Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

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Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

Post by Lee »

The coach transfer to the hotel had been awkward and uncomfortable for everyone, with Danny embarrassingly sitting on a plastic carrier bag provided by the driver and although they had mostly travelled in silence, Dawn, Angela and Doug were all conscious of many pairs of eyes burning into Danny with numerous whispered comments and knowing glances.

At the hotel Danny and Dawn stood well away from the reception area as Doug checked them all in, although when they each had to sign their individual room forms, the short walk up to the desk ranked with the most unpleasant experiences of Danny’s life as his sodden jeans coldly chaffed his thighs and he was certain that the young receptionist did a ‘double-take’ as she glanced down at his legs. The route up to the fourth floor necessitated a trip in the small enclosed lift and Danny started to wonder if he was beginning to smell.

Having found their rooms and had a quick look around, Angela popped along the corridor and tapped gently on the door of room 183. Dawn opened the door and Angela whispered quietly ‘How is he?’ ‘He seems okay, he’s in the shower’ was the response. Looking into the sunshine-lit room, Angela could see Danny’s trainers, lying several yards apart, one on its side, as if he had simply stepped out of them as he walked and a little further on were his two discarded white football socks, still rolled down in the exact shape he had been wearing them. ‘Typical untidiness’ thought Angela, but said nothing.

“What about his wet things?” whispered Angela and Dawn nodded towards the balcony where the knee-length jeans were hanging clumsily over a plastic chair and a pair of white pants were dangling from the chair arm.

“Let me take those” his mum said quietly “I’ll get them sorted out for him.” Dawn kept quiet as Angela swept up the wet things and rolled them up, along with his socks, “We’ll see you in the bar later.”

A few minutes later, carrying a small plastic bag, Angela approached the hotel reception desk where a young Portuguese man was now on duty and he smiled welcomingly.

“I wonder if I could get something cleaned in your laundry.” Angela asked.

“Of course” the receptionist replied.

Angela handed over the bag, “They belong to my son who’s here with his girlfriend, I’m afraid he had a bit of an accident during the journey.”

The young guy opened the bag slightly and peered in, “Ah yes, I know, I know. We heard all about it from the coach driver, the young man who went to the toilet in his pants on the plane.”

“Not exactly on the plane, it was as we were getting off… well, it doesn’t matter really. Can you get them cleaned?”

“Of course, they’ll be ready after midday tomorrow, it’ll be added to your final bill” and he smiled again and took the plastic bag into a room behind the reception desk.

Following some drinks in the bar and then a nice meal for them all and a nightcap back at the hotel, Doug and Angela retired to their room at the end of a long and eventful day. As they strolled along the more scenic route near the pool, leaving their son and his girlfriend in the bar, Angela spoke, “Well, he never mentioned it, did he? Never said a word. Almost as if it didn’t happen.”

“If that’s how he wants it to be, that’s absolutely fine. Let him be. If he wants to say anything, let him do so in his own time. If he never wants to mention it again, that’s entirely up to him and not for us to comment on” replied Doug.

“I know, yes” said Angela, “I just thought he might be a bit subdued, that’s all. But he was his normal self unless he was trying to put on an act for us.”

“Who knows how he’s feeling inside” added his dad, “but let him deal with it in his own way.”

“I’ll never forget seeing him standing there with it running all down his legs though, will you?”

“No” Doug said, “No, I certainly won’t”

A Night Out

The following evening, after a day lounging on the beach, was the anniversary dinner and they all had a fantastic celebration as the evening stretched long into the early hours and with Doug and Angela booked in for a boat trip the next day, Danny and Dawn had the day to themselves, spending their time relaxing and sunbathing, having several drinks before going out for the evening and eating in a small restaurant.

They decided to go and really enjoy themselves afterwards and having found a large and busy bar, the drinks began to flow. Danny especially, wearing a light grey singlet vest and red shorts, was feeling more than relaxed after downing a few cool and refreshing pints but as he made his way through the packed and noisy area after getting some more drinks, he suddenly heard a voice close to his ear.

“Hey look, its pissy pants boy!”

Danny spun around and found himself face-to-face with a small group of English lads. He didn’t recognise them at all but it immediately became apparent that they had been on the same flight out.

“Oh yeah, you wet yourself at the airport, didn’t you?”

“We all thought you was going do it in your pants on the bus!”

“We heard you saying ‘I’m going to wet meself!’ on the plane, brilliant that was, mate”

One of the lads threw his arms around Danny’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry mate, it happens to the best of us. I did it once – and so did he!” pointing towards his pal.

