Motorway incident

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Motorway incident

Post by ryan1990 »

Hi, first time poster long time lurker here. I wasn't sure whether to post this in sightings or stories as this is a real life account of something that happened with my friends when I was at uni. As it's technically a sighting I thought I'd post here. It happened about 10 years ago. I have changed the names of the guys involved for obvious reasons. Hope you guys enjoy.
At uni I lived in a house with four other guys and we went out a few times, pretty much every week. Sometimes we would venture to other cities for nights out as we all had mates from home who were at other unis. On this occasion we'd been out on the Friday night and were heading home on the Saturday afternoon. I was in the front passenger seat with my mate Luke driving and three other, Dan, Matt and Sam in the back. The journey should have taken just over three hours. The plan was to stop and get some about two thirds of the way up the motorway.
After about an hour and a half of banter Dan asked if we could stop so he could go for a piss, "Dan needs a piss" shouted Matt, followed by "Piss stop Dan" from Sam.
Luke tutted and said "We're not stopping until the services after the airport as planned." Myself, Matt and Sam all started laughing although I was secretly a little excited.
After another 30 minutes or so of banter Dan piped up again "Come on Luke, services 3 miles, please mate I'm bursting here".
"Dan I've told you when we're stopping, you're 20 years old not a kid. Besides the other services are literally half an hour away."
And so we passed the services, Dan had his arms crossed and looked angry whilst Matt and Sam were in fits of laughter.
About five minutes after we passed the services traffic started to slow and all I could see in the distance was stationary cars.
"I told you to stop but no we have to do things you way Luke as usual" shouted Dan.
"Its not looking good for Dannyboy" laughed Sam.
As I looked over my shoulder I could see that Dan, sat in the middle seat, looked genuinely worried. The car went quiet for what seemed like ages.
"I wonder what the problem is" I asked Luke.
"The problem is I need to piss now" replied Dan before Luke could say "It could just be a backlog of traffic for the airport but I've never seen it this bad before"
"I'm gonna have to get out" said Dan.
"You can't" replied Luke "the traffic could start moving any minute and then what? I cant just pull over, we're in the fast lane, besides you can get done for pulling over on the motorway without good reason."
"Isn't trying to avoid a wet seat a decent enough reason?" asked Matt which made me and Sam giggle with laughter.
"No, I mean as in like a flat tyre or something" said Luke "besides Dan's a big lad I'm sure he can hold on a bit longer."
"I'm not" said Sam "He looks like he's gonna burst any second"
At that point I turned round again to see Dan clutching himself with his right hand, his left hand rubbing his face, the sweat was visible on his forehead.
"Dan are you OK?" asked Sam "Have you done it?"
Dan shook his head as Sam replied "Only it smells like.."
"Its just me I've farted" laughed Luke as he opened the window.
"Phew" replied Sam "I thought he might have had an accident"
"I only need a piss thank God" said Dan.
The car in front started to move very slightly then stopped again.
"Luke I really can't hold on any longer you've gotta pull into the other lane"
"The middle lane is not moving at all Dan so it will take even longer to get to the next junction. As soon as we get to that junction I'll pull over and we can stop at the services just before airport. You just hang on in there mate and try not to think about it."
"Try not to think about it! Easy for you to say. Well its your car seat that's gonna need cleaning pal"
"OK OK if you're not gonna make it you're gonna have to go in one of the coke cans" said Matt "You can't piss on Luke's seat mate" said Matt who passed him an empty can of Diet Coke.
"I'm gonna film this for youtube" shouted Sam.
"Sam put your phone away. Don't you think Dan feels humiliated enough without you trying to film him taking a piss said Luke in his usual sensible tone.
Sam put his phone back in his pocket and crossed his arms looking cross.
"How do I even do this?" asked Dan in a frantic tone.
"Either put the can in your shorts or just whip your cock out" replied Matt "we're all lads here it's nothing we've not seen before."
"Yeah I seem to remember you used to whip it out all the time in first year Dan" replied
"Its a bit different when your smashed though" I replied.
I was torn between genuinely feeling sorry for Dan and wanting to see him wet his pants which at the time seemed like an entirely plausible scenario.
As the car slowly moved we saw a sign in the distance stating that the next junction was closed due to an accident and that traffic for the airport was being diverted to the next exit.
"That's it I'm gonna have to use that can" said Dan "There's no way I can hold it with all this traffic, I'm gonna wet myself if I don't do something"
"Dan's gonna piss his pants" screamed Sam in fits of laughter
"Sam this really isn't funny" replied Matt in an unusually serious tone.
"Please don't get my seat wet mate" shouted a worried Luke from the driver's seat "Just do what you gotta do".
"Dan just go in the can before you pee your pants" said Matt in a reassuring tone.
"I know it's not ideal but it'd better than wet shorts Dan" I shouted whilst at the same time imagining just that exact scenario.
"All this talk of pissing is making me need a piss. I might need an empty can myself soon" said Sam.
"Not you as well" replied Luke "It's like driving a bunch of children."
"Right I can't hold on any longer" said Luke who sounded like he was almost about to cry "I cant tell if it's just sweat or piss but my boxers are damp. Can you look away while I'm doing it lads?"
I turned round for one more look at Luke, there was no sign he'd started to wet himself but he was wearing navy blue Nike football shorts which wouldn't really have shown it anyway. If only he'd been wearing grey joggers like Sam sat next to him they might have shown something.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see in the rear view mirror that Dan had put the can into his loose blue shorts then came the sound of the piss hitting the can.
"Its full get me another one" said Dan frantically
I passed him my almost empty can before I had chance to finish it.
"Matt take the can" asked Dan
"I'm not touching your can of warm piss mate" replied Matt
"Matt take the can if I put it down it goes everywhere and I'm not done said Dan angrily
Matt begrudgingly took the can off him.
"Eugh its warm. Warm piss. Thanks Dan. Thanks a lot."
Dan snatched the empty can out of my hand and put it down his shorts again.
As Dan finished his piss he shouted "Relief"
"Thank God for that" said Sam "lets hope I don't need to use one too I'm pretty desperate now too."
"Your seat might have escaped unscathed Luke but that's more than I can say for my boxers."
I turned round to see Dan lifting up his shorts inspecting his underwear as Matt and Sam roared with laughter.
"Might have to put my jeans on when we finally get to the services" said Dan "Oh and change my boxers, I'll have to put last night's ones on"
Eventually we arrived at the services as planned. Sam ran as quickly as he could disappearing into the building whilst Dan opened the boot and grabbed his backpack which contained his clothes from the previous night. By this point we all needed a piss so the rest of us headed into the toilets. Sam was already at one of the urinals taking a much needed piss and began to laugh as Dan entered.
"Good job we had them empty cans Dan or your shorts would've taken a right soaking" he said giggling.
"He didn't completely escape" said Luke in an unusually jovial tone "I think his undies might take a while to dry"
Last edited by ryan1990 on 11 Jan 2021, 15:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Motorway incident

