University visit

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University visit

Post by Brian »

Twenty-one year old Ben Davis stood up hastily, feeling the crisp dark material
of his new measured suit trousers riding smoothly and satisfyingly back down
his legs despite the sweaty nervousness which he had been experiencing since
the start of the day. He realised that the senior university academic was
already extending his hand to shake Ben's and bring the interview to a close.
After all the anxiety Ben had felt about it, the interview had turned out to
be friendly and relatively informal, and Ben had succeeded in demonstrating
his genuine interest in practical and theoretical radio astronomy and
spectroscopy, the fundamental theories of physics, and his desire to study at
the prestigious faculty of Astrophysics at this city's university.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Davis, and thankyou for your visit to our university,"
the professor was saying as he shook Ben's hand. "The department will be in
touch within four weeks to let you know if we can offer you a place."

Ben kept up the good impression which he felt he had achieved by smiling warmly
back at his interviewer as he shook his hand and took his leave, ready to
assemble in the faculty common room where the next stage of the proceedings
for him and the five other would-be astronomy students was due to take place.
As he left the professor's room and turned along the corridor, Ben felt
enormously thankful and relieved that the wimpish, weak impression he had been
forced to show in front of the five other candidates in their equally smart
suits together with the member of staff who had received them two hours
earlier, had not been repeated in any shape or form in front of the person who
mattered - the professor who would be responsible for offering Ben one of the
undergraduate places on the basis of the interview that had just taken place.

His heart lighter than it had been at any time since getting up that morning
and setting off for the long train journey, Ben returned to the faculty
common room, keen to reinforce the good interview that he had just given
with some positive vibes amongst the other five interviewees who would, if
fortune was smiling down on all six of the lads, become Ben's fellow students
at the start of the coming academic year. As he entered the common room he
saw, to his relief, that three of the guys - Damien, Anton and Gary - had also
finished their respective interviews and were seated there at the main table
talking about their ordeals. Justin and Paul were absent, evidently still
undergoing their individual grillings at the hands of the respective
faculty academics who had been assigned to interview them. Ben's relief at
seeing the three fellow student-hopefuls was largely a result of the fact that
he and they, all in their best interview suits and ties, stood out in
painfully stark contrast to the undergraduates, postgraduates and lecturing
staff who were all populating the building en masse in normal casual wear.
The curious, sometimes amused, glances that they were giving the visitors
were easier to deal with, Ben felt, if he was amongst others in the same boat.

Ben's arrival at the table was greeted by friendly smiles and "hi"s as he sat
down, and Anton grabbed a new plastic cup from a pile on the table and
filled it with coffee from a large communal jug, provided free for the
visitors by the canteen staff, pushing it towards Ben with some paper twists of
powdered milk and sugar cubes. Damien added more friendliness with the greeting
"Did you get grilled about quasars like we all did, Ben?"

Ben smiled, thanked Anton for the coffee, took a sip, then answered Damien with
the remark that his interview had gone by in a bit of a blur and he couldn't
even remember if he had been asked about quasars, but that he thought that
it had been alright. The refreshing coffee, and the friendly faces of guys who
he had met only hours earlier but who already felt like kindred spirits in this
unfamiliar place, all served to help lighten Ben's heart and give him fresh
enthusiasm for the next installments of the afternoon.

Gary's first comment after Ben's arrival, however, caused Ben to flush
slightly and dig deep for a face-saving reposte. Gary was a confident,
sporty looking lad in a particularly expensive-looking blue suit complete
with a bright blue tie which was ostentatiously secured to his shirt by a
large gold tie-pin. "By the way, Ben, the toilet's that way and on the left if
you need a wee again."

"Thankyou, I'll bear that in mind," replied Ben drily, masking his inner
embarrassment and irritation as best he could. "You found it in time for
yourself without wetting your pants then, did you Gary?" he added, attempting
to salvage some dignity. To his relief, the subject was dropped immediately
as both Paul and Justin, the last of the two neatly dressed would-be students
to complete their interviews, appeared simultaneously at the table from
opposite directions and were greeted by everyone and had coffee poured for
them as they recounted their interview experiences.