“Yeah,” his pal added, “I was two and he was 18 months old!”

They all laughed raucously and Danny’s features bristled with fury but with a drink in each hand he could do nothing other than push his head almost into the face of his ridiculer, prompting the other lad to respond with, “Whey, don’t piss your pants, mate!”

Dawn had seen the confrontation and pushed her way over to where Danny was angrily shouldering himself towards her. He plonked the drinks down on the table and glared back at where the group of lads were still laughing and chatting.

“What happened there?” Dawn asked

“Nothing, leave it!” growled Danny, “Idiots!

They carried on drinking as Danny glanced over several times to the far side where the group seemed to have settled but they soon disappeared from sight.

About half an hour later, Danny and Dawn were sitting talking with their backs to the bar when all of a sudden, a head burst between them and a voice blurted out loudly, “Check his knickers for him, darling, I think he’s just wee-wee’d his shorts again!”

The guy disappeared as quickly as he had arrived and as Danny leapt to his feet with a furious reaction, Dawn grabbed hold of him and they saw in the distance the same group of lads outside the bar laughing and looking in, with a couple of them standing cross-legged, hopping from foot to foot and holding themselves in mock fashion.

“Who were they?” Dawn exclaimed before immediately answering her own question, “Oh they were on our flight weren’t they?” Danny nodded.
“Did they say something earlier? Is that what that little scuffle was all about? They saw what happened at the airport, didn’t they?” and she gripped her boyfriend’s hand.

About 45 minutes and another drink later, Danny looked all around the even-more-packed bar, “I wonder where the toilet is in here?”

“I think it might be where those people are queuing up the stairs,” replied Dawn, having to almost shout to make herself heard, “why don’t we go somewhere a bit quieter?”

Danny nodded, “Okay, good idea. Let me have a wee first, though.”

Several minutes later, Dawn looked to the staircase where Danny was still standing about halfway up, waiting in a long line of lads. Some of the foot-tapping and jigging suggested that a number of them were approaching the desperate stage and overall it must have been approaching 10 minutes before Danny arrived back at the table.

“Phew, that’s a ridiculous wait and when you get in there, there’s only two urinals.”

“Some of them look like they’re struggling to make it” said Dawn

“I know, the lad behind me asked if he could go in front ‘cos he said he wasn’t going to get there in time and was almost doing it in the queue! Not a bloody chance, mate!”

They walked out into the cooling but humid night air and strolled along the harbour area, sitting on the side steps for a while before eventually heading towards the cobbled area with some slightly less crowded venues. It was now more than 45 minutes since they’d left the last place and Dawn suggested,

“What about that place over there, it looks quite nice and not too busy. Shall we try it?”

“Yeah fine,” Danny added, “as long as they’ve got a toilet.”

Dawn looked at him in surprise.

“It’s breaking the seal, I’ve always been a sucker for that. I can hold it for ages and half a dozen beers but as soon as I go the first time, I have to go again twice as bad 10 minutes later. Then I’m back to normal. I’ve always been the same. That’s what happened on the plane, I had to go again almost as soon as I’d sat back down. I think it’s a ‘lads’ thing.”

He put his arm around Dawn’s waist and they made their way over and into the brightly lit bar but no sooner had they walked in the entrance than Dawn mumbled “Oh No!” as a male voice called out “Toilet’s over there mate if that’s what you’re looking for!” It was the same group of English lads from earlier.

Danny went to turn around and walk out but Dawn pulled him back, “No!” she said firmly, “We’re not leaving because of them.”

They walked across to the far side and found a table. “The toilet’s upstairs I think” said Dawn but Danny snapped back, “I’m not going while they’re here, you must be joking. I’m not giving them more ammunition. Nah. It’s okay, I’ll wait” and he went and bought some drinks.

Around twenty minutes later as they finished their drinks, Danny was sitting jigging his legs up and down. “I’ve got to go in a sec Dawn.”

“Don’t be silly, just go. Why worry about them? If you want to go, just go.”

“I will” Danny answered, “I’d just rather them loudmouths don’t blurt out what happened, there might be others around who know as well, or at least they will know.”

Danny knocked back the last dregs of his lager beer and went to stand up, “Argh, I can’t hardly wait another second. I’ve gotta go.”

As he began to walk across the bar, the six English lads all stood up and almost following each other they rushed up the staircase, with the first going into the toilet and the others immediately forming a queue outside, each grinning broadly.

