True Copper Story

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True Copper Story

Post by Brian »

zsrh2002 wrote:I remember a story from years ago that someone wrote on one of the message boards. It was set at a demonstration and it involved a protester who was arrested and held in a police van. A young police officer was assigned to site in the van with the protester to watch him. The police officer became desperate. If anyone has a copy of it, please post. I would appreciate it.
It might be this one written by someone called Dusty. It's a great account - I well remember reading it too years and years ago. :)


Posted by Dusty on 26-6-2003 at 11:04:09 GMT (269 VIEWS):

Well, people are always asking for one, now here's a GENUINELY TRUE story about a really desperate copper!

A few years ago I was involved in a series of anti-nuclear peace demonstrations near a naval base ?somewhere in the United Kingdom?; most of the police were relatively civil to us, but inevitably there were always some token arrests - they never seemed to realise that this was playing right into our hands, attracting all the more media attention for our cause.

Anyway, as I was young and single, I didn?t mind how often I got arrested, so used to always try and push my way to the front (I can?t help admitting I also did quite enjoy all the man-handling and frisking!). As a result, I got to know many of the police officers who regularly covered demos at this location; many of them privately sympathised with our cause. Over the course of time, they got to know me, and didn?t take long to suss that I was gay. There was never any nastiness about it, just a bit of ribbing, which I let pass. However, on this particular occasion, it played right into my hands?

OK, so I?d got to the front and had been arrested, and the older guys handed me over to the care of a young and obviously rookie PC, with a disarming Scots accent and ginger hair. They were obviously teasing him, so I didn?t raise a peep when they most unusually handcuffed me to him, amidst much sniggering, and said ?You?ll have to keep a special eye on this one, he?s a really dangerous subversive - oh, and he?s also queer, so watch he doesn?t try anything on a cute young guy like you!?

Familiar by now with the routine, I led the nervous young PC obediently into the back of a waiting police van, he very obligingly carrying my rucksack for me, which he put down just out of my reach.

We sat for what seemed like ages in the back of this airless van, the afternoon heat was quite sweltering, and I asked the young PC if I could have a drink from the stock of bottled water in my bag. Hesitating at first, he clearly couldn?t see any harm in it, so passed me a bottle over - thoughtfully removing the top, as of course my right hand was cuffed to his. I took several large swigs, then handed it back to him, proffering for him to take some if he wanted. Again he hesitated, but since I had been drinking it myself, it must be OK, so he rather gratefully took several large swigs too.

This interaction enabled us to strike up a faltering conversation, and despite his orders not to give away any personal information, I managed to get quite a lot out of him; I?ve always been good at chatting up strangers, even though in this case I had no particular purpose in mind.

The stuffy van became more and more unbearable as the afternoon wore on and turned into a hot summer evening, and between us we got through several whole bottles of water. I was beginning to feel the need to piss myself, and I?d been careful to only take small swigs. So I was damned sure that he must be bursting by now. Maybe I wasn?t too good at spotting the signs, though I did notice him fidgeting a bit; but maybe that was just the hard seats? I also thought I saw a sign of a piss-boner, but then again, in those thick, dark police uniform trousers, it?s hard to tell?

However, after a bit, it was clear that he was uncomfortable, constantly shifting his position on his arse cheeks and pressing his thighs together. I let things continue a bit longer, even asking innocently for more water; almost from force of habit, he took yet another swig after I?d finished, and I?m sure began to instantly regret it.

Then I started the mental torture bit. ?It must be really hard for you bobbies, being on duty for such long stretches, and not being able to get to a loo? ?You must develop incredible bladder control? ? and so on? ?I can?t imagine how you?re managing to hold it in, after all we?ve drunk, I?m bursting!? Rather shamefacedly, he admitted that he too could really do with a slash.

?Well, if you want to go for one, don?t mind me; I?ll just look the other way?

?I can?t; I?m not supposed to leave this van, and in any case, the nearest loo is right over the other side of the base, we?d have to fight our way through the whole of the crowd? and I?m not sure I?d make it, especially dragging you along with me?? he added rather plaintively.

