
Off topic chatter, old administrative threads, etc.
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Post by Connor »

Obviously this is a very niche website, I generally I don't really know anyone here apart from the odd message and recognising names from here and previous incarnations of the board. But I have been having a rather tough time recently of which details I shall not bore you with, but I'd just like to say how fantastic it is that this site still exists, and I feel it is an understanding community of sorts, where I always enjoy coming to read, and contribute when I can. Thanks and keep up the good work.
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Re: Support

Post by Brian »

Connor, you've been one of the main bedrocks of this site and its predecessor ever since I joined and probably long before that. Your contributions have been, and always are, enormously appreciated. It's great to read that the site means so much to you. Thank you for saying that. I do hope your tough time will resolve itself soon and that life starts treating you well.
Posts: 61
Joined: 03 Oct 2016, 17:11

Re: Support

Post by Connor »

Thanks Brian, that's really kind.
Can't stay away...
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Re: Support

Post by greatwater »

Connor, thank you for being here and reading the works. We feel great to have you here. I'm ready to give you support at anytime.
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Re: Support

Post by Tytn »

Life isn't always perfect. Whether it is with friends you're close with, friends who live far away but you want to help, family or others you work with. Then there are your own issues, problems, complications, stresses, hobbies, work, and trying to keep things compartmentalised so as not to bleed over to break other things.

I've been in this particular community for coming up on a decade now, and even before that I kept it hidden. Some of my friends know about it now, more than I would have liked but I needed that level of support to keep things going etc. Others I would have preferred didn't know, but they do. Most friends have been accepting, some have walked away from me. Others have not.

I guess this happens to everyone, but it still hurts when it happens, and all the other negative issues surrounding such things too. Then there are those stresses piled on by the bosses, who think it's ok for them to have a 9-5 life but you're expected to be working 15 hours a day, 60-70 hour weeks for a minuscule wage.

Whatever the world throws at us, it is always nice to have somewhere to go to, to hide in, to disconnect from reality and enjoy your personalised hobby in the way that you do.

Quite a lot of us will have depression in our lives, mixed with stresses, worry and negative thoughts of the contribution we make. Some of it can drag you to the ground and leave you in a crumpled mess, unwilling or unable to correct or fix. But it can be the contact from one or a few that help you move forwards, to look up again, to drag yourself up and keep going. Freinds. From whatever source.

IF you need to talk, then we are here. Either in PM or in this thread, or a new one. There are other outlets too. I'm a member of a forum called Urban75. In their 'community' section there is a "health, relationships, sexuality" section which covers physical, mental and sexual health, relationships, adult topics, spiritual stuff etc.

I have been known to post there, when the needs require it. Quite often they do. I'm not dragged down as much for working in an office, but my line of work has me getting stressed on some things and hating my failure at being able to do some simple tasks, usually with an audience.

So. Yeah. Talk to someone, it does help.
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