Danny beckoned Dawn over and he took her arm as they walked outside.

“I’m not queuing up with that lot! Idiots! Complete Idiots!” he barked angrily before adding more quietly, “I’m in agony Dawn, I can hardly walk, let’s find somewhere else, quickly!

“Look, it’s so late now there are people on all the doors, there’s queues at every one. We’re going to have to queue!”

“Dawn, I can’t queue! I can’t stand still!”

“Danny, you’re doing it again, it’s like last time!”

“It’s not like last time” he scowled, “Its worse, I’ve got to go worse!”

“Last time you did it in your jeans! It can’t be worse!”

“Shut up, will you! I will again if we don’t find somewhere!”

“Danny, there’s nowhere. Look, there’s people everywhere. There’s nowhere to go!”

Danny suddenly walked away from Dawn, hobbling as if he couldn’t stand up upright and with his knees bent slightly, before he turned and waited for her to catch up, “Jesus, I’m struggling to hold on here, honest I am”.

“Is it seriously as bad as on the plane?” she asked.

“Worse” he groaned in response, “standing up’s just making it worse.”

“You can’t wet yourself, not again, not for a second time!”

“Just shut up saying that, will you.”

They continued along for another short distance, as Danny walked slightly bent forwards, with his bum sticking out in his red shorts and without straightening his knees properly whilst Dawn was at the panicky stage, “There’s nowhere Danny, let’s try and go back to the hotel.”

“Are you joking?” he groaned croakily, “it’s a bus ride away, I’ll wet myself on the bus!”

Before Dawn knew what was happening, Danny was hobbling towards the entrance to a nightclub and past the queue of people waiting to get in. He walked straight up to one of the doormen and said something. Dawn couldn’t hear what he asked, although his need was obvious, whilst few in the queue seemed to notice either but suddenly a girl standing with her group of friends towards the very front of the queue screeched loudly, “Eeuurgh!”

She put her hands to her face and then immediately pointed down at Danny’s legs, where a noticeable trickle was weaving its way rapidly, through the light hairs and all down his tanned and muscular right leg.

“Eeew! He’s weeing himself!” she screamed out.

Danny immediately turned and came back, heading towards Dawn, with one hand shielding the crotch of his shorts although not actually touching himself.

“For God’s Sake Dawn! What am I going do?”

Dawn could see the remnants of the silky stream all over his thigh and down his shin but nothing more seemed to be happening as she ushered her boyfriend a few yards back to the outside edge of a roped area leading to a posh looking club, clearly realising that he was at the point of no return.

“Do it!” she said, “Just do it here!”

“I can’t, they’ll see!”

“I mean do it!”

“I am nearly doing it, honestly!”

“Just go in your pants!”

“What?” Danny looked at her, scarcely believing what she was saying and yet knowing that he was a couple of seconds of just doing what she was saying, anyway.

“Do it in your pants!”

“Aaagh” Danny moaned out in apparent pain, as he crouched a bit lower, screwing up his face in anguish and he whispered in short heavy breaths, “Its coming!”

“Danny, you’re already doing it, aren’t you? Just let it go in your pants, don’t worry, just wet your shorts!”

Danny’s lower legs were frantically fidgeting as he managed to extract both of his feet from out of his trainers, stepping out of them in an almost subconscious action to prevent them from getting another soaking and standing behind his discarded shoes, he began to lower himself further into a semi-crouch as the pain in his belly reached a crescendo.

Hot and sticky heat started to spread in his pants, all round his balls and he could feel scorching urine gushing down both of his legs. For a brief moment, the pain in his tummy intensified as the boiling liquid could not escape fast enough and it was a few seconds before the flow became consistent, albeit uncontrollable. His red shorts were already saturated and his wee just poured through the thin material, having already drenched his thin white underpants, with neither his shorts nor his briefs having any absorbency at all.

Urine was running down the fronts, backs and sides of both of his legs and, without his trainers on and standing in a pair of little white trainer socks that had previously been invisible beneath his trainers, there was nothing to stop the flow past his ankles and a huge puddle was forming around his socks.

Dawn was watching agog and instinctively bent down and picked up her boyfriend’s white Nike trainers to prevent them being caught in the snaking pool forming next to them and she could instantly feel the slight dampness and intense warmth radiating from his sweaty footwear as she clasped the trainers in her hands, watching with horror as several trickles of liquid began snaking across the pavement into the middle of the street.

