Holding capacity when getting older

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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by FranticK »

+1 to Fred, please share :)
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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by Pedeguger »

AlphaJock wrote: 22 Oct 2021, 19:13 More than half of the accidents I've seen have been men in their 40s and 50s. I have a few stories I've started about this kind of situation but it seems most readers are keen on guys in their 20's and 30s.
Please share your stories. I‘m sure most of us enjoy these stories and don’t care about the age of the protagonists.
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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by Sam70 »

I've also had the situation from time to time that I have no feeling of urgency. Then I stand and I have to clamp down or I would lose a few drops of pee. Also sometimes then in the next 5 to 10 minutes develop the first beginnings of desperation.

Haven't need them in a while, but I have used the Depend pads that can be inserted into briefs or boxer briefs. They won't work in boxers. Folding several toilet tissues can also be placed to absorb a few drops.

I've seen men's briefs that from a distance don't look different. But in the front there is terry cloth absorbent material that can absorb perhaps a table spoon. Not sure how much.
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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by Fred »

Probably related to this subject: Last week I was on my way home in the afternoon on a rural highway and saw a car ahead suddenly pull into a turnout, and when I got close I watched a man maybe 50 - 60 dart from his car into a patch of woods. Likely he was accustomed to holding his pee until he got home but got a sudden urgency and had to pee NOW!

Even at my age and with a cranky prostate, if I'm home and experience urgency, if I don't think my bladder is that full I will clamp my sphincter, maybe squeeze my dick, and let the urge pass. Then I can hold it for a while longer.

Sam70, I sometimes use a pad in my briefs if I'm going to be out for a while where facilities won't be handy. I rarely need it, but it's good insurance!
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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by Tytn »

It varies with me. I'm now in my 40s and its generally been that if i'm with others I plan for them to have a chance to 'go' and then I do as well, which is normally at least every 2 hours.

I generally work alone for long periods so it's not uncommon for me to just stop in a layby here somewhere (UK Based) and use the 44 ton truck I'm driving to sheild me from passers by; etc. However. Recently, I had a trainer with me and had to be 'by the book' and so only used the stores facilities we were delivering too. The one time he chose a layby to use at the end of one of our short breaks, I was already ready to go and ended up going to the store one which was half an hour up the road.

I was out with friends a few days ago playing Ingress and stopped part way through for a piss, that was about 2 hours in after having a couple coffee's waiting for one of the other guys earlier. I then 'played' and drove for the next 4 hours before having a chance to go again. The previous time it was about 10 seconds of piss and although was painful at the time didn't seem like much. The later one was a constant ache and when we were back down to just the two of us, I pulled in at a bit of woodland and suprised myself with a 35 second long piss whilst enjoying the clear skies of south of the city we were playing in.

Ingressing is quite fun for me at the moment and so I play it a lot, sometimes with others, sometimes solo. It's better with others but alas around here most of the players have retired.

With driving I see plenty of oppourtunities where others I work with make the comment that they need to go, or they've been holding it for hours. At the depot you need to walk 1/4 a mile then take 4 sets of stairs to get to the facilities. That'll be me the heavy breather having a long piss again then ;)

It doesn't help when running up stairs wearing a mask but hey ho. That'll pass in time.
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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by Fred »

Tytn wrote: 06 Jan 2022, 17:04 It varies with me. I'm now in my 40s and its generally been that if i'm with others I plan for them to have a chance to 'go' and then I do as well, which is normally at least every 2 hours.

I generally work alone for long periods so it's not uncommon for me to just stop in a layby here somewhere (UK Based) and use the 44 ton truck I'm driving to sheild me from passers by; etc. However. Recently, I had a trainer with me and had to be 'by the book' and so only used the stores facilities we were delivering too. The one time he chose a layby to use at the end of one of our short breaks, I was already ready to go and ended up going to the store one which was half an hour up the road.

