Jacks desperation at the gym

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Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by ryan1990 »

Jack had been looking forward to a day off for ages. His first few weeks of work had been intense and he’d neglected the gym a bit. He got up a little later than usual and as always started the morning with a cup of coffee. He made a leisurely breakfast to set himself up for a good gym session and had another cup of coffee. Just bro taking a shower he made a third cup of coffee then got all his gym stuff ready. He looked at the time and realised he was a little behind schedule since he was meeting his mate in town after the gym. He grabbed his bag and rushed out of the house. Pretty much as soon as he’d left he realised he’d not had a piss since just before his first coffee. Never mind the gym was only a ten minute walk and he was walking quickly to make up time. Jack arrived at the gym and headed to the changing rooms. He went straight to the toilets before grabbing a locker. However there was a large lady and a rather skinny guy with a mop and bucket blocking the way. Jack tried to get past but the lady stopped him.
“Not now luv”
“Oh ok” Jack replied somewhat puzzled.
What were people supposed to do if they needed a piss. It’s not like he could walk into the girls changing rooms. Never mind, Jack thought, I’ll come back in a few minutes. He changed out of his grey joggers into his black shorts. Jack always felt a bit self conscious stripping down to his briefs in the changing rooms as most lads wore boxers but he found even boxer briefs or trunks uncomfortable for any sort of exercise. He took off his hoodie revealing his oversized Nike t-shirt. Despite his need to puss Jack tried to concentrate on his workout, taking tiny sips of water from his bottle. After about 20 minutes he was pretty desperate to piss so headed back through the locker room into the toilet. To Jacks surprise the lady and man were still there. The lady didn’t seem to recognise Jack when he said
“Excuse me am I able to use the toilet now?”
“No sorry luv we’ve got to do a deep clean”
Jack didn’t really know what to say. He didn’t want to cut his workout short so resigned himself to go back to the gym. Besides how long could it take to clean a few toilets? And why the hell didn’t they do it through the night when the 24 hour gym was basically deserted. Jack went back to the free weights area but again struggled to concentrate. He then heard another lad say to one of the gym instructors
“Oi mate what’s the deal with the toilets? I’m busting for a piss here. They’ve been cleaning for ages”
The muscular gym instructor replied “this lad came in before, did his workout then downed his protein shake. He didn’t feel too good after that and ended up projectile vomiting in the toilets. They have to do some sort of deep clean thing. They should be done soon.
Jack moved onto a machine but the weights were putting pressure onto his bladder. He went back to check if the toilets were open.
“Sorry luv but we’re doing a deep clean. You can’t come in it’s health and safety. We should only be ten minutes anyway. Ask someone if you can use the girls they’ll make sure the changing rooms clear before you go in.”
There was no way Jack was asking to use the girls toilets. He went back to the gym floor and racked his brains as to where the nearest toilets were. Now the market had closed in town he was struggling to think of any public ones. There were McDonald’s and Wetherspoons but they were a ten minute walk. He may as well just stay here and try and do some exercises that didn’t put any pressure on his already swollen bladder. Jack put his hand in his pockets to give himself a squeeze. He was now beyond desperate and didn’t really know what to do for the best. Jack was clock watching. And counting down the ten minutes until the cleaners were finished. Jacks bladder felt like it was doing spasms. After 7 minutes jacks bladder had another spasm but he couldn’t help let some piss out. Jack felt the wetness around his balls. Jack cursed himself. He regained control but looked down to see if there was any evidence on his shorts. They were like a basketball shirt type material and navy blue. Jack could make out a wet spot but fortunately it wasn’t that obvious. However he could feel that his undies were wet and was worried the wetness would be visible on the seat if the machine which was a leather type material. Jack got up. Fortunately nothing was visible on the seat. He had to use the toilet now. Jack hurried over to the changing rooms. The cleaners were still there. It was eight minutes. They said ten!
“I’m sorry but I really need to use the toilet. It’s an emergency I’m desperate. The cleaners had put three orange cones out, Jack began to move them out of the way.
“I told you to ask to use the girls if you were that desperate” said the female cleaner in an angry tone.
“I know but I really can’t wait. I’m gonna have an accident any minute” said Jack trying to fight back tears whilst openly clutching himself through his shorts. The lady was blocking the narrow entrance to the toilet and Jack could hardly just push her out of the way. He felt his bladder contract. He could feel the wetness in his briefs. He looked down to see the piss running down his legs. He froze. In that moment he was helpless.
“Go. Go on. Go. Your peeing yourself.” Shouted the lady as she moved out of his way.
It took jack a second to comprehend what was happening. He ran to the urinals and yanked down his shorts and undies and finished off in the toilets. Jacks shorts and briefs were soaked and there was piss down his legs and his socks were wet but at least he avoided the embarrassment of a puddle on the floor.
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Re: Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by Lee »

Locked toilets, toilet out of order, toilet closed for cleaning…

My favourite type of scenarios!

Lovely! (although not for poor Jack!) 😁
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Re: Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by pissbaby »

Sounds like a dream🥰Unfortunately not for Jack😂
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Re: Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by Brian »

Well described. I love gym clothing, and having Jack accidentally release a bit in his briefs and shorts before the final scene really does it for me. Hoping to be able to wait till the cleaners were finished, but fighting a losing battle - love it!

I bet the other bursting lad, the one who asked the gym instructor what was going on, was watching to see if Jack got into the toilets successfully and was waiting outside the toilets for him to come out again. How discreet was he, I wonder, when he saw?
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Re: Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by bearshel »

Great story! How about a Part 2 from the perspective of the other dude who needed to piss?
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Re: Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by Adrian6970 »

Excellent short story and I enjoyed it enormously.
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Re: Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by Wombat48 »

Very hot! Love gym lads
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Re: Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by Sam70 »

It is amazing to me that the cleaning lady would not move even though Jack explained that he was about to wet his pants. Then She saw thepee running down his leg and she not only moved, but told him to Go, Go, You’r passing yourself.

Rules are there to keep Jack from the men’s room, but when Jack started wetting himself, suddenly he was told to GO!
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Re: Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by Bigdog »

It’s actually common to do this in real life, sometimes it plays havoc on your bladder
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Re: Jacks desperation at the gym

Post by Fred »

If I were that desperate I would push in and head for the privacy of a toilet stall.
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