Danny Returns - in a different environment...

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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Wombat48 »

Let's hope that he makes it this time!!! 😀
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Lee »

Wombat48 wrote: 09 Jan 2023, 09:00 Let's hope that he makes it this time!!! 😀
Maybe I should do a poll? 😂😂
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Wombat48 »

Lee wrote: 09 Jan 2023, 13:29
Wombat48 wrote: 09 Jan 2023, 09:00 Let's hope that he makes it this time!!! 😀
Maybe I should do a poll? 😂😂
Haha yeah! Of course I don't want him to completely make it.....
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Lee »

“Oh, thank fuck for that!” Danny struggled to raise himself out of the chair and tentatively rose to his feet.

“Wait, sit down, sit down” said the tutor, beckoning with his hand to do so.

Danny almost needed to sit back down in any event, in order to keep control of himself, and he sank back into his seat, pressing his legs together and with his hand plunged deep between his thighs.

“Now what?” he groaned.

The tutor spoke again, “Because of your predicament, the examiner has agreed to let you go out, even although it’s the last hour of the exam. But…”

The very word ‘but’ was like another knife twisting in Danny’s stomach.

“…but, unfortunately, because nobody expected the toilets to be used during this hour, the facility has been closed for cleaning and maintenance. There are more toilets in the main building and the examiner is trying to arrange for someone to come across and escort you over there. If you can just sit tight for a short while longer until…”

Danny’s explosive interruption raised the noise decibels dramatically.

“I can’t fucking wait!” he yelled, “it’s going to be too fucking late!”

His voice dropped to a much lower volume and little more than a whimpering whisper, as he added, “I’m going to wet me fucking self!”

“This is ridiculous” mumbled another voice from nearby, “just let him out and we all can get on with the exam. If he has an accident sitting there, we’ll never get finished.”

The tutor acknowledged the comment, and announced, “Look everyone, the chief examiner has also agreed that we will extend the duration of the exam by a further 15 minutes due to the considerable disruption you’ve all experienced.”

That was good news for everyone – everyone except Danny, that was.


He was sitting hunched in his chair and bent forwards. His grey shirt had risen so far up his lower back that the waistband, and several inches of his white briefs were clearly visible, although that was also partly due to the fact that Danny had loosened the belt of his trousers around his waist. Further down, he had one shoe pressed firmly on top of the other, grinding his foot into the wooden flooring as he rubbed his lower legs together, resulting in one of his white socks sagging low and displaying a few inches of his bare leg.

The tutor was looking anxiously at the door, presumably hoping to see someone arrive to take over the responsibility for his distressed candidate, whilst safe in the knowledge that they had extra time to complete the test, many of the other candidates were adjusting their positions to look at Danny and were watching the unfortunate event unfold before their eyes.

The comments and observations were no more than whispers, but somehow, they were clearly audible ones.

“How embarrassing! He’s going to wee himself in a minute!”

“I’d just forfeit the exam if I was him, rather than end up doing it in his pants!”

“I’m frightened to look below his chair, I reckon there’s about to be a puddle all round his shoes!”


Danny was oblivious to any comments as he was beginning to drift into a world of his own. His eyes were watery and stinging, whilst he was starting to sweat and his breathing was heavy and erratic. Still contorting his legs into knots, he was shifting constantly from one buttock to the other, although the numbness all around his middle was such that the pain wasn’t easing – it was just a constant presence, and one that he was scarcely able to manage.

Those sitting nearby would have thought he was mumbling to himself, but if the sound had been more audible, they would have heard him uttering, ‘please, please, please!’ to himself, desperately willing himself to hold on and not disgrace himself by going to the toilet in his pants as a 28-year-old in the middle of an exam!

He had never ever had to piss this badly in his life – at least that what he was telling himself!


Suddenly, Danny experienced a sense of serene calmness as he felt his tummy flip over three or four times, one after the other, almost as if all the muscles in that region were contracting in rapid succession. His hand, which was no longer pressed between his thighs, was pushing down constantly on his crotch, as his fingers massaged his groin area, but although he felt no sensation whatsoever, something told him to look down.

“Jesus wept!” he groaned, as he saw a dark wet circular stain, almost the size of a tennis ball, next to the zip of his light grey trousers. He must have started leaking into his underpants! The wet patch was glistening, and as Danny clamped his thighs together even more tightly, he felt himself release a lengthy spurt of hot urine. It was uncontrollable, and the wet stain glistened and darkened further.

Almost before he had had time to contemplate what was happening, another even longer spurt scorched into his briefs, and this time he could feel the warm trickle all around his balls, as the spurt became a constant flow which sent a swirl of hot wetness underneath his backside. As he momentarily managed to stem the flow, the pressure returned instantly and another long spurt burst from him, followed by another, and then another. But with a monumental effort, he strained and stopped himself.

Nothing had run down his legs, but as he looked down again and opened his thighs, he saw a large shimmering pool on the wooden chair, nestling at the front of the seat.

“I’ve got to go! I’ve got to go!” he moaned, and as the other candidates strained their necks to see what was unfurling, Danny slid slightly forwards on the chair and sent the puddle of urine splattering from the seat onto the wooden floor.

“Oh My God! He’s actually wetting himself!”

