Experiences in Dreams

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Experiences in Dreams

Post by Gastronaut »

Now, most of us here have probably experienced a pee dream, given our predisposition... I thought I might offer a unique perspective. I'm a trans guy, year and a half on testosterone, but no surgeries. However, consistently in my dreams, I happen to be blessed with male anatomy!

Nothing sexual ever happens, ironically, usually I'm just in a bathroom marveling at the sudden change. But of course, you guys are here for when I don't make it to a bathroom, so let's focus on that :D . To start off, usually the feeling of a full bladder is massively exaggerated. I'm talking "stop everything you're doing and hold on for dear life" bursting-at-the-seams here. I think I've only ever managed to hold it once or twice, when I had only sorta realized it was a dream but was still convinced pissing myself was a real threat. I remember one dream had me at this beach, for whatever reason I didn't go in the ocean and there were no toilets, and suddenly the pressure was just agonizing! I doubled over, grabbed my crotch, squeezed my legs together and thought very, very hard about keeping an impossible amount of liquid inside. If you've ever felt on the very verge of bursting, the second before you leak, imagine that feeling stretched out for way too long. I could feel my muscles going haywire, between my bladder contracting and sphincter relaxing, nearly winning the fight as they pushed warm liquid up my shaft. I don't know how I managed to fight off that wave, but just a bit later there was now a party on the beach, my bladder was still full, and I couldn't hold it anymore. Another surge of desperation hit me and warm liquid rushed into my pants- I could even feel the fabric soaking it up. I felt embarrassed, but I've actually found no one really reacts to me wetting myself in a dream.

You would think, with details that vivid, I'd be wetting the bed every other night. Yet, I never actually go! Often I wake up lying on my stomach, full bladder awfully snug between myself and the mattress, explaining why I felt so desperate. I stopped wetting the bed when most people did in childhood. This actually leads to my most common (and favorite) pee dreams- Long, drawn out sequences where toilets are incredibly rare, and when I do find one I can only describe them as "weirdly threatening". I dreamt once that I was walking through an airport, I didn't have a flight to catch, but I was desperate. I was wondering through all these long hallways- there were bathroom signs, and every time I turned a corner there'd only be another, endlessly promising relief that was never going to turn up. I was getting antsy and impatient, pressing my thighs together... that unbeatable urge hit me and I wet myself in one of the hallways. With my need taken care of I decided to go back to the airport lobby and hang out... except I was instantly desperate again! I ended up doing the process over and over, never realizing the bathroom signs lead to nowhere.

Other times I'll find toilets in odd places, like a classroom or in the middle of a city. Or I'll run into a bathroom only to find the stalls don't have doors or dividers, the toilets are arranged oddly, all manner of "no privacy" situations. At that point I've probably just run in ready to burst, and I have to decide whether I should risk getting caught with my pants down or find another restroom. Sometimes in the time it takes to decide I end up wetting myself anyway. One time I was in my own home, I ran to the bathroom and starting peeing as I opened the door. I tore off my pants and started gushing everywhere... it was one of the first dreams where I got a little lucid and realized I had male anatomy, way before I even knew what being trans was. It was a bit of a funny scene- my real life bladder wasn't emptying, so I wasn't getting any true relief, so my brain decided I should keep peeing everywhere until I did. But I was distracted by my dream body, so I didn't bother walking to the toilet that was only three feet away from me. I had some boyish fun aiming my stream in different directions :lol: Eventually the dream faded out and I woke up, dry as ever. But considering I'm here now, it certainly had an impact on me.

Hope y'all enjoyed that! I just find it interesting, since these sensations feel so vivid but are technically made up. I can't actually know what it feels like (unless one of you generous souls has $50,000 lying around), but my subconscious apparently does its hardest to fill in the gaps. I don't think I've ever had a dream with female anatomy, it's surprisingly consistent. As a side note, I've also always had dreams where I have big, bushy beard, and I spend a while just staring at myself, feeling it. Well, a year and a half on T and I'm about halfway there, I've got a scrappy, patchy, not-quite-a-beard I'm rather proud of :lol: By the way, don't be scared to talk about the trans thing. Some forums I've been on people get nervous, I'd much rather people be a little clumsy than not talk at all. In some places of the internet I've noticed omorashi circles with a lot of trans guys actually, others notice it too. And just wait till you guys hear about STP devices :D
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Re: Experiences in Dreams

Post by Fred »

This is a great insight into the psychological implications of being trans!
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Re: Experiences in Dreams

Post by Brian »

It's indeed very interesting that your dreams involve you having male anatomy.

You're not the only openly trans person who contributes here by the way. Maybe omorashi is indeed particularly popular with trans males.