She grabbed Danny’s hand and pulled him towards her before marching away along the street, holding him firmly by the wrist like a naughty schoolboy as her boyfriend continued to wet himself as he walked, with the trickle down his legs being replaced by a series of spurts which splashed onto the paving stones between his feet.

Walking with his legs wide apart, padding along in his thin socks and with urine spilling out of his shorts and dribbling right down his legs as far as his bare ankles, Danny could hardly comprehend what was happening. Still uncontrollably wetting his pants, all he could hear was a melee of voices,

“Oh God, he’s pissing himself!”
“Look, that lad’s weeing in his shorts!”
“He’s wet himself!”
“He’s doing in his pants as he’s walking!”
“Look! Look! Quick! He’s pissing himself, in his pants!”

By the time they reached the harbour wall, people were still watching from a short distance with many of the observers having either stopped to watch the event unfolding or having stepped out of queues after hearing the comments from others. Dawn sat a distraught and disorientated Danny down on the shallow wall and as she glanced back she could see numerous wet patches and marks on the stone paving and a few lengthy trails that he had left in his wake. She lifted each of his feet, one at a time and wriggled his trainers on over his tiny soaking wet socks and as she glanced at him, sitting with his hands over his face, she could see that the bottom of his grey vest had a large wet patch whilst his sodden red shorts were clinging to the tops of his legs, making the outline of his white briefs visible underneath.

God, could this holiday get any worse? You bet it could!!

After they had sat on the wall for 10 minutes or so to give them both time to compose themselves following their ordeal, Dawn suggested they make their way back to the hotel.

“I’m not getting on the bus, no way!” said Danny, his voice almost trembling.

“Well let’s walk it then, but only if it’s not going to be too uncomfortable for you to walk in that state?”

“Jesus, how has this happened again?” muttered Danny, sweeping his hand through his damp and sweat-soaked hair.

The long walk back created more discomfort than Danny had realised as his soaking pants and shorts clung coldly to him and with his underwear plastered to his backside, every step produced some chaffing and rubbing whilst his feet felt cold and damp and sticky in his trainers. Despite the fact that his accident was less apparent than his mishap at the airport, both he and Dawn were conscious that they attracted a few knowing glances as others spotted the condition of Danny’s shorts and legs.

As they approached the promenade which led to their hotel, there were several bars still open with small groups sitting around outside. Neither of them made any eye contact and likewise neither of them heard the audible comments from two members of their own hotel staff on a night off,

“Uau! Nós lavamos as calças apenas dois dias atrás!” (Wow, we only washed his pants two days ago!)
“Parece que ele tem feito xixi –se novamente” (It looks like he’s peed himself again)

Back in their hotel room in the early hours, Danny was immediately into the shower before they retired to bed and the next morning Dawn was up
and ready bright and early, leaving her boyfriend stretched out soundly asleep. She quietly scooped up his shorts and pants and trainer socks which were lying on the balcony floor and although now dried by the warm early sunshine, they were obviously unwearable again in their present state. Rolling them up inside the grey singlet vest which had also been discarded on the floor, she carefully left the room and went downstairs to reception.

Relieved to see it wasn’t the girl who had checked them in, she was faced by a smiling young Portuguese guy and she said quietly,

“Do you have a bag I could leave these things in to be laundered, please? They belong to my boyfriend but I wonder if you could make sure that it’s just me they’re returned to, rather than him?”

“Of course Madam” came the smiling reply, “We were expecting them.”

Dawn turned away slightly puzzled by the comment and unable to understand the grinning remark made behind the desk as she walked off,

“O próximo pedido será para algumas fraldas!” (Next time, they’ll be asking for a nappy!)

Over breakfast about an hour later, Angela and Doug were full of chat about their day and quizzed Danny and Dawn about what they had got up to.

“Anything interesting?” asked Doug

Dawn just explained they’d had a few drinks and a meal and visited some bars. Danny was quieter than his normal self but then again, he was never over-lively first thing in the morning.

“Perhaps he’s worrying about the journey back after what happened on the way out?” suggested Angela as she and Doug walked back to their room.

