Jonathan Rudder Superstar (For all of us to add to)

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Jonathan Rudder Superstar (For all of us to add to)

Post by greatwater »

Please add to this story. I want to see what's going to happen next.

Jonathan Rudder found it unbelievable to become famous after 30. He was in the showbiz since he was in the twenties, along with Keith Birch, Leo Vincey, and Greg Harrison. Those three male stars were his close friends, and became superstars as soon as they started working in the showbiz. Keith was a great actor; Leo sang very well, while Greg was the well-reputed statuesque model. He can do everything, just like them, but he had just become famous in his latest film, acting as a closeted gay swimming coach. He went to premieres and interviews, which revealed that he was talented. Now he was busy, with dramas, films, events, and his own show. He found things he did in the past starting to pay off now. Not only did the practice in the past help him a great deal, his enjoyment in holding his urine helped him get through busy days with almost no toilet break, or with the toilets too far away from the venue.

Five hours ago, he was running to The Gents. He was happy to find it empty. He unzipped, and released his hot pent-up urine. He shivered in relief and moaned out loud. He enjoyed the coffee from Costa Rica and drank two large cups of it. He held it while reading his scripts in the Broadcast company, wriggling and grabbing his crotch. When he knew he could not hold it any longer, his smart slack on the brink of being soaked, he headed to the nearest Gents, and found it closed. He ran upstairs, and found this empty, beautiful Gents, filled with three gleaming urinals. He sighed and rushed to one of them.

After that visit to The Gents, he still drank those coffee, and realised he was going to host a show in thirty minutes. He still needed some make-up, so he had to hurry. While he was sitting down for a make-up, he felt a slight need to pee. He ignored it. When his make-up was done, he headed to the show. The producer told him Keith Birch, his old friend and his guest today, was tuning up soon, taking a lift now. Jonathan sat comfortably on his armchair, when he saw Keith running inside the studio. Keith was ready, and hid himself under the curtain, waiting to be announced.

Jonathan was waiting for the producer to give him the cue, smiling at his old friend behind the curtain. Keith smiled back. What Jonathan could see was Keith grabbing his crotch and dancing a bit. Was he mistaken? He saw Keith grabbing his crotch again. Did Keith drank too much ?
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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Re: Jonathan Rudder Superstar (For all of us to add to)

Post by Fred »

Keith was the first of four on the hourlong show, and Jonathan knew that his friend was aware of his special interest, so he wondered if the man's leg-crossing and seat-shifting was just for his benefit or whether it was because of a genuine need. When the show was over, he invited Keith to join him in his dressing room, and over coffee they got caught up on each other's lives since they had last been together. Then Jonathan invited Keith to an evening party at his luxury condo in the city, telling him that Leo and Greg would be there.

Jonathan peeked out the dressing room door to see Keith hurry down the hall to the men's room, and he smiled in satisfaction. His own bladder was now excitingly full, and the coffee was adding to it. He changed into jeans and T-shirt and called for his driver to bring the car.

By the time that the 45-minute drive reached his condo he was struggling to contain himself, but he entered the foyer, talked briefly with his business assistant, sorted through some mail and strolled up to his bedroom suite, all with perfect aplomb.
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Re: Jonathan Rudder Superstar (For all of us to add to)

Post by Brian »


Jonathan turned round from inserting his key into his suite door to see a middle-aged woman with whom he had only chatted on a few brief occasions in a neighbourly manner before, poking her head out of her door opposite.

"Hi Gill," he responded, wondering what she wanted. Had he been playing his music too loudly the previous evening or something?

"Someone was round here banging on your door an hour ago. Handsome, muscular guy, about your age. Light hair. Said he knew you and that his name was Greg, I think."

"Oh, Greg Harrison?" said Jonathan, his face lighting up. "Yes, I know him. He's a male model. One of my showbiz friends. Have I missed him? Is he still around somewhere?"

