Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

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Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by Tytn »

Reposted from a previous iteration of this site, notes have this document created back in 2008.
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Re: Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by Tytn »

Being an only child was great for a lot of reasons, but usually at Christmas time when the combined family ‘visited’ and stayed over then life got complicated.

For example, he usually gets all the ‘boys’ in his room and the others are spread around elsewhere. His bed was still a bunkbed, the same which he’d had when in school. Now at 18 it was almost comical, but he enjoyed being quite high up and besides, his computer was in the bottom ‘nook’ below the bed. The floor is normally quite an expanse, but with visitors there are as many as 3 others crammed into his room, meaning the usual things he gets up to are curtailed. Even reading in bed is a no-no.

However, being 18 means he can now legally drink alcohol at family events when out.

And this is what had happened this evening. There were 3 boys, 4 girls all under 16 and then 5 other adults. The closest to his age was a 15 year old girl who acted 17 but was all show. So he once again kept himself to himself but was the nominated babysitter a lot of the time. So much for a life.

They’d gone out for pizza. A long table with all 13 of them, arriving in 3 cars. One of the cars was for adults alone merely because they wanted to smoke. He’d tried it years ago but didn’t like the smell, the after affects or the cost, so slipped out of that clique of friends. But they were the group that did the oddest things anyway.

So he was ‘trapped’ in an MPV with most of the younger kids and he was right in the middle. He would have liked to have been at the rear or something, near a door for fast getaway. But it was not to be.

Thankfully they were a bit better behaved at Pizza Hut and after being ‘organised’ into the ‘right’ seats (he was near that obnoxious 15yo girl again!) food was ordered and drinks delivered. ‘Medium’ of orangeade kept him until the food arrived and strangely the table went quiet as food was devoured.

Trying to keep up with who was eating what as well as his own food and drink the time past quickly enough until after 90 minutes they eased out into the cold December air. Next lined up was a walk of about ¼ a mile to the Bowling Alley. Not as much for bowling as for the bar. This he was looking forwards to. Thankfully one of the adults had been good enough to get roped into looking after ‘the kids’ and he slipped forwards nearer to the group of adults to find out what dastardly schemes they were up to. But gossip was low. The smokers were quiet. Well, for words anyway. They were gasping for breath with the exercise and muttering why they didn’t take the cars, but were overruled for a change! Most were warm enough anyway

Arrival at the Bowling Alley brought several elements together. Those with glasses were steamed up, the kids found the play area and Marty with the adults had found the bar. He didn’t even need to hand over of his hard earned money before a pint of bitter was thrust into his hand along with a pint of cider for one of the other parents. He would enjoy this, especially as he wasn’t paying.

He carefully walked over to the play area they were sitting near and got the table, and took a long careful draught of his bitter. The cold smooth liquid flowed down his throat and slipped past his supper and he didn’t feel any more full than he had before. He wondered briefly how the kids could run around like that after the meal, but it wasn’t worth dwelling on. Afterall, he was past that, and had a ‘free drink’ in his mitts.

He didn’t try to rush but before he’d even got down halfway he had another of the same thrust in front of him. By the time he was halfway down that he was feeling the affects from it and felt oddly tired for a change.

“Marty, got a few tasks for you” boomed a voice near him. He nearly dropped his pint. Now that would be disastrous
“Huh? Wassat then?” he asked. It was an uncle, rather large (width wise) and had a odd long moustache on his red round face and short hair. And he was standing behind Marty with that smile proclaiming “got you now you waste of space”.

“Get yourself over to the play area and make sure they’re ok, the kids. They’ve got to drink up and goto the loo before we leave in about, ahh, 20 minutes?”
“Sure” Marty replied and rose, taking his pint with him
“No, you can’t take alcohol in there…” he was told
“But I’ve got half a p…”
“Well, drink up lad, drink up”
“Fine” and with that he opened his throat and poured the contents down. He set the empty glass on the table, turned and walked carefully to the play area. He already felt the burp coming, but just gritted his teeth and eased it out carefully as if in a sigh.