?Well, you?ll just have to open the back doors of the van and pee out, and hope no-one spots you? I suggested helpfully. He brightened visibly at this, then said ?But it?s no good, we?re cuffed together?? ?Don?t be silly,? I said ?we?re both grown men, I?m sure you can cope, and I promise I won?t take advantage of you? I added as lightly as I could. ?No, no, I?d rather wait, thanks all the same? ?Well, it?s up to you, officer, but if I was as bursting as you seem to be, and dying for a slash, I think I?d take any opportunity going, rather than risk the embarrassment of pissing my uniform pants? I twisted the knife in the wound.

?Would you just shut up going on about it!? he retorted rather testily, trying with both hands to squeeze his poor straining dick; till he realised that meant my right hand was stroking his left thigh!

We heard a sudden loud bang and a commotion from the far side of the demo, and he leapt up abruptly to look out and see what was happening; as he did so, straightening up, I heard a little gasp, and he looked down at his crutch, going bright red. ?Shit, I just squirted in my pants!? he exclaimed in childlike surprise. ?Yes, I can see,? I replied, watching the glistening patch spreading on his dark uniform trousers - high up in his right groin, because of his piss-boner making his dick lie upwards. Despite being hampered by being cuffed to me, he struggled with both hands to undo his fly buttons; but it was already too late. ?And what?s more, now you?ve started, you?re not going to be able to hold on any longer either.? Sure enough, no sooner were the words out of my mouth, than I saw the tell-tale surge of glittering yellow piss penetrating through the fabric, before being absorbed back into it and spreading as a dark stain. ?Shit!!? he cried, almost in tears. ?Squat down over there!? I ordered, and without thinking, he quickly did as I said, dragging me with him. ?That way you won?t have it all running down your legs? I explained, thinking privately that it also gave me a better view of the spectacle.

He kept on pissing for ages, squatting there like some foolish schoolgirl, with an expression of abject shame on his face. I actually felt sorry for this poor young lad, who was after all only doing his job. As he squatted there still, framing his soaking crutch with his two hands in stunned disbelief (and thereby bringing my right hand close enough to brush against the warm, damp fabric on his thigh), I decided to take charge.

?Look, you don?t want your mates to see you like this, do you?? ?Fuck no!? he replied, suddenly aware of a new dimension to his predicament. ?OK,? I said, ?here?s what we?re going to do; only you?re going to have to trust me to help you out? ?I guess I haven?t got much choice, have I?? ?Not really, unless you want me to make a song and dance about this in front of your colleagues.? ?Shit, don?t do that, for fuck?s sake!? he almost pleaded. ?OK then: first, get those wet trousers off, and take off your briefs too? Reluctantly, he did as I ordered, hampered of course by having only one hand free; I enjoyed helping him as best as I could with my free hand, and before too long he was sitting beside me naked from the waist down. ?Right, now shove those smelly wet briefs into the bottom of my bag - otherwise the stink?ll give you away? I added quickly. He gave me an odd look, but complied.

?Now take a bit of the water and rinse the worst of the piss out of your trousers, then wring them out as best you can? At least that way he wouldn?t smell of piss, and the stain would soon blend back into the dark material. He sat there dumbly waiting for my next instruction ?OK, don?t hang about, get your kecks back on!? He hurried to comply, once again with my eager help as he fumbled with tucking his naked dick back in and buttoning his fly.

?There, that?s better,? I continued in my best motherly fashion ?Now that?ll soon dry off, and no-one?ll be any the wiser? ?Except that the van stinks of piss!? he said despairingly. ?Well, that?s easy - I?ll just pretend it was me and take the blame? I said. ?You don?t have to do that, you know!? ?I know, but they?ll only rib me a bit more over it, I won?t get into any more trouble than I already am.? He looked at me almost gratefully, and said ?How about we splash some water over your trousers, just to make it look realistic?? I had a feeling he was beginning to enjoy our little ruse! ?OK, ?cept I think I can do better than that - I?m still dying for a slash myself, so why don?t I just do what you just did?? He looked at me open-mouthed as I nonchalantly let go right there in front of him, his astonishment turning to an odd sort of fascination as he watched, perhaps for the first time, a grown man piss his pants right before his very eyes - deliberately! Having always been into that sort of thing, it was a real turn-on for me, not only to piss myself in such a ?naughty? place, but also in front of an incredulous audience.

