Briefer Sightings

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Briefer Sightings

Post by burstingguys »

Living in NYC the lack of public facilities leads to semi-frequent desperation and public urination sightings. Though enjoyable I do find it hard to get the time to write down some of my better sightings and wanted to start a thread for those shorter, briefer things that i'm sure many of us see but that aren't' quite enough to put into a full story or post. Anyone else interested in reading these kind of short notes on desperate guys finding relief (or not as the case may be)?

Couple of recent examples:

1. Super cute husky bearded bear gushing urgently behind some trash bins just off of Times Square. He had his head down and seemed a bit embarrassed but very relieved.

2. I was catching a train in midtown back to my apt pretty late when the trains only come every 30 mins or so and noticed this attractive couple (guy in a suit with GF in tow) walking anxiously past me to the end of the platform. He was unbuckling his belt as he walked and had that so-close-to-losing-control energy as he strode into the corner. Standing just a few feet away I was delighted when his GF threw her coat on him and started her business leaving him pacing frantically, belt undone, unable to stand still. Somehow he made it and hosed down the tiles for at least a minute or so.
Last edited by burstingguys on 03 Mar 2017, 01:08, edited 1 time in total.
"I gotta get in there man!"
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by burstingguys »

Also an older one of the same sort rescued from the old board:

Trains are really fantastic places for desperation sighting. I recall a few summers ago seeing a handsome businessman disgrace himself after waiting 15 mins for a broken toilet to open up (someone had removed the sign!). The stages of desperation as he went from seeming slightly nervous, crossing his legs, knocking, gripping himself through his pocked and knocking loudly again to outright panic as his bladder began to empty itself in the middle of the aisle was an intensely memorable sight. Luckily for him he was wearing dark pants and as soon as he realized he was having an accident he blushed, moved his legs apart and quickly put his briefcase in front of his crotch to conceal the situation. The hissing spattering sound and large pool of liquid at his feet was a bit of a giveaway however and he made for the next car as soon as he had finished his relief.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Brian »

I guess most of us have seen such fleeting incidents. That guy with the briefcase having an accident while waiting outside a toilet for 15 minutes is in a more major category than anything I've ever seen though.

Some time back I was coming home in the car by myself along a motorway/freeway on what would normally be a quiet Sunday afternoon when the traffic unexpectedly came to a halt. With three stationary lanes of traffic and no sign of any movement, I realised too late that it was the day of a major music festival further up this same road. All the vehicles seemed to be full of high-spirited young people on their way to that festival. If I'd thought about that before, I would have taken the smaller roads. But the resulting sightings of desperate young guys every now and then furtively and illegally getting out of cars and running to the verge where they let loose for a long time compensated the extra hour I had to sit there before being able to leave at the next exit. (The hordes of festival-goers remained on the motorway, presumably with ever-more-desperate guys trying to hold on.)

The vehicle in front of mine was a small car with four young people in it. At one point, after we had sat there for half an hour, the back door opened and two 20-25 year-old males both got out. They glanced at me, observed I was a male by myself in the car, and then rather than run to the verge as others had done they simply relieved themselves for a long time on the ground between my vehicle and theirs, with the bonnet of my car shielding them from more general view.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Lee »

burstingguys wrote:Also an older one of the same sort rescued from the old board:

Trains are really fantastic places for desperation sighting. I recall a few summers ago seeing a handsome businessman disgrace himself after waiting 15 mins for a broken toilet to open up (someone had removed the sign!). The stages of desperation as he went from seeming slightly nervous, crossing his legs, knocking, gripping himself through his pocked and knocking loudly again to outright panic as his bladder began to empty itself in the middle of the aisle was an intensely memorable sight. Luckily for him he was wearing dark pants and as soon as he realized he was having an accident he blushed, moved his legs apart and quickly put his briefcase in front of his crotch to conceal the situation. The hissing spattering sound and large pool of liquid at his feet was a bit of a giveaway however and he made for the next car as soon as he had finished his relief.
Wow, that is utterly astounding!
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Fred »

Just a very mild sighting yesterday at the airport as I was coming home. I went into a men's room for a pee, and it was momentarily empty. Just as I started, a young man in his early twenties rather briskly came in, and rather than use a urinal he went into a stall. Almost at once he began a very loud pee, clearly full-force, and hearing it I checked my watch to time it. I was done with my pee at at the sink when he ended, almost exactly a full minute, and when he came out he smiled at me. Others had entered by this time, but I did risk commenting, "Impressive!" and he gave me a big, prideful grin. I'd be proud if I had held all of that and let it out with such force! I suspect he used the stall just for the loud, thundering effect.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Lee »

An amusing incident a couple of weeks back which would have aroused no interest whatsoever to anyone without an 'interest'. I went into a mini supermarket to buy a sandwich and the shop was deserted, other than a male assistant standing behind the counter and another guy not far away, stock-taking or putting something on the shelving. Whilst I was looking at the sandwiches, a fairly loud and slightly comical exchange took place between the two of them (both around early to mid twenties), along the following lines:

(Counter lad) "Come on, I've been on here two hours"
(Shop Floor lad) "I'm the boss, I'll say when you can go"

CL: "I'm as qualified to be boss as you are"
SF: "I'm still in charge, though"
CL: "Well you'll need a mop and bucket here soon"
SF: "If it's a mop and bucket job, it'll be on your appraisal"
CL: "It will be, I'm dribbling here"
SF: "You just have to wait until I say yes"
CL: "I'll just do it in my pants then, shall I?"