They were running around. There were more than he expected so either they had bred like demented rabbits or the others were from other families. He found one of ‘his’ and squatting down stopped the kid running around
“You ok?” He asked
“Yeah? Wha…. Huh?” he looked around
“I’ve got to make sure you’re all still alive, in one piece and as we’re going soon that you’ve gone to the loo” the kid grinned back
“You’re joking, right?”
“No. I’ve just been ousted from my nice chair over near the bar drinking my pint to deliver this message.”
“Give me a break! I’m twelve! I know how to look after myself”
“Fine” he murmured, rose and found another. This time it was a gaggle of girls, who, of course, giggled at him
“We’re going soon. Don’t forget to goto the loo and all that”
“I’m not going here! Have you seen it in there, it’s disgusting” she moaned
“Ok, but we’re not stopping on the road and it’s a half hour drive home” the girl thought for a moment
“Right, I guess I'd better reinspect the ladies room” she announced and the group left their position. The last pair of boys were in a group and Marty couldn’t get a word in edgeways. When he finally did, it was time to go. The girls had emerged and everyone was herded like cattle to the doors with the adults flanking.

It was cold outside. Goosebumps immediately popped up all over his body, including places he didn’t want to think about. His teeth were chattering quietly, jammed closed by braced teeth as the group walked back to the cars. It was slower going as only the tee-total drivers were doing the leading. Although, even Marty felt a bit tired now. It was dark, frost was on the ground and it was a clear sky.

He wore white tracksuit trousers, trainers, a dark t-shirt and his tracksuit jacket on top. His ‘top coat’ was a dark green bulkier coat and was lovely and warm. That was all done up and wrapped tightly but he wished it was longer by a few inches to warm his groin. He didn’t think he could get a chill from a draft down there but wasn’t willing to try it!

Soon he could not control the shivers that was shaking across his body, even the parts that were usually warm, were feeling the cold! His jacket was zipped up, and tucked in, but that made no difference. His tracksuit trousers gave little protection, as he then realized. They were great for running around in, all nice and loose, but for here, he much preferred his jeans. He forced himself to move the same speed with shorter strides to get warmer, but it was slow going and tedious. It kept his mind off it though.
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Re: Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by Skikid2010 »

Is there more?
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Re: Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by cutsleeve »

looks like the file got fragmented and part of it got lost. or it was a 2 or 3 part story and one of them was lost. trying to figure out what tracksuit trousers are. what trainers are. and tracksuit jacket is. I like jeans when it is cold as they don't tear on corners of stuff or in a fight like flimsy pants do. plus jeans the pockets open from the top rather than having vertical pockets which the opening becomes the bottom when you sit down and everything drops out. that's one big thing I really hate about dress pants is those vertical pockets that drop everything out when you sit down plus they rip easily in a fight too. and the tee shirt is kind of dorky. A skin-tight under-armor sleeveless tee shirt looks hot. so does a tight tank top. then a nice warm parka for the cold weather that goes halfway down the legs.
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Re: Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by Tytn »

This is only chapter 1
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Re: Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by Tytn »

Tracksuit trousers are a kinda of thin sports trousers. You're more likely to see young adults in those these days as they are more convienient than just for sports use. Anyway. Onwards.
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Re: Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by Tytn »

He reached the car and this time was stuck in the front between three of the older girls, who were all talking incessantly and quickly. He also found to his cost that it wasn’t wise to stretch to put his seatbelt on. The corner seats of the MPV had over shoulder seatbelts but his was around his waist, and so was the girl next to him. Who elbowed him in the waist putting it on. He stayed still, and breathed slowly. Pain. Ignore. Breath. Breath.