We sat the rest of the time in the van in a somewhat embarrassed silence, and not long after, the rest of the coppers came back and flung open the door ?OK, mate, I hope you?ve had a good time?? ?Still a virgin are you - hope he didn?t give you a HARD TIME!? ?Christ, it smells of piss in here!?

?No, but look what the fucking bastard?s gone and done; he only wanted to take a leak, but there was no way I was going to let a fucking poofter get his dick out while he was handcuffed to me, so he only went and fucking pissed in his pants, didn?t he. Get me uncuffed from this fucker!?

His outburst was hurtfully realistic, but I knew he had to do it. I caught his eye over the head of the copper unlocking the cuffs; there was nothing apologetic in his steely gaze, but I knew that the mere fact he made eye contact with me was enough.

As usual, I got off with a suspended sentence, and I hope that poor young copper never had to go through that sort of humiliation again; but at least it maybe taught him something about showing compassion even for your ?enemies?.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that - and yes, it IS all true; well, apart maybe from the dialogue, which I?ve probably reinvented a bit as I?ve tried to remember it. But this is one story that I have kept in my mind and often brought back to enjoy. On all the demos I?ve been on since, I?ve never bumped into that same young PC again.
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Re: At a demonstration

Post by Lee »

Surprise, Surprise! I'm going to say that's a fantastic story!!

I do remember reading it somewhere a few years back, maybe even on the old board, I can't remember!

I absolutely LOVE the scenario.
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Re: At a demonstration

Post by Brian »

Lee wrote:Surprise, Surprise! I'm going to say that's a fantastic story!!
Amazing. I'd never have dreamt that you'd like it. :lol:
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Re: At a demonstration

Post by zsrh2002 »

Brian this is the story I remember! Thanks for posting! :D
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Re: At a demonstration

Post by Brian »

zsrh2002 wrote:Brian this is the story I remember! Thanks for posting! :D
I'm glad. It's funny how the really great ones from the old boards stick in our collective minds, isn't it?
I wonder if the author's still around. Dusty, if you read this, thanks for a brilliant account. :D
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Re: True Copper Story

Post by Wombat48 »

I would love to believe this was true...,,
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Re: True Copper Story

Post by Brian »

Wombat48 wrote:I would love to believe this was true...,,
You're doubting it? :roll: I must say It rings true to me. Some details have probably been embellished, and the author admits at the end that the dialogue may be inaccurate, but I see no reason to doubt what the author says basically happened. We've all heard about incidents where guys under arrest have peed themselves. Police officers in charge of them will probably have been a lot more careful beforehand, but they do have to pee sometimes too and in situations such as the one outlined in this story (or, of course, the ones which Lee has so often described in his many excellent stories) they must just hold on. If they can. ;)
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Re: True Copper Story

Post by Wombat48 »

It's a great fantasy for sure!!!! :)
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Re: True Copper Story

Post by Sam70 »


Thanks for finding this wonderful true story! There is such goodness and mercy in this story. This is such a beautiful romantic story (from a literary view, not a love story.) That takes some character and real concern for others to think that a grown man pissed his pants on purpose to bail out a rookie cop who would have been humiliated if the other cops found out he had pissed his pants!

We all would be super blessed if we had 10 such guys that are our best friends. To have just 5 best friends who considers my feelings as much as they consider their own feelings if not more is absolutely awesome.

To have a just one friend who would sacrifice himself for me is such a romantic feeling from a literary standpoint, not a s***** relationship. Shouldn't write the word here in Open Forum!

Here we have a lad who is willing to sacrifice his own reputation for another person that he has just met. Just an awesome story!

Again thanks Brian for finding this true story.

I'm finding out that my favorite story here at LP happens to be the last story I read here! Am I the only one?
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