Two hours earlier a flustered and very desperate Ben had been the last of the
group of six interviewees to arrive, ten minutes late, at the Great Hall in
the centre of campus where they had been instructed to assemble. Although his
lengthy train journey from home to the centre of the university-town had been
relaxed and uneventful, the travelling had then gone badly wrong when he
boarded the wrong bus by mistake, taking him in the wrong direction out into
the northern suburbs of the unfamiliar city. By the time he had realised the
error, got off that bus and caught the correct one going in the opposite
direction on the same line, he had no longer been on schedule to arrive
a comfortable half hour early. Instead, he realised, he was going to be late.
And to make matters worse, as he sat on the second bus heading back down
through the city towards the university, he was starting to realise that the
large bottle of water he had drunk on the train had now caused him to need a
pee very badly. Sitting there squirming on the seat in his new suit, he
seriously considered getting off the bus, finding somewhere to relieve himself
and then taking the next one that came along, but this would have made him so
late that he would surely miss his group completely. He remained seated, but
it was all he could do to hold it in for the further twenty-five minutes it
took to reach the university, by which time it was already past the appointed
time at which the proceedings were due to start and he was definitely going to
be late.

The bus had dropped Ben right by the Great Hall and he had run straight
inside where he had encountered a group of five lads of his own age wearing
suits and being led out of the building by a middle-aged woman. Ben's hurried
enquiry while he struggled to hold in his pee as to the whereabouts of the
Astrophysics group revealed that this was that very same group and they were
just off out to the first port of call on their introductory tour of the

Walking awkwardly on the spot, and flushed in the face with all the stress,
Ben had introduced himself, apologised for his late arrival, and then -
despite the embarrassment and social faux pas of the request but having
absolutely no choice in the matter - he had asked the guide if they could all
possibly wait while he went to the toilet. And where was it? She had directed
him down the stairs to the basement where, leaving the bemused group waiting
upstairs, he had dashed into the men's room and released it all at the
urinal, trembling all over as the urgent spasms were replaced by sheer relief.
The group was friendly when he rejoined it, but Ben was aware that some of
the lads were somewhat amused by his behaviour.

Ben's resolve to repair this poor start to his visit was not helped by the
further activity of his bladder which, as he had realised too late back on the
bus, was not used to being subjected to the quantity of fluids he had consumed
that morning. A forty-five minute tour of facilities on the campus had followed
before the six lads were due to have their interviews with different members
of staff at the Astrophysics faculty and Ben, realising that he really needed
to pee again and should make sure he did so somehow before finding himself
being interviewed, had made the group wait for him again when they were ready
to leave the library to finally head for the faculty and the interviews while
he dashed into the library's men's room. And when he had returned, for the
second time the only one of the group to have had to delay the others like
that, Gary in particular had started to make witty comments in Ben's
direction. "We're supposed to be studying Astronomy here Ben, not Urology"
was one. And on arrival at the Astrophysics building, Gary had turned to
Ben again and said: "Now, are you sure you don't need a wee again before we
go in?" There had been some good natured tittering from the others at Gary's
remarks, but Paul had softened his laughing by giving Ben a friendly wink,
Anton had remarked "Don't take any notice of Gary, his record's got stuck",
Justin had showed concern by asking Ben if he was alright now when he returned
from that second pitstop in quick succession, and Damien had made a point of
patting him on the back and saying "Good luck, Ben" before they parted for
their individual interviews. So, while Ben was somewhat on his guard over
Gary's ribbing, he had not come away with any bad feelings about the group as
a whole.