I have to say he didn't look in desperate straits when I paid for my sandwich and it was all said in a fairly light-hearted manner, but I enjoyed it!
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Fred »

Lee wrote:An amusing incident a couple of weeks back which would have aroused no interest whatsoever to anyone without an 'interest'. I went into a mini supermarket to buy a sandwich and the shop was deserted, other than a male assistant standing behind the counter and another guy not far away, stock-taking or putting something on the shelving. Whilst I was looking at the sandwiches, a fairly loud and slightly comical exchange took place between the two of them (both around early to mid twenties), along the following lines:

(Counter lad) "Come on, I've been on here two hours"
(Shop Floor lad) "I'm the boss, I'll say when you can go"

CL: "I'm as qualified to be boss as you are"
SF: "I'm still in charge, though"
CL: "Well you'll need a mop and bucket here soon"
SF: "If it's a mop and bucket job, it'll be on your appraisal"
CL: "It will be, I'm dribbling here"
SF: "You just have to wait until I say yes"
CL: "I'll just do it in my pants then, shall I?"

I have to say he didn't look in desperate straits when I paid for my sandwich and it was all said in a fairly light-hearted manner, but I enjoyed it!
A great incident!
That brings to mind some years ago when I went into a local country general store, where I was a regular at the time. The owner and his wife lived in the apartment above. When he saw me he said (quotes are approximate), "Watch the store for a minute. I can't wait," and he ran upstairs. He was back in a couple of minutes and said, "I must be getting old. I can usually wait until my wife comes down at 11:00, but I must have had too much coffee."

I love the mental image of this guy holding his pee every morning, apparently sometimes to the point of desperation. Store clerks on duty for an extended time may have this problem.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Brian »

Had a brief sighting today. Just desperation, no wetting or anything.

I've just returned from a trip to the Isle of Man and this occured on the short second flight back from Birmingham to Amsterdam.

This flight had a delayed boarding and ended up departing more than an hour late. We were kept waiting in the terminal building with the screen reading "gate open in 5 minutes" (without mentioning which gate it would be) for a very long time, which meant that we and the other passengers were on tenterhooks in front of the screen for all that time, not daring to go off and do something else (like pee) in case the gate was suddenly announced and the delayed flight boarded quickly and immediately. Then, when the gate was finally "opened", we were checked in with our boarding passes and held in a small area with no toilets for more than 20 minutes before finally being allowed to board the plane.

After we'd boarded, and all the congestion of people standing in the aisle putting bags in the overhead lockers was finally over, the plane was ready for push-back and the stewardesses were preparing the safety demonstration. Obviously the seatbelt sign was on. But a young guy a few seats in front of me, wearing shirt and jeans, sitting in the aisle seat next to his girlfriend, obviously decided he couldn't wait until we were airborne, got up from his seat with this really tense expression on his face and hurried to the back of the plane. The stewardesses let him go. When he returned and sat down he immediately kissed his girlfriend, evidently from sheer relief!

Then, later in the short flight, just before the seatbelt sign went back on for landing, he actually got up - nonchalantly this time! - from his seat and went to the back to pee again!

His bladder must have been filling at such a rate for him to have needed to pee twice in that short flight. And he must have been so desperate at the start to have run illegally to the back just before take-off. Plenty of "what-if" scenarios are running through my mind right now, not the least of which is: what would have happened if the cabin crew had intervened and not let him go when we were ready for take off??
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Fred »

I'm guessing that the young man and his girlfriend got to the airport early and went to the airport bar. He had a couple of beers, while she probably had a small mixed drink. When the delay was announced, they stayed in the bar a bit longer and he had another (third?) pint before they used the facilities and joined the waiting throng in the terminal. Would he dash to the loo during that initial hour-long wait? Naw, there are always toilets everywhere in an airport, and besides, if his girlfriend didn't have to go, he could hold it. And then he very nearly couldn't.

There are quite a few improvident young men out there, and they never cease to brighten my day. Great sighting!
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Brian »

I think you're right, Fred.

That departure hall had a large drinks bar prominently situatied in its centre and little else to do during the hours of waiting. ;)
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