Gill's expression darkened, and Jonathan sensed that she was about to adopt an accusatory tone after all. "I don't know. I told him you weren't here and he should come back in an hour when you'd be home. But he put on this pleading expression and asked me if he could use my bathroom. He's got quite a nerve!"

Jonathan blinked, faltered for a moment, then offered: "Did you let him?"

"No, I don't let strangers into my house to use my bathroom when it suits them. I told him in no uncertain terms that he should wait for you. He seemed a bit unhappy at this, but I left him to his own devices and went back inside."

"...Oh," responded Jonathan, unsure what else to say. His mind was racing as he thought of his model friend Greg needing the toilet so badly that he had to ask a stranger to let him use hers, only to have his request denied.

"He might still be on the premises somewhere," added Gill. "Why don't you go and look for him?" And with that Gill gave Jonathan a curt parting glance and disappeared back into her own suite.
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Re: Jonathan Rudder Superstar (For all of us to add to)

Post by greatwater »

Thank you for such brilliant writings, Brian and Fred!

Leo Vincey was driving. He was sure he was followed. After the event at the park, hosted by a popular juice company, he thought he was followed by a paparazzi. That same old Rex Baden. Who in the showbiz didn't know Rex Baden? Rex Baden always got the nice shots; those shots can destroy a celebrity's life. Everybody was scared of Rex Baden, but few knew Rex's weakness. Leo knew well that Rex was having an affair with his own boss, Paul Turner, the media tycoon who was known by many as a family man. Leo was caught with a young lad, holding hands and kissing each other, on a beach in Mallorca, in his early twenties. Homosexuality was not widely accepted at that time and Rex Baden, whom he met later that day at Mallorca without knowing that his photo was taken, tried to destroy his life with that photo. Fortunately, he used that scandalous moment as his starting point as gay activist. Rex was scandalised instead, but not for long. People still needed juicy news, and Rex was back to work with nice photos revealing celebrities' secret.

His activism helped him a great deal, and it hid, from people, some small details in the photo that might destroy him as well. If you looked closely, his black shorts, and the cute lad's swimming trunks had some wet spots. They were just having some fun. They both liked holding their urine. Though he broke up with the lad now, Rex, he thought, was trying to scandalise him with this. Leo was not brave enough to reveal his liking, even to his close friends like Jonathan, Greg, and Keith, so he tried to evade Rex. Last time he was bursting to go at an event; Rex was trying to make him wet himself by obstructing his ways to the toilet. Luckily, he evaded from Rex and ran into an exclusive club where he enjoyed releasing his pent-up urine for more than a minute. Rex did that quite often, as if he wanted to take revenge on him. Rex wanted to make him bursting to go; he just wanted to know what Rex would look like when he was desperate and found the bathroom door locked. Leo smirked.

"Oooh..." Leo grabbed his crotch while driving to Jonathan's apartment. It was great for friends to meet again, and he needed to ask his best friend Jonathan to use the toilet because he drank too much juice and the public toilet was out of order. He held it pleasurably. When he parked, he found himself crossing his legs for the first time. He could hold much longer. He looked around and found no suspicious vehicles following him, and picked up his sun glasses and attached his fake moustache, just to make sure. Then he found Greg, the supermodel, dancing not far from the car park. Greg ran to him and asked.

"Excuse me, sir, do you know where the nearest toilet is?"

"It's Leo, Greg," Leo said, " I don't know, bud, but I think you could use Jonathan's toilet. Let's meet him!"

"He hasn't arrived yet, Leo," Greg was grabbing his crotch and dancing frantically, "I just drunk too much water. It relieves my headache, but I need to relieve myself now!"

"You're always punny, Greg!" Leo looked around and found a familiar face, Jonathan.

"Finally, I've found you, and you too, Leo!" Jonathan hugged him and regretted hugging because Leo's body pressed upon his bladder. He winced a bit, and smiled. He was not sure whether Leo winced or not. "How have you been, Greg? and Leo, how are things?"

"Can I use your toilet now? I'm gonna leak!" Greg begged and squirmed.
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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