re: Interesting Sighting

Post by Fred »

A sighting like that motivates all sorts of speculation, and it's the kind of thing that fascinates me. Brian could well be correct. He also could be someone who enjoys the sensations from a full bladder, and he was prolonging the experience as long as possible.
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Re: Interesting Sighting

Post by Adrian6970 »

He must have been frantic. My guess is that he'd not done a wee for ages. I had a similar experience with a lycra clad cyclist in the public toilets in a country town near me one Sunday morning a couple of years ago. He was weeing for England and I thought he was never going to stop. Half an hour later or so I spotted him outside a local coffee shop, busy refilling his bladder!
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Re: Interesting Sighting

Post by Def123 »

I remember seeing two young guys in camouflage uniforms taking a piss at a service station a while ago. They came in together and started peeing next to each other at about the same time as me, chatting away perfectly normally.

One guy finished his piss and when to wash his hands, still chatting away to his mate. As I was leaving I walked back past the second guy who I noticed was still pissing really hard into the trough. His friend obviously noticed at the same time and did a sort of double take looking at the guys dick and said "Are you still going?!" the second guy replied "Oh yeah, I fucking needed this!" Obviously he'd not been giving off any signals about being desperate for a piss!
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Re: Interesting Sighting

Post by Fred »

All the dancing and clutching we see in staged "desperation" videos rarely happens in real life. While some men may fidget a bit, do furtive adjustments or show some discomfort, many hold their bladders without giving obvious clues that they really need to pee - at least until the situation becomes critical. Some just have very large bladders, and others may be very full but have iron control. My favorite people, of course, have neither. :twisted:
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Re: Interesting Sighting

Post by Def123 »

Very true!

Now that you mention it, I've often found (in a group situation) that as soon as one person broaches the subject of needing a piss, that gives everyone else 'permission' to discuss it openly. Numerous times I can remember someone 'cracking' and then everyone else admitting to needing a piss too when there were no signs before hand.
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Re: Interesting Sighting

Post by Tytn »

Some years ago I stopped at some services on the M6 near Manchester. I needed the loo anyway, and used the garage and found that they had a power problem and the lights were out. Before the workmen have a chance I used the loo, and used my phone torch as a light source. He took umbrage at the fact that he was there working and closed the toilets off completely.

Almost immediately or a 4x4 turned up, and two guys, late teens early 20s poured out and ran in. They soon found a facility blocked off, but the person they were with refused to let them go to the main services at all and they had to stick around and wait for the toilet to be fixed. I got quite an impressive show from them. Crossing of legs, half squatting then straightening, repeated grabs of the crotch, those brief squeezes then almost immediately returning for a long hold before releasing their hand, straightening all the way out and grabbing their leg instead.

There was some problem with them going to the main services, in that apparently they couldn't be trusted to behave themselves and not buy more junk food. It was a heated argument about going on to the next services, and those would be more appropriate for them.

Neither of them would agree, until both finally ran over to the truck pumps and the hedge by the trucks.

In my rearview mirror on the nearside I got an impressive view of not only their strong and continuous waterfall, thick and powerful stream, but they were also so pleased to be standing there and letting it out, that they both let go with their hands, and leaned back, letting their own body angle and aim. It took them both well over a minute. I knew the previous services have been shot for renovation, and there had also been roadworks slowing the motorway down. Imagine if they had been desperate at the first services, but had to carry on, then hit the 40 miles an hour speed limit with cameras when they desperately want to be doing 70 or above to get to the next one, only to find it also closed and they had restrictions. I also noticed that they were so pleased to be relieving themselves, they had tears in their eyes.
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Re: Interesting Sighting

Post by Tytn »

Apologies to Wombat for usurping his thread :oops: :oops: :roll: :o
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