He felt other things too, things he didn’t want to think of. There was a girl sitting either side of him with their small arms resting on his legs, he tried to move one to be told his legs were warm and their hands were cold. He didn’t even want to think about it but luckily with his legs reasonably closed it didn’t cause an ‘incident’. Thankfully. He thought he’d got over this control issue with his hormones and his body. Obviously not!

The engine started and it was not until the main road that the first of the warm breeze from the heaters got anywhere near him. He listened as the others chatted excitedly about their evening, the bowling and the pool. He liked pool, and he won most of the games, and beat the others. As the first of the heat reached him he felt something else
“Are we going straight home?” he called out
“Yeah, shouldn’t be too long. We’ve got everything else”
“Well, don’t forget Boxer tonight, you have to walk him remember”
“Yeah, I remember!” he replied, sighing.

They joined the queue of traffic heading for the dual carriageway. It was a 15 minute journey normally but he already saw the haze of blue lights ahead and the traffic was heavy. His bladder signalled again. He had to pee.
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Re: Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by Tytn »

Ahhh well. There is always something that goes wrong. Marty was confident, however, that it wouldn’t be so much of a problem. Afterall, he wasn’t a kid anymore.

Exhaust vapour rose of the car exhausts, clearly visible among the vibrant red of brake lights. At least the MPV was warming up a bit. He could feel it around his ankles and lower legs and relaxed a little, but still kept his arms at his side and lower arms over his lap. He should have enough warning if a stray elbow headed in his direction.

He heard the shrilling of mobiles, and up front the driver was muttering something quietly. Handbrake on, and squirming to get the slim Motorola from his trousers pockets. He glanced at the display and answered
“It would be cheaper if I got out and walked back to your car you know” he answered, then laughed
“Yeah, can’t blame you. Its just starting to warm up in the car here too” he listened for a bit
“I haven’t got any maps with me and the satnav is home” more quiet bits
“Sure, well, we’ve just gotta turn somewhere…” and while still talking on the phone he slipped off the handbrake and edged forwards, then there were headlights moving behind, then he was able to reverse a bit.
“Yeah, that’s right, we’ll follow you. Call if you lose me ok? Sure mate!” and then flipped it closed, he handed it to the passenger
“Guess who doesn’t like traffic jams” laughed the driver, and added
“Make sure you’re strapped in in the back, we’re taking the back roads home. You’re uncle’s got this new SatNav in his car. We’ll either get home or visit Outer Mongolia tonight” he laughed and then the manoeuvring started.

The MPV eased forwards, then the car behind started his multi-point turn. He eased onto the other side of the road and then headed up a residential street on the other side of the road. The MPV reversed, and followed with #3 at the back. By the time the MPV caught up with the lead car, it was waiting patiently at the top of the road and then they continued.

The roads were the usual type of urban residential streets. Reasonably well tarmaced, with a slight camber, cars either side but relatively straight. They couldn’t rush because of the possibility of ice or people stepping off the pavements without looking but the adults had been driving a while and concentrated on the road than talking. Even the radio was off.

Marty initially was glad of the movement compared to waiting but after they hit the first speed bump – without any warning lines on! – at 20mph he rapidly changed his mind. He started to feel every bump, drain cover, manhole cover and change in direction as he was gravity fed into the seatbelt. He even carefully loosened the one around his waist.

Junctions passed quite rapidly. Hard braking, reasonable accelerating, cornering soon left him quietly grimacing as his need to pee increased quicker than he’d known it before. He wanted them to hurry to get home but not to torture him like this. So he just gripped the seat base with his fingers and squeezed for a brace point. The others were sliding into him a bit more too and already he had had to lean forwards once to tell the girl at the end to properly clip her seatbelt in. Every movement was now hurting, but he just tried to ignore the pain and discomfort.

As they headed through the town he recognised parts of it. Wider streets with more expensive cars denoted the richer areas. Although it was obvious to see that there were a large number of large MPVs or 4x4s for, well, obviously, when the owners needed to cross a muddy puddle! The thought of a puddle at that moment caused him to tense and try quickly to think of something else.