The loud comment resulted in the tutor looking back aghast, and as he also saw the last few trickles dripping into the pool on the floor, he stretched out and put his hand on Danny’s shoulder.

“Quickly! Go to the door! Just run to the toilet!”

It was a ludicrous request – Danny could hardly walk, let alone run.

But nonetheless, he struggled from his chair, and despite hardly being able to plant one foot in front of the other, he began to stumble towards the door, muttering, “I’m pissing meself! Christ! I’m pissing myself!”


All those candidates sitting along both sides of the aisle were watching open-mouthed as they saw the back of Danny’s tight-fitting light-grey trousers, which were stained dark all over his backside and right down the backs of both of his thighs.

As he reached the doors to the hall, he was in full view of the entire group of candidates, with most of the firefighters seeing him for the first time. But before the tutor could get in front of him to try and open the doors, Danny just stopped – standing still and motionless.

Any control that he had had managed to achieve simply dissipated, and he felt as if a vacuum was sucking his insides out. His bladder began to empty itself in spectacular and voluminous fashion and the scorching hot torrents of urine were seeping through his underpants and streaming warmly down his legs like rivers.

Danny was gasping in absolute horror and sheer relief as he felt the pee bubbling in his white briefs before escaping down the backs and fronts of his thighs. As he stood still, a puddle was rapidly forming all around his black shoes, and the urine was streaming into his white socks and gathering hotly underneath the soles of his feet.

“Oh Not again!” Danny whimpered, as his marathon and spectacular pee began to dwindle, “I’ve pissed me pants again!”

He looked up and saw the chief examiner standing at door, with a look of astonishment on his face. He’d been in the role for more than 20 years and had never had a candidate wet themselves before!

Many of the candidates in the hall had stood up to watch, and there was a buzz of amusement from the large numbers of firefighters, more so than elsewhere in the room.


Danny stepped outside the hall with the chief examiner, leaving a trail of wet footmarks on the floor, and he stood in the corridor, with the remaining cold trickles dribbling down his legs. His light-grey trousers were sodden right down to his ankles and clinging to his skin, whilst his shoes and socks were drenched.

“Are you okay?” asked the stunned examiner.

Danny wanted to say, ‘of course I’m bloody not!’, but he was too defeated and weary to respond aggressively.

“I’ve had an accident – in my bloody trousers. I’ve done it in my pants! What am I supposed to do now? I’ve wet myself!”

“I’d suggest you go back home or wherever you’re staying, and either contact us tomorrow or ask your employer to contact us. We can then decide what we do? I’m not sure to be honest.”

Danny hobbled uncomfortably out of the building and into the car park. He couldn’t go back to the pub as he’d checked out, and unless he could change into something, he was a facing a two-hour drive in soaking wet clothes. And then there was Dawn to face!


He clambered into his car and sat there for a few minutes, before grabbing his phone, switching it on, and scrolling through the contacts.

“Jay mate, is that you? You home from work? I’ve got a massive favour to ask, mate. Can I come round? I need your help mate?”

“Yeah, of course you can. What’s happened? Have you finished your course?”

“Mate, I’ve had an accident. I pissed myself during the exam. I can’t face Dawn yet, can I come to yours to get sorted out?”

“Oh mate, you haven’t? Not again! You haven't wet your pants again, surely? Why ever didn’t you just ask to go out to the toilet?”

“I couldn’t afford to forfeit the exam. Not after Steve told me what it would cost me if I fucked it up.”

There was a lengthy pause before Jay responded.

“You burke! He was joking! ‘Course you don’t have to pay! You bloody idiot! He was having a laugh! But you know you can come round, of course you can. I’ll be here, just turn up whenever and we’ll get you sorted out, mate.”
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Fred »

"Jesus wept." ;-)
Of course Danny is mortified, and all those witnesses are shocked. But those that know him will just shake their heads and say, "That's our Danny." I expect that Jay will be sympathetic and help him sort it out. Well described!
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Sam70 »

Yes Lee, you have set the stage perfectly for what is most likely going to happen.

Those rules, A few people come up with a set of rules about toilet visit that make sense to them. They assume that anyone needing the toilet will “know” when that last hour will begin and go if they need to go. Plus they assume that everyone can always hold it for an hour with no exceptions.

Ten minutes at ,the end of the exam to not allow anyone out of the exam rule is enough time.

Who knows! The rules may change after Danny’s experience in the exam hall!
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Brian »

I'm sure Danny will treat his boss' deception with a sense of humour, but given the consequences I also think Danny has a right to get his own back on Steve in an appropriate fashion at some point. ;-)
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Sam70 »

Brian. so do !.

Now everyone will have to pass the exam. Anyone failing it will blame it on Danny and his small bladder!
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Wombat48 »

Another great one!! Can't decide whether Danny has a really small bladder or maybe a condition like overactive bladder? Maybe he should see the doc?? 😀
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Fred »

Wombat48 wrote: 11 Jan 2023, 06:40 Another great one!! Can't decide whether Danny has a really small bladder or maybe a condition like overactive bladder? Maybe he should see the doc?? 😀
Wombat, compared to you his bladder may seem small, but if someone with only an average one (500-600 mL) is well hydrated and then drinks two pints of beer, he's not going to be able to hold it for two or three hours! :o
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