Now, with the interview successfully behind him, and Gary's latest witticism
relegated to insignificance by the arrival of Paul and Justin and a subsequent
discussion amongst the group of how the new arrivals' interviews had gone,
Ben relaxed with the other lads and helped them finish up the complimentary
can of coffee while they waited for the next installment of the afternoon.
They were due to be met there by a post-graduate Astrophysics student who
would be taking them out to see some of the halls of residence and other
student accommodation in the city, plus a brief visit to the observatory.

The post-graduate turned out to be a twenty-five year old guy called Steve
dressed in typically informal jeans and a sweatshirt. After introductory
pleasantries and remarks from Steve about how the groups he got were always
all-male and always dressed to show up his "layabout-look" as he called it,
plus a humorous moan about the fact that the smart "gentlemen" had not thought
to leave any of the coffee for him, Steve then explained the situation.
He had hired a minibus from the Guild of Students in which they would be
touring the halls and the observatory, but due to a mix-up it would not be
available for another hour. Instead of heading straight out, therefore,
Steve proposed that they head for the Union building and have a few drinks in
one of the bars for which the Guild had provided a complimentary drinks budget
for the group as compensation for the extra waiting time for the minibus.

"It should stretch to two large beers each if you want them," said Steve.
"I'll be on the juice as I've got to drive you around, but you lot can have
whatever you want. The tap beer in the Fletcher Bar is highly drinkable, I can
tell you, and if I was you I would take advantage of this opportunity to
guzzle it down. You won't get another in your whole impoverished student

As Ben got up from the table with everyone else and moved off with the group
he resolutely ignored the mildly twitchy feelings from his bladder which he
could sense filling from the coffee which he had been drinking. A visit to the
toilets before they finally set off in the minibus would be imperative, he
told himself, but he was equally insistent to himself that he would wait
until other people had been this time. He wasn't about to give Gary more
fodder for his patronising jokes, and he was pretty sure that some of the
others would need to pee soon too so that this time he could avoid being the
only one. Justin particularly had seemed to be constantly fidgetting and
adjusting his suit trousers with one hand while they had been waiting for
Steve to arrive: maybe Justin wasn't sure where the toilets were, having
arrived too late to hear Gary's latest witticism directed at Ben, and wasn't
keen to admit his problem to the others.

Sure enough, as soon as the seven young males turned up at the Fletcher Bar
and aimed for a large table in one corner, Justin immediately tapped Steve
on the shoulder. "I'll have a beer like you recommended, please, but I've just
got to go somewhere," he announced, accidentally walking into a table and
attracting the attention of all the bar patrons with the noise that it made as
he vanished hurriedly into the toilets which were prominently situated at the
back of the bar.

Ben noticed Anton, Paul and Damien all watching where Justin went as they
sat down on their bar stools and told Steve what they wanted to drink,
and sure enough during the following fifteen minutes all three of them chose a
moment to slip off and pee while still on their first drink, always careful
to choose a moment when none of the others was in there. Protocol seemed to
require that you didn't go in together. During the conversation Ben could
sense Gary, who was sitting right next to him, glancing at him expectantly at
intervals, but he avoided his eye. Although Ben was starting to need a pee
pretty badly by now, he wanted to wait until nearer the time when they would
be heading out, partly because he was keen to lose the reputation he had
gained in Gary's eyes, but also because he was a little concerned that if he
timed his toilet visit too soon he would need to go again on the minibus. The
beer he was drinking now would need to come out sooner or later, after all.

Ben's efforts to hold it at least until Gary had been to relieve himself
were thwarted, however, when he felt a really serious urge. Hastily he got up
from his stool, scraping it loudly on the floor and causing Steve to pause in
his description of the different courses available to first year students and
look up at Ben in surprise.

Gary immediately snorted with amusement and remarked "It's alright, Steve,
Ben's just got this little problem where he keeps having to wee. Hurry up, Ben,
before you wet yourself!"

