Train journey sighting

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Train journey sighting

Post by ryan1990 »

This sighting happened during the summer of 2018. As with my previous story I have changed the name of the guy involved although in this case I don't actually know him.
As I headed towards the train station, I noticed how busy it was, even for half past five on a Saturday evening. Then as a group of lads passed I realised that the local football team had been playing a rival team from another city. As a result, the station was heaving and there was a heavy police presence. I started to regret my decision to catch the train for a night out with a mate, but I was staying overnight and didn't want to drive back and risk being over the limit the next morning. I'd prebooked my ticket, so collected it from the machine and proceeded to the relevant platform. I didn't realise that the football fans were all heading for my train too until my arrival on the platform. But it made sense. The rival town didn't have a direct train route and so the fans would be heading to the nearest city and then making their onwards journey from there. The train was already packed even though there was a good 10/15 minutes until it was due to leave. At the time the station toilets were not free (this happened sometime in 2019 I think in line with most other stations). This would often put people off using them especially as younger people increasingly don't carry cash.
I boarded the train and as expected it was standing room only. There were a few other people clearly dressed for a night out and lots of football fans. Some of those dressed for a night out clearly got there early as they were seated and enjoying cans of alcohol. As the departure time rapidly approached, more and more football fans got on the train to the point where I was now quite squashed. I wished I has got there earlier and got a seat but anyway I was basically stuck now until people started to get off the train. This particular train only had one stop before the final destination which was around a forty minute journey. I hoped that the football fans would behave as clearly they'd had a few. Being a people watcher I looked around at the various faces I could see. There were lots of younger guys in their early to late twenties with a couple of older ones and a middle aged lady who seemed like she knew how to handle herself. After about twenty minutes I noticed one guy looked a little worried and I swore I caught a glimpse of him holding himself through the pocket of his shorts. The guy was tall, about 6'1" maybe 6'2", slim build and had a slightly gormless look about him, almost like a cross between Peter Crouch and Jamie Vardy (for the football fans). He had on a light blue Adidas t-shirt and grey jogger shorts. Another ten minutes passed and the guy still looked worried, I could also see beads of sweat on his forehead, but it was a warm day not helped by the packed train. I tried not to make it too obvious and kept of looking to see if he was holding himself again but it was difficult to see as there were so many people on the train. A lot of the fans seemed to know each other, presumably as they were regulars at away matches. To my delight the middle aged lady then said to the guy who looked distressed:
"You're quiet Gary, whats up? Those Carlings gone to your head"
"No" he said half laughing "just wish I'd gone the bog before I got on"
"Well there must be toilet on here" said the lady "But I don't fancy your chances of getting through all these people. best just waiting till we're at the station love."
"Yeah" said Gary
"Got a bladder like a kid you Gaz" said one of his mates.
"Why didn't go you in the station Gaz? You mustn't have been for a piss since half time now" said another.
"Carling just goes straight through me" said the third mate "there's no way I was risking it"
"I only had a tenner and you lot didn't have any more change" answered Gary in a sad tone.
"Fucks sake Gaz you coulda gone and bought a burger or something or even a packet of sweets. You're not the brightest spark are you?"
"I didn't think I'd have time, besides I thought I'd be able to go and the train"
I was trying not to watch but I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was now very thankful I'd taken the train. Again I caught a glimpse of Gary with his hand in his pocket, I was sure he was holding himself and he had large sweat patches under his armpits. After another few minutes passed one of his mates said half laughing:
"How you doing Gaz? No puddle yet mate"
"No not yet" replied Gary
"Are you gonna be OK Gaz?" said another "we might have to get off early boys if Gaz is that desperate"
"We can't said another we'll completely miss the connection then we'll be stuck."
"I'll be ok boys" said Gary in a not very reassuring tone.
The train stopped. A handful of people got off but most we're staying on the extra fifteen or so minutes until the city centre. Gary looked as if he was agonising or whether to just get off but with that the doors closed.
"That's it Gaz no going back now mate"
"Maybe you can get through the crowd now some people have got off"
But the train was still packed and we were all squashed like sardines. I was actually surprised by the amount of people the police watched get on. It must have contravened some health and safety regulation.
"No chance, there's barely room to breathe" said the middle aged lady to the group of lads. "You ok Gary love?"
"Yeah just need a wee" said Gary in a very dopey voice which seemed to suit his lanky frame.
"Still can't believe you didn't go at the station Gaz you're such an idiot said one of his mates."
Gary shrugged his shoulders and half smiled whilst still looking worried.
After another few minutes Gary spoke again and this time, his desperation was really obvious
"Boys I'm gonna have to see if I can push through I can't really wait any longer."
"OK Gaz just try pushing through, good luck mate"
"There's no way he'll get through" said the lady rather sternly "boys and alcohol".
With that and unaware I had been listening so intently, the guy next to me, who wasn't with the group said to me "try and move out the way mate, this poor guy needs a piss and can't wait"
