The Hurricane Evacuation, Part Two

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The Hurricane Evacuation, Part Two

Post by needaweep »

Traffic started to pick up and soon they saw a sign: Rest Area, 10 miles!

“Alright, dude!” Nate exclaimed, he and Cameron slapping their own high-fives. “We can piss soon,” he added softly. Cam didn’t seem to notice what he had said.

“Yes!” Nate agreed. Ten miles. He could hold it. He was a grown man, after all. The traffic had finally picked up, and they drove the next five miles in a satisfied silence while they both had porcelain daydreams of the urinals in which they would soon find their much-needed relief.

The silence was interrupted by Sarah’s groggy voice.

“Where are we? I have to pee.”

“You aren’t the only one, Sarah,” Cam said. “There is a rest area coming up in five miles. We are stopping.”

“Oh no, I can’t wait five miles. I have to pee sooo fucking bad!” Sarah whimpered, bobbing up and down in her seat. “Nate! Pull overrrrrr!! I have to peeee!!!”

“Sarah, I know you have to go, babe, but Nate has been busting for over an hour. We are going to stop at the rest area in five miles. Let’s go someplace everyone can pee,” Nate said gently.

“Nathan Daniel Jefferson! If you do not stop this vehicle immediately, I am going to pee in your backseat.” Sarah commanded in a voice that said she was serious.

“Okay, okay babe. I’ll pull over.” Nate put on his signal so he could get in the right lane.

“Dude! Are you serious right now?!? I have to piss so fucking bad!!!” Cam whined.

“I HAVE TO PEE PULL OVER RIGHT NOW!!” Sarah bellowed from the back.

Nate’s eyes widened and he looked at Cameron and said, ‘yes, I’m serious. I’m sorry, bro. I don’t want my girlfriend to be mad at me for the rest of the trip.” And with that, he eased the car onto the shoulder and before they had even come to a full stop, Sarah was opening the door.

The car stopped and she flung herself out of the car and leaned against the car, panties and shorts down in one quick motion, and popped a squat in view of everyone passing by. The thing was - Sarah didn’t care - years of having a small bladder had shown her relief was better than what any stranger thought. She peed long and hard, and the sound of her hissing pee was enough to make both of the boys’ needs grow exponentially.

“Jesus Christ, could you hurry up?! I have to pee so bad!!” Cam whined, anxiously pp dancing in his seat, rapidly working his dick through his pocket. “I can’t hold it much longer!!”

Nate wanted to get a move on too. He really needed to take a leak and hearing his girlfriend’s long, loud pee stream was not helping him one bit.

“Come on, babe. Let’s get moving. We have got to get Cam to the bathroom.”

“I don’t know why he just doesn’t pee out here too,” Sarah said.


He said it with such force neither Nate nor Sarah knew what to say, and she got back in the car and they were off.

“That was torture, you know, listening to you pee.” Cam said to Sarah.

“Yeah, it really was,” Nate agreed.

“Wait, you have to go too?”

“I could definitely take a leak, yeah. Not like watching you helped!” Nate joked.

“Yeah, true,” Cam agreed sheepishly, slightly blushing.

At that moment he felt a massive spasm starting and he started breathing heavily and leaning forward in his seat. “Oh f*ck, oh f*ck, oh f*ck,” he whispered to himself. He had to pee SO bad.

“You okay, man? You want to try to find a bottle or something?” Nate offered.

“I can’t pee in a bottle. We don’t have one big enough anyway,” Cam said, sighing and looking out the window.

Rest Area one mile! Both boys beamed. They needed to relieve their aching bladders so badly. Nate had started to run his hands over his thighs with need, alternating hands on the steering wheel. Cam kept pp dancing, somehow making it more elaborate as his need grew - legs fanning, hands clasping, running over his thighs, squeezing his dick. He was really bursting.

Nate put on his turn signal and started to get off on the exit to the rest area. Seeing the building in the distance made his cock twitch and he started to get a spasm, which he stymied off with a squeeze to his dick. He continued to hold his twitching dick when he felt warmth. WTF - was he leaking? He looked down, and sure enough, he had let out a golf-ball sized patch next to his zipper. Fuck! That hadn’t happened since college, tailgating at football games, full of beer and in endless lines for too-few porta potties.

Cameron was breathing heavily, blowing his breath in and out in O’s. A thick band of sweat graced his brow. He wiped the sweat from his brow and again announced how bad he had to piss, as if the dick grabbing and pp dancing didn’t give away his urgent need to urinate.

Nate pulled into a space and Cam rushed out of the car, running towards the men’s room and undoing the drawstring of his shorts as he went. Nate got out of the car more slowly and bent down and kissed Sarah before turning to join his friend in the men’s room.

“Wait, baby. Come here,” Sarah said. “I want another kiss.”

Nate obliged, but kissed her quickly on the top of the head and turned to go when she stopped him again.

“Babe…are you okay?” She asked, eyeing the wet spot near his zipper.

“I really need to take a leak, Sarah,” Nate said sternly, through clenched teeth. “I’ve been holding it as long as Cameron.”

“Oh…” Sarah said. She hadn’t ever known her boyfriend’s need to be this bad. In fact, Nate was always cool as a cucumber about this kind of stuff. She couldn’t remember a time where he ever admitted having to urinate, but she recalled many long, loud pisses upon returning home on many occasions. She always wondered how urgent they were, considering how long they went on. How was he able to hold all that without letting on how utterly full his bladder was? Men could be so confusing.

“Go on cutie,” she said, patting his butt softly. He turned away, pinching his dick through his pocket while he jogged off to the men’s room.

Cameron was still at the urinals when he jogged in, pissing profusely with no sign of slowing up or stopping.

“I had to go so bad, man. So freaking bad. It feels like it’s never gonna stop!” Cam laughed as he threw back his head. “Feels so damn good! I nearly pissed myself in your car though, bro.”

“Dude, I feel that. I had to go pretty bad myself,” Nate said while unzipping and getting himself out. He threaded himself through his boxers quickly, though barely clearing his penis from his clothing before blasting a stream against the urinal so hard it backsplashed on him and he had to take a step back.

“Sh*t!” he exclaimed. “I think I got my shirt. Damn!”

“Jesus, bro,” Cam said, eyeing Nate’s ferocious stream noisily hitting the urinal. “You had to fucking go.”

“I did. And you didn’t help, dude. That show you put on in the car nearly made me piss myself,” Nate grinned, looking down at his dick blasting away a thick stream into the urinal.

“I think we need to invest in portable urinals. Or at least wide-mouth bottles,” Cam said. “For emergencies.”

“No trees?” Nate asked.

“No trees.” Cam said. “I can’t do the trees.”

“Why not, man? What’s with you not pissing in public, anyway?” asked Nate.

“That, my friend, is a whole story we do not have time for right now,” Cam said, while clapping a hand on Nate’s shoulder. “Maybe if we get stuck in hurricane traffic again I can tell you. But only if Sarah is asleep.”

“Deal,” said Nathan. “Let’s grab some Gatarades from the store. For emergency purposes.”

“Yes,” grinned Cameron. “Let’s.”
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Re: The Hurricane Evacuation, Part Two

Post by Brian »

That was a very original plot device for delaying them. I guess it doesn't often get used because it would normally work the other way, but pee shyness throws a special light on things. Great story.
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