Genuinely needing to hurry, Ben made his exit. To his further embarrassment
he heard Gary adding "I'd better make sure he makes it alright," as Ben made
his escape, and sure enough, as soon as Ben had reached a urinal and
started to release all the pressure, the door opened and Gary entered.
Swaggering up to the urinal next to Ben's, Gary glanced across at Ben's
forceful, clear piss stream, casually unzipped his suit trousers and relieved
himself with a sigh. Nothing whatsoever was said between the two lads as they
emptied their bladders side by side, but Ben could sense a certain triumph in
Gary's demeanour as if he was delighted to have managed to outlast Ben.
Judging by the length of Gary's pee it was probably a close call too, Ben
thought as he washed his hands and returned to the others, shooting a parting
quizzical glance at the still pissing Gary and catching his eye pointedly
as he left the men's room.

The conversation back at the table was interrupted twenty minutes later by
Steve's mobile ringing, and after taking the brief call Steve was able to
announce to the others that the Guild of Students' minibus was now available
and they could head out. The dark clouds which had been hanging threateningly
in the sky earlier in the day were by now unleashing fairly heavy rain, but
the minibus was standing right outside the building and the seven-strong group
was able to pile inside without getting wet.

Ben took his seat in between Paul and Damien, anxiously testing his bladder
as he sat down. He had carefully limited his consumption of beer at the bar
and had drunk considerably less than several of the other lads who had
gratefully taken advantage of the generous allowance, but he was still
wondering if he really should have dashed into the toilets a second time
before they left. He had not done so because no-one else had and especially
because he had no wish to invite yet more comment from Gary. Still, after
already suffering a desperate bus ride earlier that day during which he had
nearly had to get off because the urge to pee had been so bad, Ben was
concerned that it must not happen again in this minibus. Now he felt a bit
bloated after all the coffee and beer, but he reassured himself that the
trip was not likely to last too long, or if it did turn out to be long then
other guys would have to pee too. As long as he was not the only one it
would be alright.

Steve drove them out in the rain to two separate accommodation blocks in the
west of the city to start with. Keeping up a running commentary, he pointed
out the buildings, gave a rundown of the type of catering and facilities each
one offered plus the availability of bus transport, and answered various
questions that were put to him.

After the two initial ports of call, both viewed by the six young visitors
from the inside of the slightly steamed-up minibus, the following venue
would be the observatory where senior staff and postgraduates could reserve
observing time and would sometimes enlist the help of undergraduates like
Ben and the others. By now, half an hour after they had left the university,
Ben had privately decided to himself that he was going to find the facilities
there at the observatory and have a pee. It was a gnawing need that he was
now feeling, one which really needed to be answered.

As Ben shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the back, knocking his leg slightly
against Damien's as he did so, Gary suddenly turned round in his seat at the
front next to Steve who had stopped talking for a moment as he negotiated
traffic. "Are you alright there in the back, Ben? You don't need a piss again,
do you?" he queried loudly.

Ben flushed, annoyed. "I'm fine," he replied with a glare at Gary. The fact
that he actually did rather need to go was none of Gary's business. Still,
as Gary turned back in his seat, Ben used the moment to whisper to Damien
who had looked over at him at the moment when Ben had inadvertently banged
his leg against him. "Actually I do need to go a bit," he whispered.
"Quite a lot, in fact."

"So do I," whispered Damien immediately in reply. "All that beer, eh? I'm
going to the toilet as soon as we get to the observatory."

Paul, on Ben's other side, had overheard this exchange. "I wanna go too. And
look at Anton," he muttered to his companions.

Damien and Ben followed Paul's gaze towards the lad in the brown suit
sitting next to Justin by the window in the row in front of them. Anton was
scissoring his legs back and forth and occasionally grabbing himself
between his legs, all the while rubbing away the condensation on his window
and looking out as if trying to judge how far they had gone.