With that I stood back, but within seconds it became apparent that Gary wasn't going to be able to get passed the the people who filled the middle aisle of the carriage. He turned back to his mates and squeezed back through:
"No luck Gaz?" one of them enquired.
"No" Gary replied again in a very dopey voice.
"Only ten minutes to go Gaz you can do it"
The other boys seemed to change the subject presumably to try and distract from Gary's predicament. Talk turned instead to a rather large young lady one of them had taken a shine to on holiday. There was lots of banter but Gary remained quiet and was still looking worried and sweating profusely. As I knew the route well I could tell we were about three minutes from the station when gary interrupted the talk of girls and holidays, saying:
"Boys I cant tell you how desperate I am, its literally trying to come out"
I caught one of the lads look down, almost instinctively, presumably to check if Gary was having an accident.
"Chin up Gaz nearly there now, we'll head straight to the bogs"
"I don't even know if I can make it" replied Gary "I don't think I can walk"
"You can't just whip it out on the platform Gaz, you'll get arrested, there'll be coppers everywhere."
"Fucking hell boys I don't think I've ever needed to piss this badly in my life"
"Do we need to pay for the toilets?" asked one of his mates
"Shit yeah we do replied another"
Gary looked like he was about to cry
"Boys have any of you got change. Fuck we don't even know what we need."
I cursed the fact that I couldn't see Gary's grey shorts at this point as he genuinely seemed like he was on the verge of having an accident.
"Here we go" said one of the lads "50P and 20P. All bases covered"
"Thank fuck for that" replied Gary as if the weight of the world had been lifted from him.
"Just gotta find it now"
With that the train stopped. I knew we were almost at the station as I could see other trains, but we'd ground to a halt."
"Fuck what's happening?" said Gary again sounding worried
"We're basically there Gaz" his mate replied "We'll be there in a minute"
"We better be" said Gary
"You OK Gaz" said another mate after a minute or so of silence with the train still at a standstill.
"No" replied Gary sounding almost angry
"Have you erm..... You know...."
"Have you pissed yourself Gaz?" said another mate in amazement and immediately looked down at Gary's shorts "
"No" Said Gary "But I think it's gonna happen if we don't move soon"
All of the boys went quiet again as the realisation set in that there was a real possibility that their friend was going to wet himself on the train.
"That poor guys gonna piss himself" the guy stood next to me said.
"Shit, now wonder he tried to get passed" I replied.
"It's not looking good for him" the guy laughed "too many lagers I reckon, goes straight through you once you've broke the seal."
"Hope he makes it" I replied (secretly overwhelmed by the situation)
"Nah I reckon he's probably done some already"
This phrase fascinated me and I remember it vividly. I wanted to quiz the guy as to what exactly he meant by "done some already." Presumably he meant Gary had already started to leak from the desperation and holding too long. However I just kept quiet and ended the conversation for fear of coming across weird. With that the train started moving
"Fuck" said Gary. In the moment it was hard to decipher if Gary was elated that the train was moving or cursing the fact he'd lost his battle and wet himself.
"You ok Gaz" his mate asked, clearly as unsure as to the meaning of the word as I was.
"Thank fuck for that" said Gaz indicating it was the former rather than the latter.
"Hang on in there lad we're here now"
The train stopped and took a clearly agonising 30 seconds or so before the doors opened and people were able to get off. Gary lept onto the platform closely followed by his mates. I decided before I met my mate I needed to follow the group to see the story to it's conclusion. After all there was still a chance Gary wouldn't make it and would disgrace himself in a packed city centre station. As the boys approached the toilets I could see that a queue had formed. I saw one of Gary's friends go straight to the front of the queue and start speaking to somebody. I joined the back of the queue and can only imagine that Gary's mate was explaining his predicament to the gentleman at the fron and hoping he'd allow Gary to jump the queue. With that Gary's mate called him over and Gary went straight to the front. I was somewhat gutted I wasn't in there to hear Gary's reaction when he finally let it all out. His three mates then joined the queue just behind me with two guys in between us.
"I dont think he'd have made it if he hadn't jumped the queue."
"Thank to you"
"Gaz probably woulda just joined the queue and pissed himself. Dopey twat."
"I really thought he'd done it on the train. Swear down I had to check his shorts weren't wet"
"Imagine it. Pissing yourself on a train. It woulda gone everywhere we'd be standing in it"
The lads all began to laugh uncontrollably at the thought of Gary having an accident in his shorts.
"We'd have to change his name to Pissy Pants"
As I approached the turnstile I saw Gary walking towards me and my eye was immediately drawn to his crotch, he had a small but noticeable (well to me anyway)wet patch about the size of a tea cup on the front of his shorts.
"I've never needed to piss so badly in my life" said Gary to the group "Actually thought I was gonna wet myself"
"I actually thought you had on the train" replied his mate.
And with that, it was my cue to enter through the turnstile. By the time I'd finished Gary was nowhere to be seen. I was somewhat surprised his mates didn't notice the wet spot on his shorts, who knows maybe they did and asked him about it later or maybe they're just not that observant. My theory is that Gary lost control for a few seconds either on the train or during the walk to the toilets. Or perhaps he just thought he'd let a little bit out to relive the pressure?
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Re: Train journey sighting