I'm cis male. But one thing I can definitely relate to in your account is the frequent dreaming about needing to pee. Lots of my dreams involve that too!
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Re: Experiences in Dreams

Post by Peecadilly »

So many people seem to dream about urgently needing to pee but I never have. I’m almost jealous :D I have however dreamed about having male anatomy and although I didn’t use it in the dream for anything it makes perfect sense to me that you would dream of peeing before anything else. The ability to pee standing up and aim properly would be the most useful thing ever.
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Re: Experiences in Dreams

Post by Fred »

My pee dreams have had me looking around for a private place to pee, behind building, behind trucks, but everywhere I go there are people watching. When I wake up I'm grateful that my private toilet is just a few feet away!
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Re: Experiences in Dreams

Post by SoakdBrute »

I've definitely had dreams about needing to urinate, or resorting to urinating in bathrooms with strange layouts and other unusual places, though I can't exactly recall any right now in great detail.

I once had a dream where I was walking in a park and looking for a bathroom I could use. When I finally got there, instead of encountering any urinals like I'd usually expect in the men's room, the entire room was empty and didn't have any toilets or urinals at all. Instead, the room was damp with puddles inside of it, and all the walls were tiled. There were drains laid out along the edges where the walls met the floor, and streams of running water gushing down the walls unexpectedly. The room looked like an ordinary men's room that had fallen into total disrepair. I remember being really confused, and I don't think I peed there during the dream. (Later in life, I would come to learn that in other countries, there are urinals with that basic layout from the dream.)

I also once dreamt that I was flying on an airplane and needed to use the bathroom, but for some reason there weren't bathrooms located at either end of the plane like usual. Instead, I found myself in the pilot's cabin, where there was a pilot present and aware of me standing there. There was a small sink (like for hand-washing) with a drain, standing out in the middle of the cabin, and I had to urinate in it since that was the only place where I could go. The pilot saw me doing so but carried on like usual, and I experienced some difficulty in relieving myself as I used the sink.
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Re: Experiences in Dreams

Post by klads »

I’ve had so many of these dreams where I’m desperate to pee but cannot find somewhere appropriate to go. In my dreams I’m generally in familiar places but all of the bathrooms aren’t where they normally are or they being used by someone else. I usually wake up absolutely bursting to go!
I have had dreams where I actually wet my pants in my dream, I’m normally just wearing underwear for some reason or bright coloured pants so the stain is so much more evident! Fortunately or unfortunately I always wake up dry, when I wake up my hand always goes straight to my boxers to check if I’m wet!
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Re: Experiences in Dreams

Post by Brian »

klads wrote: 15 Jan 2024, 22:29 I’ve had so many of these dreams where I’m desperate to pee but cannot find somewhere appropriate to go. In my dreams I’m generally in familiar places but all of the bathrooms aren’t where they normally are or they being used by someone else. I usually wake up absolutely bursting to go!
I have had dreams where I actually wet my pants in my dream, I’m normally just wearing underwear for some reason or bright coloured pants so the stain is so much more evident! Fortunately or unfortunately I always wake up dry, when I wake up my hand always goes straight to my boxers to check if I’m wet!
I've just read this not long after waking up this morning and it makes me realise I had a similar dream last night. Weird! In my dream I was in an unfamiliar building, going from floor to floor looking for somewhere to pee, and occasionally I'd come across a urinal but it was out in the open, just attached to a wall of the room, and I couldn't pee in it without being observed by all the other people around. So I just had to walk on and try to find another one.

Welcome to the forum by the way, klads. Nice to see new people joining and posting here.
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Re: Experiences in Dreams

Post by klads »

Thanks Brian, found this site recently and happy to be part of the discussion :)
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Re: Experiences in Dreams

Post by SoakdBrute »

Some of the fiction posted on Omorashi.org features well-written dream sequences. I like these scenes because they really get into the power of suggestion in giving people the urge to pee, perhaps when they aren't even aware that they need to go yet. During sleep, our bodies may go on working to stem the flow, as a force of habit from our waking hours. But nature can't be denied forever, and our dreams will remind us of our deferred needs in increasingly symbolic ways, until at last we wake up to a bladder crying for relief.
James was more or less jogging in place in line. His bladder felt like it was containing the entirety of the Atlantic Ocean and it was taking every last ounce of strength James had not to go right where stood. Ethan was beside him in line, and he wasn’t much better off. He was jumping up and down, and crossing his legs back and forth. James knew that if Ethan was acting so out of control in public, it meant he was on the very edge of flooding his pants.

If they weren’t surrounded by so many people, James would have found Ethan’s desperation ridiculously hot. If there weren’t what looked like two hundred people in line for the only urinal in the building in front of them, James would have found Ethan’s desperation ridiculously hot. If James weren’t more eager to be in front of that urinal than he’d ever been for anything in his life, James would have found Ethan’s desperation ridiculously hot.