As the minibus joined a main road and accelerated in the driving rain in
the direction of the observatory, the conversations died down and everyone
went quiet for a while. Ben rubbed his hands on his thighs as he fought
back a really persistent urge to pee, quietening his nerves with the
reassuring thought that both lads on either side of him had admitted the
same need, and Anton in front by the window was definitely looking more
desperate than he was. Ben was quite certain that the first port of call
on arrival at the observatory would be the toilet for at least four of them,
so there was no need to worry about being the only one. As Steve took a left
turn down a road which indicated four miles to the observatory, Ben sighed
with inner relief as he saw that they would shortly be arriving. He turned
to Damien and murmered "Nearly there. Are you okay?"

Damien replied "Yeah but I've got to run for it as soon as we arrive."

Paul glanced over at the other two. "You'll have to let me go first," he
said, demonstrably rubbing himself on his crotch of his grey suit trousers.
"Why did I drink all that beer?"

A few minutes later Ben noticed Anton putting both hands in his lap and
squeezing his legs tightly together before whispering something in Justin's
ear. Justin immediately nodded and whispered something back to Anton, and
the two of them had an animated private exchange which Ben was pretty certain
must be about needing a piss. Ben's inner relief that he was in good company
with the urgency in his bladder was in stark contrast to the nervousness that
he had felt earlier in the journey, wondering what action he would have to
take if he could not hold on anymore in the minibus. Now he could see that
others were in a worse condition than he was.

The minibus was now approaching a white building with two domes built into
its roof. Steve had started recounting a description of the observatory's
eighteen-inch double refractor and the steps which needed to be taken to get
on the waiting list for its coveted viewing time, but to his annoyance he
was interrupted by the lad sitting next to him who turned round in his
seat and addressed someone in the back.

"Hold on tight, Ben, you can wee in a minute. Don't piss yourself in the
van!" Gary called out.

If Ben had wanted to reply to this he was not given any chance to do so.
"Look mate, if you're not interested in the observatory here then at least
keep quiet so that other people can hear about it, will you?" said
Steve to Gary as he joined a circular road which took them round the building.
"As you can see," he continued to the group as a whole, "the building has
been recently restored. I myself have only had the opportunity to observe
here on two or three occasions but I can tell you that it's got all mod cons
inside. And if you're lucky enough to get clear skies you won't forget the
experience in a hurry. Of course most of what we do here is radio, x-ray
and gamma-ray astronomy..."

As Steve continued his monologue the minibus completed the full circle around
the observatory, returned to the junction where it had entered the private
grounds, and rejoined the main road in the opposite direction to that in which
they had arrived. Steve was immediately interrupted a second time, this time
by various astonished voices.


"Hey! Aren't we stopping here?"

"Aren't we going inside?"

Steve laughed. "Sorry guys, didn't I make that clear? It's private and
absolutely out of bounds unless you have an appointment or if you've
reserved viewing time. They're very security conscious here."

A stunned silence greeted this information. Then Gary piped up: "But Ben
will need a wee."

"Why do you keep saying that? Can't Ben look after himself?" replied Steve.
The minibus was gathering speed and heading back towards the city.

Justin was the next to speak. "Actually I think some of us really could do
with stretching our legs, Steve. Could we stop off somewhere please?"

Steve was surprised. "In this rain? If it was dry I'd have stopped at the
observatory for us to wander around outside, but it's not exactly the weather
for that, is it?"

Another silence followed. Ben felt his bladder spasm slightly and as he held
it shut he glanced anxiously at his companions to either side of him. Both
had concerned frowns on their faces, and Damien particularly seemed about to
say something, but Anton was the next to speak.

"Steve, some of us need the toilet after all that beer," he said.

Gary, in the front seat, immediately jumped in on this. "Yeah, there's no
way Ben will hold on you know. He has to pee every half an hour."

Ignoring Gary and cutting his remark off, but responding to Anton, Steve
replied: "Well, I was planning to take us round the other main student
accommodation, the Rushworth self-catering flats, before heading back to the
union. It should only be about twenty minutes. Will that be okay for you?"