Post by Brian »

Brilliantly told. Very exciting to read.
Thanks for registering and immediately writing such a vivid account for all of us.
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Re: Motorway incident

Post by Wombat48 »

Brilliant!! Absolutely my favourite situation! Love motorway desperation situations 😏
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Re: Motorway incident

Post by Lee »

What an experience! Superbly well told.
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Re: Motorway incident

Post by Fred »

A great transcript of the event! I would commend Dan for holding on for another 30 minutes after complaining he needed to piss.
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Re: Motorway incident

Post by bearshel »

Welcome, Ryan, thank for sharing that awesome experience. Any chance you could describe Dan for us, if you're comfortable doing that?
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Re: Motorway incident

Post by ryan1990 »

Thanks for the repsonses, I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it.

And in response to bearshel, Dan is about 5'10" tall, slim/average build and very "boy next door" looking. He probably would have had quite a good body as he was a keen footballer but his love of football was outweighed by his love of booze back in our uni days! He was what I'd call "skinny fat". He's actually got a better body now despite being ten years older as he doesn't drink as much. Dan's very much a mans man not a metrosexual. On the day in question he was wearing blue Nike football shorts (he wore football shorts almost all the time regardless of the weather), a black Nike hoodie and white Adidas trainers. I also know he was wearing grey Primark boxers, having lived with him I know they would have been grey Jersey loose fit ones not the tighter fit that most guys wear today (this was ten years ago remember). He always bought all his undies and socks from Primark and thought guys who wore Calvins and other such designer underwear were being ripped off.
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Re: Motorway incident

Post by Brian »

One thing that fascinates me about your account is the fact that Dan asked Luke to stop at an earlier service station for a pee but Luke refused.

Can I ask what you think made Luke refuse? I'm wondering if Luke tended to dominate Dan in some subtle way, or if Luke was generally a dominant person or if Dan was someone who let himself get bulldozed by other people. I did note in your account that Dan said that they had to do things Luke's way "as usual". It's an interesting dynamic. I find it fascinating that Luke felt able to refuse Dan's request like that.
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Re: Motorway incident

Post by bearshel »

ryan1990 wrote: 11 Jan 2021, 16:06 Thanks for the repsonses, I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it.

And in response to bearshel, Dan is about 5'10" tall, slim/average build and very "boy next door" looking. He probably would have had quite a good body as he was a keen footballer but his love of football was outweighed by his love of booze back in our uni days! He was what I'd call "skinny fat". He's actually got a better body now despite being ten years older as he doesn't drink as much. Dan's very much a mans man not a metrosexual. On the day in question he was wearing blue Nike football shorts (he wore football shorts almost all the time regardless of the weather), a black Nike hoodie and white Adidas trainers. I also know he was wearing grey Primark boxers, having lived with him I know they would have been grey Jersey loose fit ones not the tighter fit that most guys wear today (this was ten years ago remember). He always bought all his undies and socks from Primark and thought guys who wore Calvins and other such designer underwear were being ripped off.
He sounds like a great lad! Thanks for the description
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Re: Motorway incident

Post by ryan1990 »

Hi Brian
It's interesting you should ask that as I'd actually say ordinarily Dan was far more dominant than Luke. They were complete opposites - like one extreme to the other. Luke was the most mature out of us all, very methodical, always doing rotas etc. He was almost slightly OCD in as much as once he had a plan he would stick to it. In Luke's head Dan was a grown man, there was no way he was going to wet himself. Dan on the other hand was the most immature out of the five of us. He never planned in advance, and always took the piss out of Luke calling him an old man. We all got on and there was never any real tension between us.
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