A Day Trip

The next couple of days were spent sunbathing and shopping before all four of them went on a full day boat trip. The excursion was a brilliant day, wonderful warm weather, lots of eating and swimming in beautiful clear seas and plenty of drinking too. So much so that by the time the boat arrived back at the quay close to the hotel, Danny was seriously the worse for wear. He had been back to his normal chirpy and at times outrageous self, entertaining all with his extravagant ‘rap’ dancing on the boat and general larking around in the water, but now he looked tired and bleary-eyed as the vast volumes of alcohol in his belly had taken their toll, even although it was only late afternoon. It was agreed that he would go back to the room for a restful sleep whilst Dawn and his mum and dad went for a stroll and enjoyed a refreshing coffee.

Around 45 minutes later Danny was fast asleep on the bed in their room, with the sunlight still blazing in through the open balcony doors. He was wearing only his pants and socks and he was in such a deep sleep that he began to dream … although it was not the most pleasurable experience as he found himself back on the plane and sitting in his seat absolutely dying to go to the toilet…

It was all so vivid again…

- “No sir, the toilet will not be opened…”
- “Please, I’m busting…”
- “I’m going to wet myself in a minute…”
- “You’ll have to wait…”

Danny twisted and turned in his deep slumber, unable to escape from his predicament for a second time. But wait! Suddenly here was salvation! A member of the cabin crew came over to him. “Look, if you really can’t wait any longer, just do it on the floor. It doesn’t matter. Someone will clean it up when we land. It’s better than going in your trousers isn’t it? Just do it now, do it on the carpet… it’s alright, you don’t have to wet your jeans this time.”

Danny didn’t need asking twice and without thinking, he undid the fly on his jeans, extracted himself from his tight pants and began to relieve himself in front of his seat…

Oh what a relief! How he had needed this! It was the best, most-welcoming, never-ending piss of his entire life. What a fantastic feeling!

Back in his bed in the hotel room, Danny was lying flat on his stomach. Was he asleep or was he awake? He wasn’t entirely surely. He could still feel the immense relief as his overfull bladder emptied itself but what was this warm, almost scorching hot sensation all over his crotch and his belly? The warmth was all over his legs as well.

“Oh for… sake!”

Danny leapt up and propelled himself out of bed as the final few spurts of pee jetted into his underpants and ran down his legs. He threw his hands up to his face in absolute horror.

“Bloody Hell, I’ve pissed the bed!”

The white sheet was glistening and shimmering as the hot urine soaked through and seeped into the mattress below. As quickly as he could, he tugged his now-sodden white underpants down his legs and stepped out of them, throwing them onto the wet surface along with his white ankle socks which he hooked off and he dashed around the large double bed, tugging at the sheet and wrenching it off before dropping it in a heap on the floor.

He was in a blind panic and knew he had to sort things out before the others got back.

“Oh my God, wetting the bed now, this is the end! I’ll never hear the last of it!”

He ran into the bathroom and jumped into the shower, emerging not more than five minutes later, slipping into some shorts and flip-flops and he scooped the rolled-up sheet into his arms and set off downstairs to reception, praying he wouldn’t meet Dawn and his parents on the way.

Fortunately, the area was all but deserted when he arrived and a young Portuguese lad he hadn’t seen before was manning the reception desk. He smiled and then grimaced slightly as he saw what Danny had in his arms.

“Look mate, I need a massive favour, pal!”

The receptionist just looked straight at him.

“Look, I’ve, er, sort of had a bit of an accident, mate. I’ve pissed the bed, I’m sorry.”

The receptionist stared again,“Pissed?”

Danny could feel his face reddening.

“I’ve wet the bed. I’ve wet myself in the bed.”

“Oh, you’ve peed yourself? Peed the bed-sheets?”

“Yes mate. Look I’m really sorry but I couldn’t help it. I need fresh sheets in the room straight away. Can that be sorted? Please!”

“This was last night?” the lad queried.

“No, no!” Danny explained, “Just now, only a few minutes ago. I was having a quick sleep and well … I sort of wee’d while I was dreaming!”

The receptionist came around and took the wet bundle from Danny. “Okay, we can send someone up to put fresh sheets on. But sir, if the mattress is damaged, there will be a charge, I’m afraid.”

“Anything, I don’t care. Please mate, just get it sorted now before my girlfriend comes back. I’ll pay now!”

“Okay, the maid will come up shortly and if there’s damage to be paid for, you’ll be billed” and the guy walked into the back room, whispering to his colleague, “It’s him again!”

Several minutes later, Danny was striding along the promenade, with his body glistening and sweating in the heat but he was unconcerned as he spotted Dawn and his mum and dad sitting outside a café in the shade.

“Oh brilliant, you’re still here. I could do with a coffee myself.”

“We were just about to leave” said his mum.