Holding on physically with his fingers was not a ‘done thing’ for him. He had learnt at a young age that this was not ‘polite’ and had effectively learnt to strengthen his bladder muscles. Long journeys in the car he could manage. This was different. It should have taken no more than 20 minutes to get home, and then he would have been ok. It would have been better of course if he had followed the advice he was handing out and gone for a pee.

He kept his legs reasonably closed and breathed through his clenched teeth as his stomach down to his knees was throbbing agony. He closed his legs hoping the merest pressure would be a bit more soothing, it was but he had to open his legs at his knees to brace to the floor. The strong pressing of his thighs together was strangely pleasing as his aching throbbing bladder consumed his every thought. There was no way he could now ignore it. He couldn’t touch himself or squeeze himself anyway next to these girls and luckily could feel the girl between him and the door was squirming too. He initially thought this would hide him if at all then realised he would have to plan things a bit. As soon as they got home there would be a queue for the loo. Even if he got 2nd place he’d still have to listen to her tinkling away. That alone gave him a short surge that left him squeezing his thighs tighter for a moment.

A glance back revealed the boys, and he could see the one who laughed it off earlier looking tense behind him. Legs closed and hand between his legs. Well, he was probably allowed. The boy didn’t meet Marty’s gaze but instead blushed a little. A bump caused the boy’s face to change rapidly to pain, he gulped and looked away. Marty couldn’t stare for long anyway, as it was twisting his body and thus compressing his bladder.

Finally he started to recognise partial road names, shops and the similar icons of the area were recognised. Not far from home now. Thankfully. He was so desperate right now, if it were just him in the car he would have already asked, no, demanded a stop. There was some old waste ground nearby with a suitable bush. Always worthwhile to know from when walking home from the youth and teenager club up the road. So close now.

The pain was indescribable that he felt in his bladder at that point! It was so full that it was pushing back on his kidneys and was even more pressure as it tried to empty into the overfull bladder that in turn pressed on nerves and muscles. His aching sphincter muscles, he knew, were straining to hold. He felt a small surge and as he let out a short quiet gasp he felt himself grow damp, wasn’t much, merely a short spurt, but it was the start of his muscles failing him. He had been brought up not to touch his groin in public, so strived not to touch himself but was running out of options to hold the inevitable waterfall back. He felt the area around his cock, pointing down and squeezed between his thighs, slightly damp. He regretted the two pints now as well as not going before leaving.

The plan he had worked out was that as soon as they stopped, he would get the girl at the door to help the others out while he was escaping and hurrying to the front door. Once in he’d go straight away. There was only one bathroom in the house and that had the shower, bathtub, sink and lavatory in. He concentrated.

He also had a backup plan, as the first would more than likely fail. This was that he get in the house as soon as possible and queue.

The pulled into the street. He could see the house at the end where #1 was pulling in. Instantly he knew he was in trouble. 3 of the occupants got out and dashed, running to the house. There was only one reason why, and it wasn’t that they were gasping for a cuppa!

Finally, they pulled up at the house. His seatbelt was off and before he even got to the door the boy that was behind him had scrambled out the back door with the other lad and they had both run for the house, determined looks on their face. Marty Panicked. He was standing up and he felt another surge, but as there was no one around he allowed himself one squeeze, but even that was almost undetectable among all the agony. He heard the dog barking and as he tenderly hurried to the house another thought was forming. He struggled to keep the tears back as every step felt horrendous and he knew what would happen next.
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Re: Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by Fred »

We make choices, and not always the best ones, and sometimes it looks like the only way out is an embarrassing one. Let's hope that Marty learns from this experience. We'll see...... ;-)
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Re: Desperation, Christmas & Pizza

Post by Sam70 »

Marty may not be the only person embarrassed! The youngsters drank lots of beverages. Thirty oz does need to be drained sooner than later.

Two pints is too much for Marty's bladder to cope for very long!

Can't wait to read the rest of the story!
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