Briefer Sightings

An area to discuss sightings and other observations. No sexual references please, there is the Stronger Interests section for that.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Def123 »

Cycling home yesterday I went past a lay-by on the opposite side of the road, there was a small white van parked up with a guy stood by the front off side corner, with his phone in his hands which he was obviously concentrating on. He was square on to me as I approached but had his back to the traffic on his side of the road (which was busier).

I though maybe he had broken down or something, it didn’t look like he had a cigarette in his hand or anything else etc. As I got nearer I realised the real reason for being stopped there was that he had his dick hanging out of the front of his shorts and was pissing non-handed onto the tarmac in front of his van! 😬

Some good multi tasking! I’d love to know if holding the phone was just ‘cover’ for taking a piss, or if he’d had to let go of himself to attend to his phone!

I’m not sure if he saw me or not either, he didn’t appear to notice me, maybe he likes showing off 😬😬
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Brian »

Since it's been a bit quiet round here recently, here's an ancient memory from when I still lived in England and was a student in Birmingham.

I spent my first year in digs, living in a room in the home of a family. The two offspring of the family were young adults, about 22 and 18, but still lived there in their parents' home. Occasionally the parents would both go away for a day or two, and their daughter and son would take advantage of that by holding a huge party for their friends in the house without their parents' knowledge. These parties were invariably rowdy and noisy, and not being quite the party type myself I spent the time cowering in my room upstairs while it was all going on.

It was a nuisance of course, but as compensation I could listen for the inevitable results of all those young men needing to let all the beer out the other end urgently in a situation where the single bathroom struggled to cope with the numbers of people!

The most memorable thing I heard was a masculine bellow from outside the bathroom: "Hurry up in there, I can't wait!" I was too shy to go out of my room and investigate, but that shout certainly fueled my imagination!

And on another occasion, I had actually gone to bed with the party still in full swing downstairs, when my door suddenly opened and the light was turned on. There stood a young man, maybe about 20 years old, wearing casual clothing including the light blue coloured jeans which were fashionable at the time (1982/83). He looked around in confusion, saw me in bed, looked very embarrassed, and said "Is this the toilet?" As he said this, he leant back against the wall and wrapped one leg around the other. I've never forgotten that desperation stance as I saw it then! I considered answering "Does it look like it?" or something similarly sarcastic, but in fact I behaved myself and gave him directions to where he obviously desperately needed to go. :lol:
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Fred »

I remember college beer parties like that, with only one bathroom available. It's the guys who tended to have more problems because they drank more beer and were more likely to wait until they were bursting to find a place to pee. And one more factor: girls would crowd into the bathroom in pairs and groups whereas guys would consider that as "gay".

Once the neighbors reported a party to the police there would often be a cruiser parked right outside, which limited opportunities to pee in the yard.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by theavman92 »

Last edited by primary on 01 Oct 2019, 18:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Fred »

When you are at a stranger's house, it's awkward to ask to use their bathroom! Your choice then is to improvise or hold it.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Brian »

Yes, that would be awkward, especially in that situation. The stranger might have said something like "Well, make me an offer for the car first which I can agree to, then you can use my bathroom." :roll:
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Lee »

I’ve been extremely busy recently so haven’t had time to report these two but here goes...

A few weeks back I was at a football match in Sussex and after the game I went into the club bar where there was a toilet. It had been a cold afternoon and I needed a pee, although not badly but I thought I’d go before the journey back. When I got to the toilet there was an outer door and when I opened it, the queue was stretching back from the urinals. I joined it and very quickly it extended through the outer door and back into the bar. I was about four or five from the urinals when I heard a voice behind me in the queue say “For Christ’s sake, don’t anyone turn a tap on ... otherwise there’ll be a tap running right here.” I looked around and there was a guy probably about late twenties/thirty, standing with his legs pressed tightly together and jigging up and down. A few of us looked at him and he grinned, which made me think that maybe he was just joking.

About a minute or so later I was almost at the urinals when I heard a voice right behind me say “Oh cheers mate, I was literally about to piss myself!” It was the same guy and someone had let him jump in front of him so that he could use one of the cubicles which had just become vacant. He went in and there were a few titters as we could all hear him groaning in ecstasy.

I didn’t see what had happened to prompt someone to let him go ahead but I wonder what whoever it was saw or heard?

The second one was very very odd indeed. I was in East London working and one lunchtime I popped to the nearby shopping centre, primarily to get something to eat, but I ended up looking at some clothes in a River Island fashion store. As I was looking at the suits section, I noticed a young guy, early to mid twenties, looking at the shoes. He was in a smart navy blue suit and had obviously come from one of the nearby offices. Suddenly he spotted a sales assistant and called him over, handed him a black shoe and said “Have you got this in a size nine, mate?”. The assistant disappeared into the back room leaving the suited lad to continue picking up other shoes and looking at them. He soon returned with a box of, presumably sized nines, handed them over and waited whilst the lad took his own shoe off and tried the new one on. He walked up a down a couple of times, then said, “What about this one” and plucked another style of shoe off the shelf and handed it to the assistant.

But as the assistant went to go and check, the lad suddenly said, “Oh actually, don’t worry about. I’m busting for the toilet. There’s not one here, is there?” The assistant shook his head and the lad replied, “It’s okay, I’ll come back another time, I’m going to wet meself otherwise!” At which point he kicked the new shoe off, slipped his foot back into his own shoe and said, “Thanks for that, mate” and left the shop.

What was that all about? He was gone so quickly I hardly saw where he went.
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Fred »

Lee wrote: 11 Dec 2018, 21:36 The second one was very very odd indeed. I was in East London working and one lunchtime I popped to the nearby shopping centre, primarily to get something to eat, but I ended up looking at some clothes in a River Island fashion store. As I was looking at the suits section, I noticed a young guy, early to mid twenties, looking at the shoes. He was in a smart navy blue suit and had obviously come from one of the nearby offices. Suddenly he spotted a sales assistant and called him over, handed him a black shoe and said “Have you got this in a size nine, mate?”. The assistant disappeared into the back room leaving the suited lad to continue picking up other shoes and looking at them. He soon returned with a box of, presumably sized nines, handed them over and waited whilst the lad took his own shoe off and tried the new one on. He walked up a down a couple of times, then said, “What about this one” and plucked another style of shoe off the shelf and handed it to the assistant.

But as the assistant went to go and check, the lad suddenly said, “Oh actually, don’t worry about. I’m busting for the toilet. There’s not one here, is there?” The assistant shook his head and the lad replied, “It’s okay, I’ll come back another time, I’m going to wet meself otherwise!” At which point he kicked the new shoe off, slipped his foot back into his own shoe and said, “Thanks for that, mate” and left the shop.

What was that all about? He was gone so quickly I hardly saw where he went.
Although some may think it odd that a young fellow would go shoe shopping when he apparently needed an urgent pee, I've seen others of that age - and even older - do much the same. Those that think they have iron bladders often ignore the signals, fully confident that a toilet will magically appear when necessary. In this case, the lad suddenly realized that he was mortal and would have to find a toilet at once or face the consequences. Good sighting!
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by Wombat48 »

I love the first scenario! The 2nd is a bit strange?
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Re: Briefer Sightings

Post by bodgyuk »

Maybe his thought process was, I can't just go into a shop and ask if they have a public toilet, so I'll pretend I want to buy something and maybe they'll let a prospective customer use theirs.
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