“Oh come on, stay while I have one” replied Danny, “These next ones are on me.”

“Well, that’s too good an offer to turn down” smiled Doug.

Danny was so relieved that the bed was in a pristine condition when they got back to the room, with new sheets and presumably a replacement mattress that the question of any bill completely disappeared from his mind. It seemed that his latest embarrassing disaster would at least remain undiscovered.

Check Out

On the morning of check-out, they all met down in the reception and Doug stepped up to pay the final amount and hand in the keys. Suddenly, he beckoned Angela over,

“What’s this laundry charge?”

“You know what it is!” replied Angela awkwardly, “It was Danny’s jeans and pants and socks when we arrived!”

“Yes, but why have we been charged for two laundry cleans? There’s another one two days later?”

Angela called over Dawn.

“Ah yes” she stammered, blushing brightly, “Danny wanted his jeans cleaned again, for a second time, just to make sure.”

“Again? Why?” asked Doug.

“Well, you know” whispered Dawn, “because of what happened, he felt they needed a second wash!”

“Our cleaning service is first-class madam” announced the receptionist.

“Oh yes, of course” Angela said, before adding, “but my son wet himself quite badly wearing the jeans on the way here you see, so I can understand why he felt like that.”

The receptionist glanced over at the athletic-looking young man standing a bit further back and peered over her glasses at the surprise subject of their conversation, whilst Danny himself overheard and his stomach flipped.

“So what’s this bed soiling charge?” announced his dad.

If Danny’s tummy had turned over seconds earlier, this time he felt his legs turn to jelly as Dawn and his parents all turned and looked at him.

“Erm, can you just pay it please, dad. I’ll explain later if that’s okay and I’ll pay you back.”

No sooner had he said it than the young Portuguese male receptionist who had sorted things for him a couple of days earlier, appeared from the back office and walked straight over to Danny. He was holding a small folded flat, white item and he held his hand out for Danny to take it.
As the item exchanged hands, it unfurled to reveal a gleaming pair of freshly-laundered white underpants, tight boxer-briefs style with a red waistband displaying the brand name ‘Lee Cooper’. As the pants unfolded, a pair of ironed white ankle socks also dropped onto the floor.

“These belong to you, sir. I’ve had them cleaned for you. You left them in the bed sheets.”

Danny took them with trembling hands and swallowed with a gulp as the grinning lad walked back into the reception office.

As they all walked to the coach, Danny was bombarded with questions.
Mum: “They aren’t the pants I took to get dry-cleaned after you wet them on the way out!”
Dad: “I don’t understand this bed-soiling charge. Are you sure they aren’t charging you for wetting the coach seat?”
Dawn: “What was that Portuguese lad doing with your underpants and your socks?”

Danny had some awkward questions to answer on the way back!!
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Re: Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

Post by Brian »

At least Danny's workmate Jay (in the accompanying long section to this one) didn't itemise his helpful service in an embarrassing bill at the end like all the other incidents got itemised. Poor Danny!

This entire epic, both sections as reproduced here, is a wonderful read. Each incident is a great story in itself, and there are many.
Posts: 175
Joined: 01 Dec 2016, 22:43

Re: Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

Post by Adrian6970 »

I'm glad this is back here. Thanks for the 'heads up' Lee. Naturally I look forward to hearing about more of Danny's adventures in due course as I'm sure his exploits aren't at an end.
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Re: Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

Post by Adrian6970 »

Hopefully Danny will have some more adventures soon. I wonder if he really is the only member of his family to suffer bladder misfortunes?
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Re: Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

Post by Fred »

Perhaps all of the Scaffolder Danny stories should be put together in chronological order to make a single saga. He surely is someone we have become fond of. :oops: ;)
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Re: Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

Post by Adrian6970 »

Fred wrote:Perhaps all of the Scaffolder Danny stories should be put together in chronological order to make a single saga. He surely is someone we have become fond of. :oops: ;)
I agree. That's a splendid idea.
Can't stay away...
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Re: Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

Post by Lee »

I feel another chapter coming along...
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Re: Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

Post by Fred »

Lee wrote: 08 Sep 2017, 13:22 I feel another chapter coming along...
An interesting way to put it. No toilet for you until it's done and posted! (I find that a filling bladder inspires me, but then I can't hold it long enough to finish!)
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Re: Scaffolder Danny - The Rest of the Holiday

Post by Brian »

Danny's a very interesting character. I'd love to read more about him, Lee, when you can write that next chapter! 8-)
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