Post by Brian »

So many exciting moments here!

Like for example when the train stopped at its only intermediate station. What a quandary Gary must have been in then, not knowing whether he would be able to hold on to the end of the journey or whether he'd have to get out and abandon all the plans.

The conversations are brilliant too. Including the one between you and the other guy who wasn't part of Gary's group.

Thanks very much for this account. It's a long read and well worth savouring.
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Re: Train journey sighting

Post by Lee »

That's an amazing sighting and a fantastic write-up. I love the dialogue.
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Re: Train journey sighting

Post by Wombat48 »

So hot!! I wonder at what point he leaked???
Did he run to the toilets from the train?
I witnessed a similar scenario on a tube train to Wembley once 🙂
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Re: Train journey sighting

Post by Fred »

At sports venues everywhere, for every situation that has been observed and recorded there must hundreds of similar scenes. Thousands of young men drinking before, during and/or after the game and then heading for the trains with filling bladders. Long waits for the train and long queues at the toilets - if there are any. Nonfunctioning or inaccessible toilets on the trains. Delays in reaching the destination and once there, perhaps one or two toilets and hundreds bursting for relief. Every week there must be some who are seen taking an illicit piss or with wet pants.
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Re: Train journey sighting

Post by ryan1990 »

Glad you enjoyed it guys!
@ wombat48 I’d say he jogged rather than ran to the toilets. I’d like to think he leak on the train but who knows
@ Fred yes this must be a common scenario (pre Covid of course) - there’s the well documented story of the Leeds fan who wet himself on the way to Wembley. I also remember reading about a Millwall fan who was in a police escort queue and had an accident.
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Re: Train journey sighting

Post by Wombat48 »

ryan1990 wrote: 15 Jan 2021, 17:12 Glad you enjoyed it guys!
@ wombat48 I’d say he jogged rather than ran to the toilets. I’d like to think he leak on the train but who knows
@ Fred yes this must be a common scenario (pre Covid of course) - there’s the well documented story of the Leeds fan who wet himself on the way to Wembley. I also remember reading about a Millwall fan who was in a police escort queue and had an accident.
The Leeds fan story was written by one of our own members I think?
Yes I remember the Millwall fan as well!! 🙂
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Re: Train journey sighting

Post by ryan1990 »

I think I read something about the Millwall fan on Twitter but tried to find it again recently but couldn’t. Actually come to think of it I’m sure I read something about a tranmere fan wetting himself on a bus.
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Re: Train journey sighting

Post by Lee »

Wombat48 wrote: 15 Jan 2021, 18:10
ryan1990 wrote: 15 Jan 2021, 17:12 Glad you enjoyed it guys!
@ wombat48 I’d say he jogged rather than ran to the toilets. I’d like to think he leak on the train but who knows
@ Fred yes this must be a common scenario (pre Covid of course) - there’s the well documented story of the Leeds fan who wet himself on the way to Wembley. I also remember reading about a Millwall fan who was in a police escort queue and had an accident.
The Leeds fan story was written by one of our own members I think?
Yes I remember the Millwall fan as well!! 🙂
I write the Leeds fans story after seeing it reported somewhere.
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Re: Train journey sighting

Post by Brian »

Lee wrote: 15 Jan 2021, 18:58 I write the Leeds fans story after seeing it reported somewhere.
You're always too modest to link to your own stories, but I hope you don't mind if I compensate for your modesty.

Lee's story about the Leeds football fan on the Tube is here, accessible to those with access to our Stronger Interests section.
I first read it years ago and it remains one of the hottest stories I have ever read.
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