Briefer Sightings

An area to discuss sightings and other observations. No sexual references please, there is the Stronger Interests section for that.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by JayOkay »

A couple of sightings from the past several months:

1. At a supermarket one weekend, a middle-aged couple walked into the store and the man immediately split off from his girlfriend/wife/partner. When she asked him where he was going, he turned around and mimed unzipping the fly of his jeans, pulling himself out of his pants, and made a “fshhhh” sound with his mouth. I was surprised at his brazenness and figured he must’ve had to go decently badly. I also had to pee, so I made my way back there after a bit, but he was already washing his hands by the time I got in there. There was a single urinal and a single stall. I took the stall and when I came out, two more guys arrived in quick succession and started peeing at the toilet and urinal. I had hoped that one more would arrive so there would be a waiting situation, but I was surprised it was so well trafficked.

2. At a baseball game last year, I went to take a piss in one of the upper-level mens rooms. It was a bit smaller than a lower-level one that sees more crowds, so it had 2 urinals and a row of about 5 or 6 stalls. I sidled up to one of the urinals and started going when a couple of guys came in. One husky, bearded young guy took the urinal next to me and immediately exclaimed “woo! Ive been waiting for this.” Surprising myself, I responded “oh really?” and he described how he’d been drinking since early afternoon at a local pub. It wasn’t clear to me if this was his first piss since then (it was about 7:00ish I think), but he definitely had to go. Since we were talking a bit and he looked toward me once or twice, I also looked at him a bit when he talked and noticed his thick, but not overly forceful, golden stream. He was still pissing and talking to other restroom-goers as I washed my hands (with occasional chimings in from his buddy pissing similarly long and loud in the stall next to him). It was very impressive and memorable. Unfortunately I didn’t stay at the game until seventh inning stretch but I would’ve loved to see how he and guys in similar situations dealt with a line.

Not very brief I guess, but hope you enjoyed! I’d love to hear similar stories if this sparked any memories, too.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Brian »

Thanks for describing those JayOkay. I particularly liked the first one actually even though, in comparison with your second account, not a lot happened on the face of it. It's just the sort of thing which sets our imagination going, isn't it? You can imagine how anxiously desperate hubby may have become without saying anything about it to her before the two of them arrived somewhere where he could deal with it.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Fred »

Some time ago I was in WalMart in a line at the checkout, and in the next line was a young couple with two small, somewhat unruly children. The man said something to the woman and she snapped, "Well, don't leave me with both of them. You'll have to wait until we get home." The backstory that I fantasize is that he had a few beers before they set off shopping (hopefully she drove) and that now he had to pee! He didn't show any obvious signs of desperation, but most men don't. I wondered if this wasn't the first time she'd been annoyed because of her husband's need to empty a beer-filled bladder.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Brian »

That wasn't very helpful of the woman. What are two parents for if one can't watch the offspring while the other dashes to the toilet? I wonder if he was able to wait until they got home.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Fred »

I can imagine that if the wife is annoyed by her husband's beer drinking, and since frequent peeing is the result, the guy might try to hold his pee as long as possible so as not to call attention to it. ;-)
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by SoakdBrute »

Here's one from my college days:

I lived in a dorm that was on the wilder side in terms of extracurricular activities, so the people who lived there were usually more open-minded about stuff and less uptight. I smoked a lot in those days, so my friends were smokers too, and one of them was this guy who liked to have people over to just smoke out and watch TV with. He was a funny sort of guy: pretty well-built jock type, played contact sports when he was younger, but for some reason he wanted to live with us freaks rather than the more stereotypical frat set. We killed a lot of time together before he graduated (since he was a year older than me.)

One day, he was answering an ad advertising a used piece of audio equipment that he wanted for his set-up. It was a pretty lengthy train ride away, taking us out into the suburbs of our college town. He said he was going and I thought I might as well tag along. Beforehand, we sat down to eat a late breakfast and I think we both did a bit of day-drinking (him more than me.) After that, we were on our way.

