Please introduce yourselves

An area to discuss sightings and other observations. No sexual references please, there is the Stronger Interests section for that.
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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by Wombat48 »

Hi BobBob

Welcome! Good to see new people joining! I hope that you enjoy the site and I look forward to reading your posts 🙂
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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by Def123 »

Hi BobBob and welcome!!
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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by Dazza88 »

Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy 😉
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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by ThePTNN202 »


New, old, ally here. I think I’m just a refugee from lock-down (not from tumblr, I was never on it), extra free time has led me to re-investigate some neglected ‘interests’, one leading me here. Old in that I’m middle age but have been ‘interested’ for a good 20 years at least and would have been a lurker on some of the various old no longer existent sites and groups at some point, so some of the content here seems familiar.

Sorry for long intro, only just joined and a bit conflicted, still trying to figure out exactly where I fit.

The obvious. I enjoy men pissing, peeing, doing wees, especially marking walls, fences, urinals etc., and my experiences/observations lead me to believe it is not an entirely uncommon ‘interest’, even if maybe a bit taboo, for men of all types. The aftermath is equally as ‘interesting’ as the action for me. I enjoy seeing results: Urinals with the previous guy's wee on them, puddles in car-parks or on pavements and piss-marks on walls, fences and other surfaces. Also satisfying to reciprocate, leaving my own mark in the hope that another man might even get a bit of enjoyment from it. Consider something like “supertheo6000” (that’s the most obvious one I can think of that I assume most here would be familiar with) as a benchmark, it is really very tame but still fun/sexy all the same.

I do enjoy mild desperation and holding it in, but I’m not into wetting, which I know is also a feature of this forum. I can understand the appeal, but only when entirely consensual and controlled or fictional. I sometimes hold on and do a nice big beer-piss at the end, a beer-piss just feels better, less inhibited, I guess being slightly drunk probably heightens the experience in some way too. Observations of guys at pubs/bars holding off visiting the bathroom, sometimes even openly talking among mates about varying levels of 'needing to go', 'holding it in' (and how long they've been holding for) right through to blatant 'I'm busting for a piss' (while continuing to drink or even jiggling around in a bit of a 'piss dance') are fun for example, as willing participation or even some level of satisfaction is reasonably assumed, there's little explanation for holding other than conscious choice with a bathroom right there and available whenever needed. It is fun when a ‘holder’ finally goes or even better simply leaves without ever having visited the bathroom and promptly does a huge piss in an alley, on the pavement, on a fence, on a tree in the park or up a wall nearby. To be honest, these are my favourite types of scenarios, and they do not really appear to be uncommon, I’ve observed so many men (who I otherwise wouldn’t even expect) participate to some extent and speculate that a lot of them actually gain some satisfaction from it. I would suspect some like this may be in a forum such as this one.

Enjoy observing different male pissing styles and habits: Spread-legs stances, distance and power-pisses, painting or directing streams in a big arc/rainbow shape leaving a big impressive mark. I’ve observed uninhibited men sometimes even seem to enjoy putting on a bit of a ‘display’ partaking in some of the suggestions above, and even otherwise modest men sometimes ‘go for it’ when in safe company.

On re-investigating this interest I recently started joining some other sites, they ones I’m sure everyone knows, and may even be on, but that are beyond the scope of this group. My conflict comes from a lot of those sites catering to more ‘explicit interests’ that naturally come with considerable crossover into other more ‘extreme’ and ‘dirty’ activities (and this is in no way meant to begrudge anyone who does enjoy those, it’s all good, I just don’t get anything out of it myself). So while I’ve found enjoyable content, it mostly comes with a need to filter a lot of associated content which is not enjoyable, and there’s limited scope to actually share experiences and stories, they are just photo/video sites. Similarly, I worry that what I contribute there may be uninteresting or even boring for the majority of members who are used to more explicit stuff. So I’m pleased to have found this group, it looks to fit somewhat.

Anyway, I’ll probably start adding some thoughts and comments on old threads as I read through them and I’ve got some initial ‘sightings’ ready to post, which better indicate what I enjoy. If they’re deemed appropriate and people here enjoy them, I’ve got more I can post over time.

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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by ThePTNN202 »

Sam70 wrote: 17 Apr 2020, 09:13 Yes! Welcome Indeed!

Desperation is a major turn on for all members whose posts I have read. Some are not so turned on when a lad loses control of his bladder.

For me I can get turned on by a lad pissing his pants if it is a little embarrassing as long as he is not humiliated. I can't get aroused when lad is totally humiliated and has emotional trauma.

The "really" fake cases where a lad has to get permission to use the toilet and is denied resulting in an accident is a major turn on if the lad is a willing participant in a voluntary game. And the lad is also clearly aroused by the game. At the same time, all games should have a safe word that ends the game in a second and no explanation is needed.

It makes a major difference if the story where a lad pisses his pants is fiction or real. A lot of fiction stories involving desperation and losing control of the bladder is arousing. But it the same basic story really happened to someone, then that story is not nearly as arousing. For some here any true story about a lad losing control of his bladder is never arousing.