"There's no way Ben can wait twenty more minutes," said Gary. "He'll piss
himself in the minibus!"

"I was talking to you Anton," said Steve. "Anton, if we just make a quick
detour round Rushworth before heading back, will you be okay?"

The rain was lashing against the window now and the wipers were working at
double speed on the windscreen as Steve headed towards the city centre. Anton
just sighed and pinched himself in his groin without replying for a moment.

Paul spoke up instead. "We've seen the Rushworth flats pictured in the
guild's brochure. I think we all know what they involve. Can't we just go
straight back now?"

A clamour of agreement arose, and Steve relented. "Okay, I suppose the
weather's let us down too much to see everything we were going to see. You're
all due for your evening meal in an hour anyway. I'll take the short cut
back to the university." He was now joining the motorway ring road on which
no stopping was allowed, bypassing the city centre. "Good thing you said now,
because I can take the ring road. It's quick and easy to get back this way."

The decision was met by general agreement and relief as the minibus picked up
speed and moved out into the stream of motorway traffic on its way round the
ring road on the final home straight of the outing. But Gary had more to
say on his pet subject: "Steve, I think you'll have to pull over. Ben isn't
going to be able to wait any longer. He'll piss in the minibus if you don't
stop now!"

Ben had had enough. "Shut up will you, Gary? I'm fed up with it! Stop making
out that I have some sort of problem when I don't!" he called to the front.
The fact that Ben did actually need a piss rather badly was not being helped
by Gary's continued childish references to it.

"Yeah, shut up Gary!" added Damien who was also struggling with his own
bladder, as he knew various others were too. "It isn't funny anymore, you know,
and it never was either."

Gary ignored Ben and Damien, and addressed Steve. "Seriously, Steve, Ben needs
a piss right now. He can't hold his beer! Are you pulling over?"

"I wouldn't on a motorway like this even if someone really was pissing
themselves," replied Steve. "It's illegal not to mention highly dangerous.
Why are you going on about it anyway? Ben says he's alright."

Gary rammed his hands desperately into his groin. "Stop!" he yelled.

"No!" replied Steve. "What for, anyway?"

"I can't hold it! I'm pissing myself! Oh, aaaagh! Stop now, please! Oh please
mate, just pull over!" Gary had dropped all pretence at being concerned about
Ben and was now bouncing desperately in his seat, his hands rhythmically
clenching and unclenching in his groin, as the true state of affairs became
all too apparent to all the lads in the minibus.

"I'll take the next exit," replied Steve calmly.

"It's too late for that, Steve." This was Justin who had a good view of the
sporty lad in the expensive blue suit in the passenger seat just in front
of him. A huge dark area was spreading rapidly outwards from under Gary's
hands in his lap. Gary had thrown his head back in agony as he lost all
control of the bursting bladder which he had been keeping secret from everyone
else until a few seconds before.

Justin addressed the others. "Looks like Gary's the one who can't hold his
beer after all. He's peeing himself all over the seat!"

"Nnnnnngh!!" groaned Gary in desperate anguish as his suit trousers rapidly
wettened and a pool collected on the seat under his groin. "Nnnngh!!" The
urine was running off the seat onto the floor.

Anton turned his attention away from the spectacle of the lad in the passenger
seat and squeezed the front of his trousers tightly, leaning forward to
speak to Steve. "Just get us back as quickly as you can, please, Steve? I'm
about to burst as well," he said quietly. The anguished gasps from Gary were
starting to subside as he resigned himself to completely flooding himself and
the passenger seat.

"Hold tight then," replied Steve. "We'll be back in a few minutes."

But as Steve decelerated after taking the exit for the university, Ben felt
Damien shudder in his seat next to him and then lean forward to address
the driver. "Steve, could you pull over as soon as you possibly can? I'm
about to have an accident like Gary's. Seriously."