Before long, he dozed off and didn't wake back up until we were at our station. Our train ride ended at an outdoor station, with the platform elevated and a short staircase walk letting out into an otherwise vacant parking-lot structure. Again, this was in the middle of the day. We must have walked just for just a minute before he muttered to me that he had to take a piss. Looking around me, I mentioned to him that there was a gas station across the street from us and that we could ask to use their bathroom, but he had other ideas. He approached a fence which set off the train station from the neighboring lot, at a spot where there was a tree growing and some vegetation surrounding it. He asked me if I would watch his back and guard him while he went there, so I said yes and he went through with his piss.

In a few moments, I heard his stream spattering the ground, and he commented that there was a beer bottle lying there in front of him (someone had littered there.) A beat later I heard that unmistakable hollow sound of fluid ringing against empty glass. He had started aiming his piss at the bottle on the ground. He probably stood there pissing for about a minute before finishing and zipping up. As I turned back to face him, he grinned at me and said, "Sweet relief!" before laughing a bit.

I didn't ask to take over from the spot where he was just standing, but later I would wish that I had, since our trip back was another hour or more, and as we nearly ended our round trip, I started having to pee kind of bad. I mentioned it to him, and I think he said something about how he guessed I hadn't peed back at the station when he did. I'm a little less bashful nowadays, though I still think that taking a leak in broad daylight would be a tough one for me (maybe not if I'd had as much beer as he did.)
Last edited by SoakdBrute on 25 Feb 2023, 04:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Brian »

That's an interesting one SoakdBrute. So for some reason your friend found it preferable to pee in the open air at the station rather than ask to use the gas station bathroom. Too embarrassing to ask there perhaps? Or was he too desperate to make it and did he absolutely have to pee immediately?

I'm like you, by the way. I'd never pee in a public space unless I absolutely had to. I can see myself doing what you did, getting desperate later on and regretting not taking the opportunity before.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by SoakdBrute »

Brian wrote: 25 Feb 2023, 15:52 That's an interesting one SoakdBrute. So for some reason your friend found it preferable to pee in the open air at the station rather than ask to use the gas station bathroom. Too embarrassing to ask there perhaps? Or was he too desperate to make it and did he absolutely have to pee immediately?

I'm like you, by the way. I'd never pee in a public space unless I absolutely had to. I can see myself doing what you did, getting desperate later on and regretting not taking the opportunity before.
I'm not sure what he was thinking — he definitely could have been getting too desperate, but he was really casual about the whole thing, like it was no big deal. I think that more likely he just took going in public for granted, and didn't see the point in asking another person for permission to pee. (He was a pretty brash kind of guy, so I think there was some pride involved.)

Glad I'm not the only one! I'm generally pretty modest, but there are exceptions. I was once on a vacation visiting some extended family, and we all spent an afternoon riding some ATV's out on a bay. As we got there, my dad said something to me like "the weeds are your bathroom today" and chuckled. At the time I just laughed politely, but a couple hours in I started to feel like I could take him up on that offer, and found a patch of weeds out of the way to hose down.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Brian »

A few days ago I was at a course/meeting/hobby session (details kept vague just in case!) where everyone works in pairs. One guy, an attractive lad in his early twenties, had come along by himself for the first time to see what the rest of us did and whether he was interested in joining. He was wearing an ordinary sweatshirt and a neat pair of light blue jeans. He spent at least two hours watching us all and drinking tea at the table where we all occasionally had breaks in our activity and came to talk to him. At one stage he was having a long conversation with another man and when I joined them at the table I thought he was squirming a bit on his seat and beginning to look pretty uncomfortable. Then finally the other man went back to the activity and the new lad immediately turned to me with a nervous expression on his face and said "Is there a bathroom here?" I have no idea, by the way, why he hadn't asked the other guy he'd been talking to.

Of course I immediately directed him downstairs. But it certainly crossed my mind to reply something like: "No, there isn't one, we all have to hold on till we go home."
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Lee »

What a missed opportunity!! 😂😂

But no way could I have done anything different to what you did! And then cursed myself for days later!
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