I was out with friends a few days ago playing Ingress and stopped part way through for a piss, that was about 2 hours in after having a couple coffee's waiting for one of the other guys earlier. I then 'played' and drove for the next 4 hours before having a chance to go again. The previous time it was about 10 seconds of piss and although was painful at the time didn't seem like much. The later one was a constant ache and when we were back down to just the two of us, I pulled in at a bit of woodland and suprised myself with a 35 second long piss whilst enjoying the clear skies of south of the city we were playing in.

Ingressing is quite fun for me at the moment and so I play it a lot, sometimes with others, sometimes solo. It's better with others but alas around here most of the players have retired.

With driving I see plenty of oppourtunities where others I work with make the comment that they need to go, or they've been holding it for hours. At the depot you need to walk 1/4 a mile then take 4 sets of stairs to get to the facilities. That'll be me the heavy breather having a long piss again then ;)

It doesn't help when running up stairs wearing a mask but hey ho. That'll pass in time.
I had to check with Wikipedia to learn about Ingress, and it sounds like a good way to occupy your mind while out and about! And as we grow older (though you're still in your prime), a 35-second piss is a major one. A quarter-mile walk and four sets of stairs is good motivation to hold it until later. ;) :o
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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by Bigdog »

Even at age 25, I find I pee more in the cold and all it takes is a few drinks and I am desperate
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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by Fred »

Bigdog wrote: 13 Jan 2022, 18:37 Even at age 25, I find I pee more in the cold and all it takes is a few drinks and I am desperate
When you're out in the cold you may be wearing several layers to maneuver through to pee, and you don't want to advertise what you've done by leaving a patch of yellow snow. Summertime peeing is a lot easier.
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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by Sam70 »

It has varied with me over time. I did develop quite early in life urgency issues when a toilet would not be instantly available such as being in a car.

The urgency feelings I often had made me feel like I was really going to wet my pants within minutes. These urgency issues I believe is what brought on interests similar to most of you here at this site.

For some reason, the urgency issues have faded into the background much of the time. Due to some bladder and nerve issues, I am aware that from time to time I might fee a need and being in a car I would not get to a toilet in time.

I carry extra underpants and trousers with me on car trips just in case. I haven't need the spares in a while. I have come to terms that an accident just might happen. As a result, the nerves don't go into orbit when I get into a vehicle.

My prostate is fine. My doctor saw no issues with my prostate last year. Even so, I take Flomax whitch is for men for prostate problems and it has solved 95 % of urgency and incontinence issues for me.

Glad the Flomax works for more issues than just prostate!

Sometimes I can hold 24 oz without being in severe desperation.
Sometimes it is only 16 oz

I have had a few times that I measured the output. I was needing to go a little urgently. My bladder was only holding 4 oz

I have had to go within 45 minutes after going to the toilet. I have gone 10 hours wihout being in desperation. I suspect I had not consumed much water and was dehydrated.

There is nothing like multiple nerve, bladder and urgency issues!

Fred, if you don't take Flomax, I urge you to talk to your doctor. It may really help.
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Re: Holding capacity when getting older

Post by Naughtyeef »

As an older man I can confirm that holding capacity and ability to prevent an accident declines with age. Like a lot of older men I have an enlarged prostate but also suffer from irritable bladder. Like others have written my problems intensify when I stand up. That is because more pressure is put on the bladder. I often wet myself on the doorstep. This is known as the proximity panic when your bladder thinks its okay to go now.
I have a couple of friends who have similar problems and they convinced me it was time to wear pads on long journeys and I have been glad to take their advice.
I have an AP on my phone called " Where is the public toilet" and I have found that helpful. The worst thing for older people is the number of public toilets that have been closed and often without warning. They did that at my local Park and Ride facility and although the journey was only 15 minutes, the fact that I had had to wait 30 minutes for the bus with nowhere to relieve myself meant a thoroughly anxious ride and a wetting accident on the walk home. But worse things happen at sea... so they say!
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