Ben felt himself about to explode as Damien stated this, and he realised that
he too was now unable to wait until they were back at the union despite it's
being only a few minutes away. If Steve would not stop for Damien, then Ben
knew he would wet himself whether Damien did as well or not.

The exit road was leading to an urban roundabout which was hardly suitable
for stopping, but fortunately the urgency of Anton's and particularly Damien's
requests had convinced Steve of the necessity of stopping as soon as possible
despite its being too late for the lad with the gold tie-pin in the passenger
seat. He pulled the minibus sharply onto an area of concrete next to the
roundabout and stopped. Anton had the side door open in a moment. Damien,
holding his crotch, had actually pushed forward past Justin in order to
get out, so that he and Anton were the first to jump out of the vehicle,
but they were instantly joined by Paul, Justin and Ben. All five lads
opened their trousers instantly and peed by the side of the van. The fact
that they were in clear view of dozens and dozens of people was irrelevant
to all five as each dealt with what had become a critical situation.

Ben had never had such a satisfying pee in his life. As he glanced round at
the other four pissing lads and exchanged glances of blissful relief with
each of them, he felt overcome with the ecstatic brotherly shared experience
with these new friends. As each lad gradually finished and zipped up, they
all remained standing together until the last of them was done, as if to
demonstrate their solidarity with each other as they shared this identical

Back in the minibus Gary had not even bothered to get out, but Steve had
found an old blanket in the back which he was now using to soak up the
puddle on the floor and seat. There was little to be done about the soaking
blue suit trousers. Gary was in tears.

Gary took his leave immediately on arrival at the union, his soaking trousers
blindingly apparent to anyone who set eyes on him as he headed off to catch
a train straight home. He made no attempt to say goodbye to anyone. Ben felt
a bit sorry for Gary despite his obnoxiousness earlier because he seemed
devastated by what had happened, and Ben resolved to try and befriend him
if they were both accepted for the new academic year. Steve joined all the
other lads for their complimentary meal in the union building. Firm
friendships were forged, telephone numbers and email addresses were exchanged,
and everyone hoped that they would all meet up again in the new term.

As it turned out, the first familiar face that Ben encountered seven months
later when he started in the Astrophysics department was Gary's. The two of
them had arrived for an introductory presentation at the faculty, and Gary
was standing there amongst fifty other first-year students, looking as
new and apprehensive as any of them. He looked different in his typical student
jeans and t-shirt as opposed to the expensive designer suit which he had
pissed in so spectacularly in that minibus in front of Ben and the others
back in March, but it was still clearly the same Gary.

"Hi Gary, how's it going?" said Ben giving him a friendly pat on the back.

Gary's response was to blush deeply, mutter "Hi" back, and go over to sit in
a different area of the lecture theatre.

Never mind, thought Ben. Gary would return the friendliness when he felt like

Then Ben spotted both Paul and Damien in another corner of the room and smiled
broadly as they both saw him and waved. He made his way over to them.
Can't stay away...
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Joined: 24 May 2019, 07:44

Re: University visit

Post by Sam70 »


What a great story. Had Gary spoken up earlier, perhaps a stop would have been made for all the lads and Gary would have stayed dry.

I have to wonder if Steve is one of us and set this up. He should be very aware that after drinking that much, all of them would need to pee and very soon. Steve did make it appear that they were going to stop at the observatory and I would have assumed go in and if needed go to the toilet.

I have to wonder if Steve hadn't stopped if all six of them would have wet their pants! That would be a tale to tell and laugh about later.
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Location: UK

Re: University visit

Post by pissbaby »

Brilliant story!
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Re: University visit

Post by Brian »

Thanks for the comments, much appreciated.
Posts: 48
Joined: 02 Oct 2021, 18:24

Re: University visit

Post by pants »

Brilliant story.
I'd have been really interested to find out what colour/brand of boxers the different lads were wearing
Posts: 48
Joined: 02 Oct 2021, 18:24

Re: University visit

Post by pants »

Not that they would have cared if they were that desperate for a piss!
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