This was such a huge place. Why was there only one restroom? And, why was that one restroom only equipped with a single urinal and nothing else? And why was the line flanked with tons and tons of noisy, gushing fountains on both sides of it? James turned to Ethan; “I can’t wait anymore!” He said. “I can’t hold it!”

Ethan paused his urgent, distressed bobbing for a second and suggested they find somewhere else to relieve themselves. As they left the tortuously long line and the agonizing, spraying fountains, James tried to remember where exactly they were.

They were… Oh, right. They were at the toilet museum. A huge, seven floor building filled with countless toilets and urinals that no one could actually use. Not even if they really, really, really had to go like James and Ethan both did! And, they couldn’t just try to sneakily pee in anything, either, because all the exhibits had guards watching for such behavior. And, even though nobody could use the toilets and urinals for real, they all had little hoses pointed at them that constantly sprayed water so a person could see how they worked.

What a weird place. Why were they here, again? Oh, now James remembered; Ethan wanted a fancy new toilet for his workplace and wanted to come here to get ideas. Except, now they were both so desperate to just go that neither of them could think straight. They could barely walk, either. With each step, James felt more and more pee gathering right at his opening and he had to hold himself tight to keep it from making it to his pants. And, even so, it felt like some drips were managing to soak through anyway.

They left the museum since there wasn’t anything they could actually pee into, and then they went outside to find the building was inside a massive forest. Great! They could go right away now! James ran for a bush and started to pull down his zipper.

Except, then suddenly he was in an Algebra classroom. Ethan was sitting in the desk next to his, which was kind of weird because he and Ethan had never been in school together. More importantly though, James still really had to pee, except now there were no trees or bushes to hide behind, nowhere he could go.

Ethan was tapping his feet and twisting around, he leaned over to James and whispered there was only one hour left in class and that the two of them should be able to make it that long. As James started to whisper back that he didn’t think he could, the bell rang. James didn’t question how Ethan had read the clock so wrong, he was too grateful that he was gonna get to pee soon. Both he and Ethan shot to their feet and ran from the classroom. They rushed down the hall towards where the restrooms were, but the hall was much, much, much longer than James remembered it ever being.

They reached the restroom, but when James pulled open the door, instead of leading to relief, it led back to the museum from earlier. All the toilets and urinals that couldn’t be used, all the gushing, trickling water. It was torture!
- from No Time for a Break, https://www.omorashi.org/topic/67804-no ... r-a-break/
While asleep, Brad was having a dream that he was watching one of his own hockey games, but he was in the stands while an imaginary double played in the game below. I guess he enjoyed hockey more than he was willing to admit! Around half-time in the dream game, Brad realized he had to go to the bathroom. He decided to get up from the bleachers and go in search, as his bladder was beginning to swell. He entered an area that was part of the arena, but it was more like a shopping mall. He walked down the hallway only seeing department stores selling stuff for the Christmas holiday. Still no bathrooms.

He kept walking, almost jogging until all of a sudden he was in a garden store. He was still looking for a toilet hoping to find one in the artificial grass area. Nothing. Think Brad, think. Where was the bathroom? He continued walking through the garden store feeling the pressure from his bladder. Soon he came across the water sprinklers that were showcasing how well they watered the lawn. The “tsk tsk tsk tsk brrrrrrr” from the sprinkler just made Brad need to go even more. Where was the bathroom? Soon the store shook, just a little, like a small earthquake. It shook again. Soon Brad was awake realizing he was on a flight to Miami for Spring Break. The shaking in the dream was due to a little turbulence. Brad looked out the window to see some dark clouds that they were entering.

“Hey, what time is it?” Brad asked groggily.

“Huh? Finally awake I see. You were asleep for over 2 hours.”

“Really? Wow.”

Soon Brad realized that another part of his dream wasn’t a dream. His bladder was full – very full. All that water he had chugged earlier, along with the extra coffee, was finally hitting his bladder. He decided he should use the on-plane bathroom before they got any closer to their destination. “Hey Jo—” but all of a sudden the seat-belt light flashed on.

“Hm? Were you gonna say something?” Josh questioned.

“Never mind.” Brad replied sheepishly. This wasn’t good. Brad’s bladder was almost full, and still filling. He wasn’t worried as he had a large bladder. He could wait till the seat-belt light went off, or even possibly wait till they landed, which was only 30 minutes away. However, it might be close. For now, the only thing bothering him was the slight discomfort.

A loud ding snapped Brad out of his thoughts, and then the captain's voice came over the speaker. “Good afternoon passengers, this is your captain speaking. We have some weather up ahead and might experience some slight turbulence. So please stay seated and we will be arriving shortly.”

“Great,” Brad thought to himself. “Guess I’ll be holding it and using the bathroom in the terminal.” Hopefully there aren’t any more delays for Brad's sake.
- from Brad and Josh: The Flight, Part 1 https://www.omorashi.org/topic/64043-br ... ht-part-1/
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