There is a true story about a lad getting desperate going to a ball game. The tube came to a halt for enough time for the lad to get extremely desperate. The lad pissed his pants. He was in agony. Evidence was given as to how traumatized the lad became. His entire trip to see his favorite team play was totally ruined.

Instead of getting aroused, I became angry because a real person has been traumatized! The police were there and did not find away for the lad to save the day. There may have not been a way for the police to save that lad's dignity. Somehow, I expected the police to be able to save the lad's dignity. This story made international news. I don't believe his name was given, but I suspect that his entire world learned of his mishap.

There is a story here that is totally fiction. It is similar. A lad does piss his pants on the tube or what ever the public transportation is called in London. His friends bail him out and this fiction story leads the reader to believe that the lad was able to make the day OK! No trauma! This fiction story is very arousing to me!

Hope this tale of two lads pissing his pants on the London transportation service makes sense!

Also, here in the land of the Internet, we are all the same age and have the same rank unless we are administrators or moderators. If a member is 20 years older than you, that doesn't make him some kind of elder who has some kind of power over you.

I haven't told my age on the public forum because I want the other members to make me be the age they want me to be. To me we are all totally equal to each other.

And even more importantly, not one single cross word have I found written anywhere at this forum since I joined!

Respect is the most valuable thing we all have to offer to each other! Everything else pales compared to respect!

Again welcome! Looking forward to many posts by you. Add your thoughts to any thread that you wish to contribute. I look forward to reading what you have to write!
Follow up post to my introduction, this mirrors to some extent my own feelings/boundaries and is why I posted as ‘still trying to figure out where I fit in’. I’m too new here and haven’t read enough previous posts to completely appreciate and understand if this is the ‘right’ place but I feel more confident about this type of response.

I quickly browsed through some sightings and stories, common themes obviously sometimes involving men needing to use or requesting to use facilities in various situations and predicaments. I’ll probably post my specific thoughts on those stories in time as well. I appreciate when there is mutual willing and consensual participation from all parties with a means to end at any point, or in a fictional setting, denial of that request or need can be fun and lead to a pleasurable fantasy. The line though, for me, is a man unwillingly in considerable discomfort, or worse even, a painful / humiliating situation not of his own making with some authority having the power to address the situation but neglecting or refusing to do so. It is no longer fun then, and I might actually consider any perpetrators of that situation to in fact be cruel. So I’m OK with more extreme situations between consenting parties or being presented as fiction, even if it’s not my main interest, but I’m not OK with a real person being traumatized as you’ve very well put it.

This might explain better why the situations at the pub given as examples in my intro represent the main level of my interest, even if that’s really tame compared to what others enjoy. In those situations everyone can be reasonably assumed a voluntary and willing participant, facility access is not being denied, no power being overstepped or harm inflicted.

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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by Dazza88 »

Hey fella

welcome to the forum. At the end of the day people are very different creatures and life would be really bloody boring if we were all the same. Even within this kind of fetish. Myself for example, I enjoy seeing guys desperate in public close to humiliating themselves and in some cases, completely humiliating themselves. To say your likes are tame is all relative. To a watersport fanatic, what I enjoy is tame. There are a number of posts on the site you might enjoy and I hope you enjoy your stay :)
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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by Wombat48 »

Hi welcome 🙂
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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by pguy691 »

Hi everyone, I have been lurking for a while and thought I should finally take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Pete and I am in the UK. My background is a little different to a lot of you, I suspect. I have been a lover of female desperation and peeing for as long as I can remember, and that, without question, is still my biggest interest. I would previously described myself as 100% straight, although recently, I would maybe say I have been a little "bi-curious".

Anyway, my love of desperation has led to many searches for such material, and one of those searches brought me here. Without question, the biggest interest for me is the desperation, and the more extreme the better. I prefer real, "caught short" desperation, rather than holding, and, although wetting isn't really my thing, I do like that too as long as it is accidental. If you love desperation, then you come to accept that from time to time, accidents are going to happen.

Desperation fiction and experiences are something that I particularly enjoy, and there are some superb stories on here, particularly those from Lee. I have a few experiences of my own that I will be happy to share over the coming months.

I am still unsure in myself about my feelings towards the male side of the "fetish", but I am loving what I am seeing so far. Is anyone else into female desperation too, or am I a bit unusual for loving both?

Anyway, I'm rambling now, so yeah, that's me. Inbox is always open if anyone wants to chat. I would love to get to know a few of you as time goes on, and I can't wait to delve deeper into my new found fantasies. Feel free to ask me anything.
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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by Brian »

Thanks for introducing yourself Pete. You have indeed been around a while and it's great to hear from you now. :D
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Re: Please introduce yourselves

Post by Dazza88 »

Hey fella welcome to the forum

I can understand where you are coming from, being bisexual this fetish is something that I love seeing in both male and female.

Hope you enjoy your time here ;)
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